BignStrange - Remo Nutrients - 800W Of COBs - What Can Go Wrong? Round 2!

Well yeah any crazy drops or rises in PH would be bad but I made this water up last Sunday, aside from dropping to 5.8 a few times, ph quickly corrects and remains alkaline at 7.0-7.4 regardless of adjustment.

My tap water is a little over 150ppm at 7.8 so I think that helps. They recommend 150 or less. So far working out well, will see once root exudates etc begin altering water composition.

Long story short I trust the chelates so far.

Will definitely give you an honest appraisal by the end. I feel like you have a talented ability to learn from other people's experience hehe. Hope my info is helpful to you Big homie. We gotta chill one day

Isn't it better to run hydro at 5.5 to 5.9? Or do the chelates uptake better at an alkaline PH? Lol still so new to bottled nutes XD

150 is decent, on the border of hard water, 7.8 ph is decent too, I bet after adding your nutes it brings it right where you want it :3

And I will patiently wait for your word on the chelates! I know Penny was running nuke juice with good success so I definitely think there's some merit to them! I'm just an Old school fart myself n still like to manage my ph according to what the plants show me .

Once I get schedules down it'll be easier:3

Definitely always useful Shorti! I view you as my young, crazy, weed growing counterpart . all smart and dedicated to doing good . always a pleasure to converse with you!

We will definitely chill one day! I still like that round table with Remo idea . maybe well both be on marijuana Monday some day . once I have buds I'll send some high quality pics in and see if we can't make it into the 2019 calender .

Tons of nice bud shots in there!

Good morning Shorti ! :3 bout to bust up some crystal coma for some hoots outta the gear bong!
Z7 is definitely the bees knees. I had light unknowingly in my res for like 5 days. No slime or anything on air lines and what not. Plus roots coming out of cube and bone white fishbone roots
My cloner res isn't quite lightproof, dim light makes it through but the grozyme has been keeping things mint for me .

140 per gallon of grozyme, I have a feeling z7 would run me a bit more XD definitely will pick it up when we go hydro tho .
Thanks so nice to have you back around....
You too big. I woulda swore you folded his lanky ass into the suitcase to take with you .
Lol Yea I kinda went ghost .

Lots of stuff going on at the farm ;P

Should calm down a bit meow :3

Still mornin in BC so wake and bake has been going for a couple hours XD

And with that it's update time for the Remo journal!

12/31/17 Happy New Year's y'all! Let's grow some great meds n help the masses do their thing . much love from BignStrange Farms n all the little ladies we have running round here ;P let's do it!

Clones ok peat clone stragglers are at the point where I'm going to let them dry out completely and it's the last chance for them to push out roots, these were from a later batch, and I see little roots but if they are that weak they don't belong in the tent lol anyways here we are! Gave them a tiny bit of the velo kelp and grozyme mix from yesterday .

And here's the clones in the tent under the vipar, looking great today actually!

Here's the new growth on our early rooter, great stuff!

And then the bubble clones-explosive growth after changing the res last night, the roots are almost already in the water :S they must like the velo kelp XD




I definitely have another bin waiting to be made into a cloner XD

Today I gotta break open another bale of promix and mix it all up so that were ready for the bubble clones, well keep the same mixture were running now

Promix HP, 20%added vermiculite, 20%added perlite- it's super soiless lol

Cool happy New Year's y'all! We shall see you in 2018? Jeeze I remember when that sounded like a year from a sci-fi movie :S

Cheers y'all! . .
Soil mixed! I use Rubbermaid containers to dump the bale into and break up and then add my perlite and vermiculite on top then mix!

The result is a super airy, high oxygen and moisture holding capacity medium! Super nice

I think with the added stuff this works out to about half the price of coco so I'm gunna stay with it until I have space to recycle coco and set up drip systems!
Sup big happy new year and a ssub from me
Happy New Year man! Glad to have you here for round 2 :3
Way late but looks like I made it. Now I have to catch up :).

Lol compared to the other journal your still early as hell XD should be fun, super excited to run monstercropped cuttings from the current run :3

Subbing up. Looking forward to seeing what you can do with those clones.
Awesome to have you here man, been missing your dry ass humor. I could use it to bring rh down in my flowering tent XD

Glad your here, hopefully we can get some nice nug sticks outta them clones! .
Remo Journal Update! 01 01 18!

Happy New Year's y'all! Let's get it in 2018, grow some massive trees n blow 2017 outta the water!

Peat clones are hanging in, about ready to toss them as we have lots of healthy contenders for this run!

The peat clones in the mother tent are rocking! 1 is dying off because it was too small!


Roots on our early rooter!

And the rest of them are almost ready for a water with some love from Remo in there . gunna start feeding around 300 ppm next watering .

