Black pepper a cure for cannabis related anxiety?

I agree Weasel. I grind fresh each time and dump into my ashtray or abv jar. Vaping straight rosin from the Agent Orange seems to get me the most anxious. I think it's because it's strength. It's a dative functional buzz from the buds. From the rosin it's a shoot me up to the edge of the envelope buzz. I feel like I just vaped a citrus flavored energy drink. It has me vibrating and for me that leads to a bit of anxiety.

I have been letting the anxious feeling Coke on a bit more before using the pepper. All in the name of science. And each time I have the pepper it helps bring me down while keeping me high. The one time I did not use pepper I got anxious for sure and paranoid thoughts crept in. Hate that feeling. Just wanted to make sure the pepper was doing something. I am convinced more and more.

JB I grind and put my nose right on the edge of the grinder right after. I take long slow breaths in through my nose for about 6-8 seconds. About three times. And then dump the pepper and start over when I get the feeling again. About ten minutes after usually. Sometimes I just do it when I feel my heart start to race. JB what I would really like to do is get the d-limonene, lavender oil, and black pepper oil and dissolve them in beeswax. I would then fill up one of those rubber concentrate screw together tubs that are about 1.5 inches in diameter. Heck I should do it and sell it to dispensaries lol. "Shiggs Anti Freak Salve"
I'd like to say that I also grind fresh per few long inhalations. I'm not close enough to sneeze but I let the aroma fill my nose, and brain. I've been doing this for quite awhile now (always succeeds at removing my anxiety) and I actually find that I need to use it less and less as I don't get panicky even half as much as I did for the last 25 years or so, I'll only use it now maybe one grind in 5 smoking days instead of everyday.

One other thing too. My 19 year old daughter suffers anxiety a lot (she doesn't smoke cannabis) and after a particularly bad attack a couple of weeks ago I ground some fresh pepper and asked her to sniff out of my hand whilst refusing to tell her what it was (she said it smelled like pepper and I just smiled). 5 minutes later she was sat chatting calmly and stated that she was the least anxious she had been in years. Placebo? Maybe (although everyone knows my thoughts that this is not a placebo). Did it work? Damn right it did! I told her what it was and why it should work the day after and she has only had one panic attack since, which again was quickly rectified by this super little cannacompanion :)
A full blown test yesterday. I took one of my prerolled cones from the MOTM contest and used the Space Case grinder to grind a mix of HK#3 (pineberry pheno) and HK#11(lavender coffee hash pheno), filled the cone up and packed it with the included plastic straw. Pretty easy actually. Lit her up and smoked it all. Let me tell ya the smoke was so sweet it tasted like someone actually wet the paper and let it dry with sugar water. You could lick your lips and taste lavender berry sugar on them.

Well 2/3 of the way through I really started feeling the waves. You know what I mean I am sure. The waves became very up, mental waves that were a bit amphetamine like and settled into fuzzy vibratory fingertips. My head was very buzzy but clear. But then, those thoughts started creeping in. "Why do I post on a 420 site?" "Why am I posting pics?" "Who am I really?" "Whats going on?" "Why do I need a drink of water so bad?" " oh man why am I posting on 420 maaaaaaaaaaag?????????" and so forth. The panic began to build and I was definitely in that Uh-oh zone. I was flippin' and not very happy about it. Getting that ugh feeling and wanting out.

I purposely let it develop a bit further although my anxious mind was questioning why the hell I would want to do that? So I dumped out my pepper grinder and ground a fresh batch of pepper with the lid on, then flipped it back over and opened the lid. I brought it up to my nose and took a few full deep breaths. I got a little relief but it wasn't cutting it. Grind grind...snifffffffffff Ok, just temporarily ok for 3 seconds and back to full on heart race. I was panicking a bit. It wasn't going to work "WHY DO I BELIEVE THAT PEPPER IS GOING TO DO A FRIGGEN THING??????" calm down boy, chill man. dump, grind grind, sniiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffff... wait...wait...heart coming down, sniiiiiffffffff. it working? hold on. Its working. Sniiiiifffffff. ah yes thank God, it is working. It really is working. smooth it out bro. smoooth it. Whew. I can see clearly now. I am enjoying the buzz. The last long sniffs were breaths of fresh air and my heart is calm. I am smiling and enjoying the experience. I look at the clock. Its been about 5 minutes from first panicked sniff to now. That's all? 5 minutes?Whew, thank you pepper thank you Beta Caryophellene.

