Black pepper a cure for cannabis related anxiety?

Hmm ... I just went to my spice cupboard and grabbed a small pepper grinder ... one of the small (~4") prefilled ones found in the Spices aisle at Kroger for about $2. Interestingly, the one that I have isn't a McCormick or Weber branded version. The front of the label said, "Grinder Cannamela Black Pepper". Labeling also indicated that it's a product of Italy.

BOINK! My eyes snapped open wide, and I am now wondering whether "Cannamela" is in some way related to cannabis. I'll hafta Google it.

Kinda makes me wonder what would happen if I dropped a black pepper bean or two into a weed grinder with some heavy indica weed and smoked it? It may even help if you are stopped by cops and they demand to know what's in that SharpStone grinder on your console. "Oh, just fresh ground pepper, Officer. Take a whiff ...".

Anyway ... even if this doesn't relieve cannabis related anxiety, these one-ounce grinders MAY offer some anxiety relief simply by carrying it in public with you. Just slip that 4 inch tube in the front pocket of your jeans (or into your Speedos if at the beach) and small penis anxiety may transition to self confidence (or even euphoria, if properly "handled").

VERY interesting thread.

...DimWit (preparing to snort a couple lines of Cannamela fresh grind)
I love 420Magazine ... I learn new stuff all the time. I do get the anxiety feeling from almost all Indicas, and it's even worse when I orally ingest vice burn. I didn't remember this effect too much back in the 1970's, but I didn't know I was smoking Sativas back then. I didn't know there were different strains, and I thought the location where the plant was grown (Panama, Columbia, etc.) dictated the difference in quality, taste and smell. Young and blissfully dumb! I will try this as the anxiety/paranoia is my only problem using Cannabis medicinally. Sativas can also trigger that "not awesome" feeling in me, but Indicas surely cause it with greater frequency and higher intensity. Fortunately for me, only the initial dose of the day causes the most discord, and subsequent doses don't increase the problem much.

Thanks Again

Best Of Buds


The other night I overdid it a bit with concentrates and I could feel myself on the edge of a slight anxiety/paranoia attack. I instinctively reached for my grinder and gave it a few twists. A set of nice slow inhales from the grinder and things got much better. It didnt completely take me out of that zone but it made it much more easy to deal with the effects. My heart slowed down and I was pretty much at ease and just enjoying the buzz.

I am still a skeptic but at this point if this is due to placebo effect may my mind never figure it out! Because this is letting me push the envelope of a high with much less trepidation about the ensuing effects!

I almost think I should make a product with black pepper, linalool, and some other anti anxiety terpenes in a "sniffer".
Hey Shiggitty. I meant to get back to this thread ages ago and say thanks for posting that experiment. I feel like we are on the same wavelength here. It's very hard to quantify the effect. It's not a sharply defined thing -much more soft around the edges. Maybe the pepper took the anxiety away, but how do you know whether or not there would have been anxiety to begin with...
When I tried it, there were times I felt worried, and the pepper seemed to take that feeling away, but there was no instantaneous change like - 'Zap'- and I felt better. Harder to define than that.

I had maybe a similar experience last week to the one you last mentioned.
For my own sanity I need to be in a pretty safe place mentally to smoke indica, unlike most (?) people who seem to get calmer when they smoke it. Or rather I should be in a safe place, if I don't want to risk dark thoughts and fears eating me from the inside. Definitely haven't always been smart enough, by a long shot, to play it safe that way.
This last month I've had a bit of very worrisome stuff going on dealing with a toxic individual causing some damage in my life and I've been a bit of a stress case. Actually the reason I've been laying a bit lower on 420 than usual.
I had a night off though and for some reason decided to try smoking a bit of Pineapple Chunk. This wasn't a good time to be smoking something that might get me looking at things in a negative light, but... partly in the hopes that the pepper effect would save my sorry ass if things went bad, I smoked a bunch anyway.

It was ok at first. Then things started crowding in on me and I started rushing around getting more worked up about shit and could feel myself sliding into a real panic attack. I grabbed the pepper. The panic attack never happened. I actually had a nice night in the end.
That feeling of descent into a panicky state is a familiar one, and I really don't think I've ever just come back out of it like that. It's a progressive thing, runaway heart rate, worried thoughts that feed on each other, worrying about the worry, losing focus, feeling like a rat in a trap, cursing myself for getting in this state.
All I know is that somehow this negative cycle just wound down and went nowhere.