Here's the bubble cloner! Thermostat has been keeping the res steady between 76 and 78, I have a floating thermostat to let me know water temps :3

We officially have roots in water and are technically doing dwc! Lol wondering when I should transplant? I'm thinking of going right into the 9x9 or should I solo cup it first? Anyways some pics .


Really wanna start moving these out so I can get Peppa going :3

Overall a pretty good start, I believe 11 hydro clones have good roots and then we have more than 5 strong peat clones so we're ready to rock! Just gotta get em all selected and planted so we can fire up the mars 192!

Almost show time! . . . . .
Whats up everyone?:lot-o-toke::welcome:

Really excited to bring you this grow, featuring Remo Nutrients, and the same set up were rocking in the current BignStrange journal! For those who were part of that journal, thank you, and cheers to more insanity and fun!

With that, lets blow this tent up XD :party:

Ill start with a little story about how this journal came about!

Ive been growing for about 2.5 months now, with a couple of half assed attempts before buying indoor equipment and going at it. I currently have another grow journal documenting my first attempt at growing with nutes n training and all that good stuff, and its been a really good run! Anyways, Ive been following Swaggs grow and seeing his amazing results, and started watching UrbanRemo on youtube! I kinda binge watched the entire channel and continue to look for new vids, the guy is pretty entertaining :p:thumb:

Moving on, my hair is long, its winter, so I messaged the guys at Remo Brands to see if they'd hook up a hat for a fellow BC grower, in exchange for publicity of course :p anyways it was a couple days later and this showed up at my door!

Woo!:slide: So anyone who is in my old journal knows I'm running more bottles than I can count on 2 hands so Im really excited to give this line up a try. This is Remos SuperCharged Kit, comes with the full base and additive line up, and a couple little toys! They also sent me a dope shirt and a sweet hat that I use all the time now! Thanks Remo! :thanks:

Now for the nitty gritty-specs n numbers y'all lets get to it
What strain is it? G13-Blue Cindy,Canuk-White Widow, Select Cuts, Round 2
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?Almost Pure Sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage?Monstercropped Cuttings In Cloner
If in Veg... For how long?Day 9 Or So In The Cloner
If in Flower stage... For how long?Clones Taken At Day 14 Of Flower
Indoor or outdoor?Indoor,40"x40"x6.5' Fusion Pro Tent, 4x4x6.5 Mars Hydro Tent
Soil or Hydro?Soiless,Promix HP with 20% Added Vermiculite,20% Added Perlite
If soil... what is in your mix?See Above
If soil... What size pot?We Will Be Running 16 Clones in 9"x9" Square Pots
Size of light?Veg-Mars Hydro Reflector Series 192,Flower-Fusion Pro x800 COB Assembly
Is it aircooled?Yes, 4" Extraction W/ Fan Controller
Temp of Room/cab?Cloner Temps @ 75F Steady
RH of Room/cab?We Will Add Environmental Controls As Necessary
PH of media or res?Cloner Res @ 5.9
Any Pests ?Hell No
How often are you watering?Swapping Res Every 2-3 Days
Type and strength of ferts used?Remo Nutrients Velo Kelp, 20mL To 5 Gallon Res, Sipco Grozyme, 20mL To 5 Gallon Res

Heres the set up! Nice and clean

I use a flood table and a massive reservoir with a pump to water, it helps a lot!
And heres our little monkeys! This is the most recent pic I have, Ill get updated pics soon!

Just a simple DIY bubble cloner, we had roots by day 7 I believe!I also have some peat clones on stand by, the best 16 will be taken for this run!

K I think thats all we need to get started, Ill update this journal with the feeds I've done so far so that were all caught up and ready to rock! I wanna say thank you to Remo for sending this kit out this way, much appreciated! Love a BC company really repping what we do out here, good stuff!

I also want to thank everyone who checks in and makes this journal what it is. Or the last one lol I know I don't get around as much as I should, so I really appreciate it when y'all come say hi n have a toke with me! Anyways lets get to it!

Thank you all and cheers to 2018! Let us grow some more natural wonders :3


Excited for this one, been trying to decide if I wanna fork out the money for the RN set myself so this will be very informative! Subbed!! :goodluck:
Looks great! I'd put them right in cause I hate transplanting .
Lol alright ! Taken into consideration . might save it for tomorrow tho . today I'm building a massive blanket fort XD
Excited for this one, been trying to decide if I wanna fork out the money for the RN set myself so this will be very informative! Subbed!! :goodluck:
Awesome man! Hopefully I can do them justice! All the results I've been seeing have been stellar so I'm stoked to get my hands on it and see it for myself!

Really good to have you DankBone, thanks for tuning in! . .
Awesome man! Hopefully I can do them justice! All the results I've been seeing have been stellar so I'm stoked to get my hands on it and see it for myself!

Really good to have you DankBone, thanks for tuning in! . .

Thanks for having me ^.^ Cheers mate!

What's the fort for? Hotboxing lol? Ingenious if so, idk why I've never though of doing this with the squad aha
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