What did I learn?
1. Don't let yourself go too far before taking the first sniff of pepper.
2. If at first you don't succeed, grind, sniff again.
3. Its working before you realize it and suddenly you realize you are ok.
4. Everyone needs to grow Dynasty Huckleberry Kush. It is some fantastic stuff.
Ha ha.:rofl: That's an awesome description. Oh paranoia... I relate waaaay too much. Paranoia over posting here is high on the list of panicky thoughts that worm right to the center of my brain and make me ready to climb the walls in terror. In future we will be able to buy 420 brand pepper grinders. Free ones mailed out to every new member. After you PM them your home address, phone number, and email address of course...
Ha ha.:rofl: That's an awesome description. Oh paranoia... I relate waaaay too much. Paranoia over posting here is high on the list of panicky thoughts that worm right to the center of my brain and make me ready to climb the walls in terror. In future we will be able to buy 420 brand pepper grinders. Free ones mailed out to every new member. After you PM them your home address, phone number, and email address of course...

:rofl: that last sentence had me spitting out my water Weaselcracker!

It is experiences like last night that really have me believing it is more than a placebo. At the moment of absolute crisis I had the belief that it just wasnt going to work this time. But I kept trying and it did. And when it did work it was like I was walking out of a fog right into a sunny field filled with daisies. It was akin to being under water and running out of air to suddenly realize you are at the surface with the warm sun beading down on your face. Amazing really. Just amazing.
Yeah- the mind is a fickle thing. When you're hot you can't remember what cold feels like. I remember being in tropical countries laying naked spread eagled on a bare bed (sorry for the horrible image) with a ceiling fan going full blast above me, sweating like a pig and too hot to sleep- trying to imagine what it would be like to be nestled up at home under some nice covers with some cool air blowing across my face.
Then where I live now I spend half my time freezing my ass off wishin I could go lay on a beach in the sun somewhere hot. Can't remember quite what that feels like, except it was nice.
It's like that. We are adaptable creatures. Once the paranoia dissipates- I move on and don't think about it. It's gone, melted away.

I can't see it being a placebo effect. I suppose it could be easily tested though- if we could figure out a way to make the placebo substance and the pepper match well enough so people couldn't differentiate.
In all the years of crazy stupid fucking experiences I had and horrible situations I got myself into, huddled with chattering teeth in a corner being devoured by mind numbing fear, I never successfully 'wished it away'.
I was involved in some peaceful protests against the Iraq war post 911, and then 'realized' that I'd stuck my neck out way too far and the American government was going to come after me and lay complete waste to my life. Scary stuff, lol.
One other thing too. My 19 year old daughter suffers anxiety a lot (she doesn't smoke cannabis) and after a particularly bad attack a couple of weeks ago I ground some fresh pepper and asked her to sniff out of my hand whilst refusing to tell her what it was (she said it smelled like pepper and I just smiled). 5 minutes later she was sat chatting calmly and stated that she was the least anxious she had been in years. Placebo? Maybe (although everyone knows my thoughts that this is not a placebo). Did it work? Damn right it did! I told her what it was and why it should work the day after and she has only had one panic attack since, which again was quickly rectified by this super little cannacompanion :)