I can also say that there is no placebo effect on earth strong enough to counteract the anxiety I'm capable of feeling sometimes from cannabis. It's actually a very debilitating feeling and caused me lots of mental anguish at times. Of course most of that could have been avoided if I'd figured out some things sooner, lol. Kinda tough when all your friends are happy chronic smokers and you're best sometimes with just a puff or two. It took me a long time to figure out the different effects of indica/sativa/extracts, etc. And when you have to buy herb you usually take what you can get, and some is more paranoia inducing than others.
I wonder if pepper could be vaped? I don't have a vaporizer...
I love 420Magazine ... I learn new stuff all the time. I do get the anxiety feeling from almost all Indicas, and it's even worse when I orally ingest vice burn. I didn't remember this effect too much back in the 1970's, but I didn't know I was smoking Sativas back then. I didn't know there were different strains, and I thought the location where the plant was grown (Panama, Columbia, etc.) dictated the difference in quality, taste and smell. Young and blissfully dumb! I will try this as the anxiety/paranoia is my only problem using Cannabis medicinally. Sativas can also trigger that "not awesome" feeling in me, but Indicas surely cause it with greater frequency and higher intensity. Fortunately for me, only the initial dose of the day causes the most discord, and subsequent doses don't increase the problem much.

Thanks Again

Best Of Buds



Mate ... yer singin' my late 60s-late 70s cannabis song. We judged our weed based on seed/stem content and phoney-balogna Regions of Origin. Sativas? Indicas? WhaaaaAA? I HAD to quit smokin' recreationally when DISCO took over 'Murica's Airwaves!

Here's MY thought about Cannabis Anxiety:

MOST of that Anxiety is due to being a bit disoriented. Happens when ya drink, slam yer skull into the base of a granite monument, smoke weed-ish stuff, or break-up with the love of your life.

... Humans are pretty stable when not influenced by outside stuff. THC itself can be temporarily disorienting. The problem is that even a little disorientation can bring on significant anxiety.

What I have found is this (and it ain't foolproof) ... Orient Yourself!

Yup ... pause when ya get anxious. Re-orient yourself. Pause ... and take a rational look at where you are ... and who you are with. If you find that you aren't where you wanna be ... LEAVE! Wrong turns HAPPEN ... move on!

Control your own high ... don't let IT control you.

My best lifetime friends ALL have areas of almost Genius. Most of us have been best mates since our college days (early 70s). We've all talked, many times over the decades. One of the recurring themes, almost without exception, is that we sometimes felt that we weren't worthy of membership. All of us impacted our friends in very different ways ... individual ways ... yet we all FELT both unworthy, AND that we were somehow, oNE. Kind of a noggin scratcher.

Those sparks of discussions almost invariably led to mutual hugs when we shared with each other the kinds of sh*t that kept us together (and apart)... as genuine friends. We always left swearin' that we'd get The Band back together.

Suffice to say that NONE of my friends truly have a hint of what they mean to me. And ... I had NO CLUE that I had inspired them on ANY level. Almost none of us felt that we truly belonged ... yet we'd ALL feel diminished if ANY of our tribe fell by the wayside. In hindsight, I THINK that we thrived on each others' company.


IF ya smoke ... Periodically Re-Orient yourself. Stand up. Sit down. Roll over. MOVE!!! NUTHIN' hastens Re-Orientation faster than rational MOVEMENT. It's like growin' MJ ... she NEEDs to Move. She needs to learn to adapt and learn and share.

If ya don't smoke? See the above. MOVE!

i haven't quite read everything yet, but figured i'd comment to subscribe here;

i get bad anxiety from smoking herb with high levels of THC (at least i think so) and is one reason i decided to grow my own.
I'm tired of A) not knowing what it is, and B) feeling anxious and paranoid when I'm supposed to feel calm and relaxed.

so my current grow is of 2 90% indica strains, with low-moderate THC and ~3.5%CBD and I'm looking forward to it..

that being said, i have become interested in growing pepper vines, and i wonder if there might be an interaction between them and cannabis plants if you grew them together? would the pepper make the cannabis less anxiety producing?

intriguing to say the least; and i hope one day i might be able to test that!

next time i get anxiety i will try smelling and probably smoking some pepper; i'll be sure to post the results here. it would be great if i could just sprinkle a bit of ground pepper on a bowl and negate that effect before it sets in; i like to mix things like lavender and damiana into a joint now and then for a bit of flavour and extra effect, so pepper's not a huge stretch.

thanks for bringing this to our attention!
i haven't quite read everything yet, but figured i'd comment to subscribe here;

i get bad anxiety from smoking herb with high levels of THC (at least i think so) and is one reason i decided to grow my own.
I'm tired of A) not knowing what it is, and B) feeling anxious and paranoid when I'm supposed to feel calm and relaxed.

so my current grow is of 2 90% indica strains, with low-moderate THC and ~3.5%CBD and I'm looking forward to it..

that being said, i have become interested in growing pepper vines, and i wonder if there might be an interaction between them and cannabis plants if you grew them together? would the pepper make the cannabis less anxiety producing?

intriguing to say the least; and i hope one day i might be able to test that!

next time i get anxiety i will try smelling and probably smoking some pepper. it would be great if i could just sprinkle a bit of ground pepper on a bowl and negate that effect before it sets in; i like to mix things like lavender and damiana into a joint now and then for a bit of flavour and extra effect, so pepper's not a huge stretch.

thanks for bringing this to our attention!

