Black Jack - Black Gum - Soviet Ripper

Looking good after the haircut 7. Have you thought about doing some LST on those girls?

i do sometimes m had go find out what that means. couldnt think what it was atm. but yeah i do thats how my twin mother go so big. she is actually tied to the metal bars that hold up the tent atm. i use them fuzzy pipe cleaners you use as kids in preschool. i got few packs of them at wally world and tie them up. but i still top them also. i usually get 5-6 main stems going and i have to be careful on space. like right now i got space issue now. so i topped the veg plants to slow them down growing. i will tie them up soon as the recover a bit and start training them. but twin mother so big now. i cant even put another plant in the flowering tent. i got have the recovery time to let her get near finished before i can put another one in flowering.. i should take Denise offer up on another tent. but i dont want be responsible for something not mine.
I don't think I have another tent.. You have the one I was thinking of.....:circle-of-love:

Oh its fine boo. I'm trying to get twin mother in and out of flowering soon as I can I might have to put veg tent in flowering mode for few weeks. So twin mom can get finished budding out
ok after topped few days ago now training has began. for veg tent.
Awesome 7, can't wait to see them recover a bit. :thumb:

I decided to do some early training on one of mine and attempted a FIM on the runt haha. We will see if I got that FIM right. I know Sorenna didn't quite get hers, but she ended up topping.

whats FIM Shadow, i dont know all them references. i even think the post i wrote to you other day i guess was wrong or something was wrong i got email from richard saying it got deleted or something was wrong with it. dont know what or what it was to get deleted. hopefully he will email me back tell me. i have no clue. i think it was the LST we were talking about but. i guess me asking what it was was wrong. i dont see that post anymore.
but yep you got me training already. little early on two plants but i did it anyway on them. lmao
LST is Low Stress Training. Basically using garden wire or fuzzy sticks (haha) to bend the top down. The idea of LST is to actually 'bend' and otherwise gently manipulate the plant to get plants to grows in the shape you want while creating new colas for buds to grow on.

FIM is F*ck I Missed. Which is a modified version of topping a plant that is suppose to be less stressful and has the possibility to give you 4 new tops vs topping which will give you two. In FIMing you are trying to take about 75% of the new growth off so it looks like freshly mowed grass.
FIT sounds interesting need look into that
about the babies. what was wrong about that post. that was talking about training them , using LST thing.
i am so confused. on what it was miss represented or whatever it was. not going to stress about it tho. im sick of stressing past few days.
FIT..:confused: What is that...:confused:....:circle-of-love:

supposed to say FIM whatever that is . still havent found out what that is yet. im thinking its bad since richard emailed me.
kool. well i probly want do it it sounds compilicated and crap. i dont do complicated. but ill look at it.
i probly do what i been doing all this time seems to be working very well and plants look nice and healthy so its like why screw that up atm.
but still like to know.i think.
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