Blazinjones's Hydro - Ebb 'n Flow - Grow Journal - 2016


Hi every1 back wit sum pics this 1 still havn issues wit Yellowing of leaves

Yes and no I'm Guna take sum pics b4 I turn the light on so u can c them the right way but I'm wondering y the ph is always hi n I hav to use a lot of ph down n my res. Always has this foamy bubbly shit floating on top of the water I'm wondering y is the ph always hi n is tht foamy shit bad r wat is it from
Yes and no I'm Guna take sum pics b4 I turn the light on so u can c them the right way but I'm wondering y the ph is always hi n I hav to use a lot of ph down n my res. Always has this foamy bubbly shit floating on top of the water I'm wondering y is the ph always hi n is tht foamy shit bad r wat is it from

What are you using for nutrients and additives (please list everything!)?

In hydro, PH will almost always drift up over time. I tend to set PH to around 5.5 and then let it drift up to about 6.0-6.2, then PH it back down again. This allows the plant to absorb nutrients at a wide PH range.

However, perhaps you're using something not meant for hydro or have some other issue that's causing bacterial growth? Some products are not meant to be used a reservoir that has an air stone and some shouldn't be used in any res at all!
I'm using fox farm nutes n they r as follows big bloom, tiger bloom, kangaroots, microbe brew, and open sesame I did use grow big once but I relized tht was not 4 hydro even tho I orders a hydro kit or at least that wat the site said but once I figured out tht1wasnt a hydro nute I stoped usen it n rinsed n cleand out the res. N didn't use tht1 again
I'm using fox farm nutes n they r as follows big bloom, tiger bloom, kangaroots, microbe brew, and open sesame I did use grow big once but I relized tht was not 4 hydro even tho I orders a hydro kit or at least that wat the site said but once I figured out tht1wasnt a hydro nute I stoped usen it n rinsed n cleand out the res. N didn't use tht1 again

OK...I'll check them for you, but I would cut out the Microbe Brew ASAP. Microbes are for soil.
OK...I'll check them for you, but I would cut out the Microbe Brew ASAP. Microbes are for soil.

Apparently Microbe Brew is OK in hydroponics, but I'll get back to this in a few minutes. ;)
Apparently Microbe Brew is OK in hydroponics, but I'll get back to this in a few minutes. ;)

OK...I had to take a few minutes since I'm wasn't familiar with the FoxFarm line. It seems to me that for Hydroponics, you should be using as your base the GrowBig, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. FoxFarm calls this their "Liquid Nutrient Trio Hydroponic Formula".

It does say that the Microbe Brew and Kangaroots (both of these are "additives") are OK with hydro, but both contain concentrated microbes which, I personally do NOT recommend for hydro since you're basically breeding bacteria in your res (even if some, or hopefully all, is "beneficial" bacteria!).

Since those additives aren't necessary, you may want to try a res fill without them and see what happens to the PH and the foam on top of the res. Assuming they both get better and you want to address your roots, there are some products specifically designed for hydro like Dutch Master's Zone and Advanced Nutrients VooDoo Juice that may give better results without the foam.

Anyone using FoxFarms for hydro, please feel free to chime in! :)
Ok thanx man I really appreciate all the help Mr. Krip and from every one on this site I'm really greatful for this site since start hydro it's been tough but fun learn in all this info for a new setup ok nw back 2 business lol do u think I shud stay wit fox farm or buy new stuff cuz I jus dropd almost 100 bux getn this nute pack lol n 2 combat the foam shud I change out the res more or leave it is it fine I'm nt sure what exactly I shud do
Ok thanx man I really appreciate all the help Mr. Krip and from every one on this site I'm really greatful for this site since start hydro it's been tough but fun learn in all this info for a new setup ok nw back 2 business lol do u think I shud stay wit fox farm or buy new stuff cuz I jus dropd almost 100 bux getn this nute pack lol n 2 combat the foam shud I change out the res more or leave it is it fine I'm nt sure what exactly I shud do

It seems to me that you're only missing the GrowBig which are the "veg nutes". There's NO Nitrogen in the Big Bloom, which is also used during veg. Here's what FoxFarms says:

Hydro tip: Beginning the first week, use 2-3 teaspoons [of Grow Big] per gallon. Maintain pH between 5.8 and 6.3. When plants show their first sign of flowering, usually around week 5, switch to Tiger Bloom® and Big Bloom®. For a Hydroponic Feeding Schedule go here.

This is the feeding schedule you should be using:

As for the foam, see my last post. Even though the FF feeding schedule linked above will include the microbial stuff, you may want to try a fresh res without it and see if the situation improves. If it does, those other additives aren't needed, but there are other non-microbial ways (I mention a couple in the last post!) to deal with root health, if you want to add them, including H2O2 which, however, will kill microbes and should only be used with synthetic (non-organic) nutes.
Ok so I jus did a flush of the res N changed all water n no mutes n the ph is 5.5 n 208 ppm and temp is 79.5 my new ppm reader does temp as well but yea I'll jus keep folowing tht above mentioned schedule
I have grow big but its not the hydro bottle I got the f2f dirty dozen hydro pack n tht send me the wrong one jus the one bottle tht needed 2b specifically 4 hydro they mess up n send the wrong 1
take the plants out put them in soiless (coco fiber 50/50) and do a drain to waste get familiar with your nute set up.
go by a little 20 dollar swimming pol and put the plants in there let them drain and get a good idea for what or how your nutes work. then move to hydro, your ph is always going to fluctuate because of the style of system and your bio semi organic nutrient. if you do a top feed and have it drain into your res your minimizing your collection that is gathering on your table (ie salts, bio, bacteria) if you so choose to stay hydro, other then that use there 3pt system an don't add all the crap until you have a good root base. check your res temps too to minimized rot possibilities.
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