The good news is that lavender has linalool terpenes which are anti anxiety terpenes just like the B-caryophellene in black pepper. So there is a good reason that you are enjoying the lavender!
Since there are pressure points in your fingertips, in addition to other parts of your body.

I, personally, press the edge of a fingernail into the pad of a fingertip to help me relax when I might be feeling anxious/nervous.
Well ... My trial with Black Pepper ...

I finally had time and the right situation to ingest some (full dose) potent Indica Oil, and doing so will 99% of the time elicit the dreaded panic feeling for me during the first hour or so after onset. I had my pepper grinder in hand and ready to try this out. Sure enough, the impending doom, and anxiety feeling commenced between 60-90 minutes after ingestion. I popped the lid on the pepper grinder, ground up some black peppercorns, and started inhaling the aromas from the bottle. I waited ... and smelled ... and waited .. and smelled ... and sneezed ... and waited and sniffed. After about 30 minutes and at least a half dozens sneezes, I still felt no difference from the pepper. I very much desired to feel a difference after smelling the pepper, and I really wanted it to work for me. Unfortunately, it had no effect, and after about 2 hours, the MM caused anxious feeling subsided like it usually does. Bummed to say the least. I desire natural medical solutions and relief first and foremost, and Black Pepper totally fulfills that desire! I'm not giving up on it though, the pepper didn't cause any problems (sneezing isn't a bad thing to me) and I will give it another try, next time when I smoke the buds vice ingesting MM Oil. Hopefully it will produce the desired results this time around, I remain hopeful and positive that it can help me.

I must say, I've been through the wringer with Big Pharma Meds, and a participant in three pharmaceutical drug trials. Placebos never, ever work on me, I guess I'm a Doubting Thomas medicinally? In all three of these trials, I ended up being assigned to the Placebo group in the first round (you don't what control group you are a member of until after the trial round is complete). I knew within a few days each time that whatever I was swallowing or being injected with wasn't the "real medicine". Of course, "they" ... the Pharmas, like my lack of response to Placebos, and too often invite me to participate in yet another drug trial. No Thanks! I am DONE with their expensive and deadly drugs, no more Guinea Pig here BigPharma!

Best Of Buds


nice report!

i've had a new batch of smoke lately and found it to be.. a bit nerve wracking.. haha..

i tried filling a small glass vial with fresh ground pepper and huffing it when anxiety set in, to my pleasant surprise i noticed an immediate loss of tension in my body and a calm wave come over me - nothing too intense, but noticeable at first. Hard to say if its operating on a placebo effect or not, as i similarly wanted it to work..

only downside i noticed was that it required fairly frequent sniffs of the pepper to keep it at bay, and the pepper loses its scent fairly quickly; but it certainly seemed to help a bit.

problem is im not sure what the strain is that ive got right now as it came from a friend of a friend kinda thing, so i'll be interested to try again with a more stable control - i do have some fresh dried lavender kickin around too so maybe ill give that a shot.

I was similarly wondering about essential oils, if a bit of fresh ground has that effect, then surely black pepper essential oil would not only work better, but never lose its scent. food for thought.
yep that sounds right on, about 20 minutes between.

thanks for that! i'll file it away under "tidbits" hehe
I'm also sure that the pepper works JB. I hope you figure something out with it. Like I mentioned before, I really don't think it's a placebo effect because for myself, when smoking indica- the paranoia runs deep. I also found that I had to grind fresh pepper very often. I would use whole peppercorns in a grinder, and get the good stuff.
I do believe it can work, and I very much want it to do so.

Perhaps I need to try a fresh grind for each sniff? I didn't grind but once last time and just kept sniffing that little same little pile of ground pepper.

I used one of those disposable grinders with black whole peppercorns inside, good enough?

Tomorrow night I'm going to test this again, I really really want this to work for me!

Best Of Buds

I found that the piles of pepper quickly lost their smell- so I keep grinding new stuff. I end up with ground pepper everywhere...
I tried it a couple times last night. Was smoking Malawi Gold sativa, and didn't feel any paranoia at all. But there were a couple times I felt a bit jangled- thinking in too many directions at once. The best description I can give is- after the pepper session I just went back to doing whatever I was doing, and felt focused.
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