Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Yummy looking tent Big homie
Thanks Shorti, the smell is otherworldly, like when you have a nice ripe fruit and it's got that deep dank sweet flavour to the air hehe

Catch up soon!
Good afternoon Big and thread. Dude....looking magical in there. Do either of your parents have a green thumb. I mean regular plants. Maybe its genetics. Lol

Just dropped in to say hi and im going to be head deep in some steelers playoff game. Enjoy your Sunday everyone. :high-five:
Hell ya Moon! Happy Sunday! Hope your day of tv n sofa cruising was comfy .

Did they get back to you on the light?

Thanks for the words man, I guess I do have a bit of a green thumb, i think my hearts green too lol I bleed trichromes .
Peppa bounced back fast. Good idea to keep her genes around if she finishes and smokes anything close to how she grows! Tent looks pistilicous as usual :).
Yea that mother will give us another round of good clones for sure, she's shooting pistils and forming calyxes in veg, the clones are even growing still even though they're cut off the plant?!?! XD

Super hardy, yeah I'm hoping the buds turn out like it sounds like they should!

Thanks ITS!

Big day today, always doing it Bignstrange style, lots of work coming up here over the next week, getting set up for the next journal!

I am pooped so I'm gunna eat n try not to go into a coma then get some pics at lights out for y'all! Hopefully that plan works lol

Take it easy folks . . . .
01 14 18 pm update!

Hey y'all! Got a decent photo dump for y'all tonight <3 for those who have it, you can now find me on Instagram at #bignstrangefarms ! I'm gunna be on the go a lot over the next little while so I'll be posting quick updates there when I can't get the time for a full shoot for y'all!


The PK clones are rocking, also got a couple new cuttings from a friend! I have to double check what they are, but I'll make sure I let y'all know-could be rainmaker by ethos? Well see lol

One of the new girls .

Couple root bumps forming :3

Lol can you see the new ones? XD

Alright next up the mothers!

As predicted sapphire og has taken off since her watering and is ready to fill that whole pot. Essentially what I did was draw her taproot straight down over 5 days and let her dry and temper, and then blasted her full of good water and she's going mad!

Bit of tip spreading there

Showing off her 4th node there :3

And our monstercrops are looking ghoulish lol

That looks like a great Angel mother to me! Her frost content is insane, I'll be looking into breeding her with a heavy yielder maybe, or maybe not cause she's just gorgeous .

And then Peppa! Our crazy PK lol

Das happy . .

And the big ladies ;P alright gentlemen, just try to be good hehe

Psycho WW

Jewel BC

Angel WW

Moira BC

Alecxks BC

Still too much F%$king nitrogen :D lol hopefully they use enough to balance it out so we get some good fattening, I may even cut out the micros next watering just to avoid the n in it.

Anyways fat, sassy, frosty and happy! Lights are down a bit, might droppem again soon :3 pack on that late summer crystal .

Alright y'all I'm in zombie mode so I'm gunna smoke some beautiful 707 n relax, sleep and catch y'all on the flip side!

Much love from the farm y'all . . . . . take care guys and gals <3

Monstercrops taken that late look positively schizophrenic when they reveg. I'm a flower! I'm a leaf! I'm a flower! I'm a leaf! Few more days of light therapy and they should be ready to be reintroduced to polite society :).
Hehe yea they really are crazy XD

I'm really curious to see what effect it'll have on them! If we get a few nice laterals on each of them and a nice fat center cola I'd be over the moon!
OMGosh! You've done some really nice work B. Really nice! You have some great photos too. Love it! :tokin:
Thanks Grandpa! Just trying to get frosty like your glue!

Thanks for the kind words, hope your well my man . <3
01 15 18

Fed these girls this morning! Hittem with 1.5 to 2.5 gallons each until run off of plain water, let them sit while I mixed my nutes, and then watered in our final flowering mix on top!

Plain water run off came out to 600

Then I mixed-in 25 gallons ;

50 mL micro
200 mL bloom
100 mL regen
125 mL massive
150 mL sweet
175 mL grozyme
125 mL fulvic

Then about .5 mL/gallon of potassium silicate got the ph to around 6 where I left it! Ppm 1350-as high as I'll go- pushing these ladies for the last week, week and a half, then I'll do a full 2 week leech :3

We should see some bulk and heavy crystal formation-im also working to keep humidity at 50 now, and well go down to 45, then 40 in the coming weeks :3

Fun shit lol glad I'm getting nutes cause that was an expensive tea XD

Cheers yall!

Edit- final run off measure around 1000 ppm . .
Well, they are definitely frosty!
Hehe now let's hope they put on weight in their later life lol it would be nice to see a gram a watt but time will tell!
Is Grandpa only being held together with glue? I thought he was in better shape than that!
Haha maybe his oil too?
Looking might pink in there. Sounds like you have a great plan for the final push!
Yea man those lights are savage, that's through method 7s too, which filter a mars 192 light completely :S

BS --- those are some fine looking plants. Love all the frost on them makes me salivate.
Hehe the white widow is definitely living up to its name! I have a couple of Angel cuts I'm going to try to select for desirable traits and get a good mother-shes special!

Thanks Man, it's been a great journey <3
Beautiful frost and stacking Big. Good job.
Beautiful frost and stacking Big. Good job.

Thanks Shorti! These beautiful sativa girls are really budding out now, gorgeous to watch .

I grabbed a few group shots tonight but didn't power fans down !

That's a super low bud that I took a shot of above, bad organizing tonight tho lol it's sleepy weed time XD

And here's the clones that are going into our new Mars Hydro Grow!

More details coming soon!

Take it easy as always, much love n good vibes for the coast. Sending all your girls my best . . . . . .
Ooh that frost but damn that nitrogen!
Yes definitely a problem and limitation when it comes to fattening up! I'm hoping the flush and nutes I put in help balance it out for the last bit, I put half the micro in because of the n content and then lots of bloom n boosters n carbs and crap so fingers crossed the fade starts but the buds keep fattening up lol

I think we have a few weeks yet! Day 44 of flower, alecxks may finish sooner but I'm thinking the lot of them will go 65 days!

Here's hoping :3 I can't wait to lettem fade away n get gooey n resiny in the last dry hehe . . .
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