I just joined for the expressed purpose of following this thread, although I'm sure I'll find much more great info here. My wife has suffered from debilitating panic attacks (agoraphobia) for decades. She is legally disabled from it, but telecommutes for her career as a medical transcriptionist. I've been lurking here as a non-member for sometime as my state (Ohio) grows ever closer to relegalization. I'm a "retired" stoner from the mid 1970s who gave it up because of children and so called "random" drug testing. I'm getting close to retirement age and I now work for a company that doesn't engage in regular random drug testing, so I'll soon be back in the game one way or another. My interest in the black pepper phenomenon was based on my interest in cannabis use until I read the above quote. I intend to introduce this to my wife to see if it will help with her panic attacks. Thank you all!
I just joined for the expressed purpose of following this thread, although I'm sure I'll find much more great info here. My wife has suffered from debilitating panic attacks (agoraphobia) for decades. She is legally disabled from it, but telecommutes for her career as a medical transcriptionist. I've been lurking here as a non-member for sometime as my state (Ohio) grows ever closer to relegalization. I'm a "retired" stoner from the mid 1970s who gave it up because of children and so called "random" drug testing. I'm getting close to retirement age and I now work for a company that doesn't engage in regular random drug testing, so I'll soon be back in the game one way or another. My interest in the black pepper phenomenon was based on my interest in cannabis use until I read the above quote. I intend to introduce this to my wife to see if it will help with her panic attacks. Thank you all!

Awesome that this thread brought you out of lurkdom! I have been looking at other terpenes too. I recommend a combo for your wife of essential oils. Lavender, citronella, black pepper oils are all available online or at a health food store and all have been shown to help with anxiety.
Thank you for additional info. Wouldn't it be great to package a working combo into an inhaler such as is used for asthma? Back to the black pepper though. Can it be vaporized in ground form?
Thank you for additional info. Wouldn't it be great to package a working combo into an inhaler such as is used for asthma? Back to the black pepper though. Can it be vaporized in ground form?

I am sure that you could. But because pepper is so cheap I find grinding it in one of those mini spice grinders is sufficient. Still I am curious to hear of people's success with that. Long slow inhales from the grinder have worked great so far so I haven't felt the need to go further. If you try it post your impression! The vaporization temp for beta caryophellene is 199 degrees Celsius.
Interesting. If I'm not mistaken, 199 Celsius puts it right at the upper end of cannabis vaping temperature....just below benzene and other nasties. That makes it compatible enough to be mixed in with your bud if you're vaping it. No need to experiment with traveling to "the edge" of paranoia before reaching for the grinder! Great info shiggityflip
I just joined for the expressed purpose of following this thread, although I'm sure I'll find much more great info here. My wife has suffered from debilitating panic attacks (agoraphobia) for decades. She is legally disabled from it, but telecommutes for her career as a medical transcriptionist. I've been lurking here as a non-member for sometime as my state (Ohio) grows ever closer to relegalization. I'm a "retired" stoner from the mid 1970s who gave it up because of children and so called "random" drug testing. I'm getting close to retirement age and I now work for a company that doesn't engage in regular random drug testing, so I'll soon be back in the game one way or another. My interest in the black pepper phenomenon was based on my interest in cannabis use until I read the above quote. I intend to introduce this to my wife to see if it will help with her panic attacks. Thank you all!

Just in the last 3 days, an agoraphobic on this board, left the house by themselves and ran 3-4 errands. The first time leaving the house alone in several years. This breakthrough has been attributed to regular use of concentrated cannabis oil.
Just in the last 3 days, an agoraphobic on this board, left the house by themselves and ran 3-4 errands. The first time leaving the house alone in several years. This breakthrough has been attributed to regular use of concentrated cannabis oil.

So not black pepper then? I have to ask, being that some strains exacerbate or even cause anxiety attacks, what strain of cannabis was used to create the oil? The last thing I want to do is make it worse. Severe agoraphobics like my wife are extremely sensitive to changes in their bodies. I'll only get one shot at this.
What I would do is train with the black pepper oil, lavender oil, and citronella oil. All scientifically tested anxiety breakers. Have her think of a panicky situation then smell the cocktail and smooth out her breathing and calm herself. No need to rush. Give it time to become a habit. Have her use it in any anxious situation. Only when it was an established habit would I try anything outside.

The cannabis strains that tend to break anxiety have the same terpenes as the lavender,citrus,black pepper do.
So not black pepper then? I have to ask, being that some strains exacerbate or even cause anxiety attacks, what strain of cannabis was used to create the oil? The last thing I want to do is make it worse. Severe agoraphobics like my wife are extremely sensitive to changes in their bodies. I'll only get one shot at this.

I set a PM asking
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