Yeah I sure have a lot of fun with the vids. I watch some of the first ones and cringe. Can tell I was afraid.
Optic cup is 3 giveaways. Most grams per watt wins Optic6.
Best video gets Optic4.
Best pic wins Optic1 hanging kit and 3 Optic1's. I want to win all three.
Only reason I'm running photos this Grow is I think I can pull 2-3 pounds off the 6. Gonna take 12-15 doll clones from the top of the plants. Run 9 in a 4/4 tray. See what it can yield. I'm gonna push it. The 2gal is 140 dry. I left 20 on the table by not watering a 3rd time a day. She didn't finish super hard this time.
Yeah if ya wanna be lazy then get for big pots. If you can manage to just look after your girls all the time. Smaller pot filled with the exact same amount of roots will grow just as big a plant. Will just need to be fed more often.
I remember the sky Stomper. Looked like quality smoke. I agree maybe lose 10gr a plant drying it out and flushing for a long time but worth it in the smoke and THC.
Gotta grow some Dope Den this run. But I do have.
Could mix a few in.
Also I have a problem. Here it is.
those are from the first two grows.
got those a few weeks back.
still have these from Dope Den like 200 seeds there.
just got these the other day. There all photos. Some killer strains too. I need to build that other room.