Big Head - Dead Head OG Heavy Yield!


THANKS MAN!!! i love ^this^ pic because it makes it look like there is a spaceship rocking in my room hahaha im so giddy about it being finished!!!! now i have to focuse on veg room lil more!


Lil update, whent to go look at the girls this morning during dark so i slipped in and was supprised by alot of light!! :bitingnails::bitingnails:

I apparently got distracted lastnight when working on room and forgot to seal the door between the veg and flower room so there was a crack of light beaming in all night, so girls only got 3 hrs of true dark : / im not too worried, just hope it doesnt hermy for some dumb reason, one day of leak shouldnt set her back to far i hope

If ya ever end up with light during the dark period, let it stay on and just continue with the regular schedule when the next dark period comes, I've done this twice now on this run with no ill effects and the strains I have goin will hermie in a second! BTW, nice room, I thought you'd never get it done!:thumb:
I thought you'd never get it done!:thumb:

i feel yha haha i actualy bought the wood before i started and ended with JUST enough to finish the room off, im thinging of actually building a frame in the veg room so that i can hang more lights and mabe more topsy turvys ; P one i got goin is doing well soo far :wood:
i feel yha haha i actualy bought the wood before i started and ended with JUST enough to finish the room off, im thinging of actually building a frame in the veg room so that i can hang more lights and mabe more topsy turvys ; P one i got goin is doing well soo far :wood:

I see it sometimes in the pics, is it trying to grow upwards yet?, It would be cool to have a plant on a tissue culture wheel so it never figured out where up is and see how it grows!
ITS starting to do a J loop and arching under the t5 (trying) i figure if i keep the base of plant ABOVE light in veg, the plant will stretch and try to loop under the light (kinda like a upside down scrog is how i imagine it) then in flower ill JUST have the soil above the light, in theory, it should make budds all over and the ones at base of plant (top) will have big nugs too! it will be fun to find out what happens fo sho! once it roots and takes off ill show you some pics of JUT the plant befor and after so you can sse progress, i water it VERY lil btw soil at top never realy gets dry yet, thinking of seeing some roots soon when i pull back dirt!!
so i self diagnosed a K deficancy this morning, so im trying to figure what ill be doing about that this afternoon : / tips welcome,

probly going to just swing by grow shop and pick up somthing, its dumb becuase the plants are showing a nute burn from nitogen, and iv been feeding with a 1-6-6 mainly with about 10ml per gal (full dose), used a lil of the dyna grow mix last night for a deficancy feed, said to use 1 tsp per gall so i rocked that for a light water/feed basicly, seeing they has sucked up all the water from the tray in one day!
so i self diagnosed a K deficancy this morning, so im trying to figure what ill be doing about that this afternoon : / tips welcome,

probly going to just swing by grow shop and pick up somthing, its dumb becuase the plants are showing a nute burn from nitogen, and iv been feeding with a 1-6-6 mainly with about 10ml per gal (full dose), used a lil of the dyna grow mix last night for a deficancy feed, said to use 1 tsp per gall so i rocked that for a light water/feed basicly, seeing they has sucked up all the water from the tray in one day!

What you're lacking is in the soil, try some calmag, I have never used a nutrient that required more than the min. recmnd. dose. My plants in flower have STILL never got any more than a full min. dose, and as they are just about to finish, they just got the full min dose last application! The calmag should help, and back of the nutes by half! BTW, plants in veg are at 1/3 dose, and will never need any stronger than that!
idk i guess i push them, because they love the full nutes, i dont have lock out or issues with burn, flower i just started off poorly and its been a up hill battle i just noticed that the leafs that are near the bud sites are geting brown freckles and burn tips, i dont think soil is the issue because i use a good soil/ soil mix when planted. Yesterday i topped with fresh soil because started to see lil roots, im probly going to just go home and see if the stuff iv done helped, the smaller nothern lights are doing well tho, only couple bad spots but manly caused by lack of light or breaking x o

here is a update at 30 days of flower (12/12 flip) i have got the girls popin under 4x 1000w hoods, right now having issue with one because the timer shorted out (had it on a cheaper version then others x o), so its manual at the moment haha but the room is doing great atm, have some def issues with one of the big girls (look at bottom of post for the pics) idk what i am working with, slowly been nursing them trying to get it back but lost atm,


Here is a pic of the northern lights, looking nuggy atm, even though i fliped same time as bigger ones, they seem to be about week behind the big girls :hmmmm::hmmmm: mabe has to do with distance from the light idk, not to concerned about it tho, works for me if they need longer then the bigger ones, more room after i chop the biggys down ; )



OK so im having issues with ONE of my two dead head plants...... but the weird part is they get fed the same times, and the one with def is lil smaller then the other, so doesnt make much sense to me : /


^^^^^^^^^^^^^this is the healthy plant (ignore older leafs that HAD def in past,)


^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This plant is havving the issues : / Below is a zoomed pic, but i cant put finger on what my issue is lol i HAD same problems with other plant BUT i fixed it majoratly but it didnt efect this one lol



^^^^ SO that is nute burn????

The visual combined with what you've told us, that's my opinion.......I DO know that if you cut them off the nutes they'll improve.............when I begin, and all the way through the run I make sure that the fundamental aspects are all in line...when I have an issue I can rule out what I know is PERFECT!, my soil, my environment, my water, all that gets ruled out instantly and I get a narrowed down list of possibilities..............if I have a deficiency it's always nitrogen cuz the last thing I want to do is burn my will show on the bottom first, I hit em with a dose and it goes away, or, if I KNOW they shouldn't be low on nitrogen, I will hit em with the calmag to free up the nutes...........the only way to find out how much nitrogen they can take without burn, is to burn em, I have a way to do that so only a coupla layers of leaves get burnt, I up the N ever so carefully.....get a tiny bit of burn and then back off 30% and they'll be happy their whole life with that much N. When I change to flowering nutes I still give em the same amount..........through the COMBINATION of the bloom and veg nutes...........I can vary either one slightly by what the plants whole philosophy is to never wilt, never stress the plant so it dosen't have any "STALLS". I burnt these current plants as seedlings, and I'm sure it affected my yield.....and set me back a full was so bad that I started a backup crop when it happened. Sometimes it's more expedient to start over than nurse two week old seedlings back to health.
The visual combined with what you've told us, that's my opinion.......I DO know that if you cut them off the nutes they'll improve.............when I begin, and all the way through the run I make sure that the fundamental aspects are all in line...when I have an issue I can rule out what I know is PERFECT!, my soil, my environment, my water, all that gets ruled out instantly and I get a narrowed down list of possibilities..............if I have a deficiency it's always nitrogen cuz the last thing I want to do is burn my will show on the bottom first, I hit em with a dose and it goes away, or, if I KNOW they shouldn't be low on nitrogen, I will hit em with the calmag to free up the nutes...........the only way to find out how much nitrogen they can take without burn, is to burn em, I have a way to do that so only a coupla layers of leaves get burnt, I up the N ever so carefully.....get a tiny bit of burn and then back off 30% and they'll be happy their whole life with that much N. When I change to flowering nutes I still give em the same amount..........through the COMBINATION of the bloom and veg nutes...........I can vary either one slightly by what the plants whole philosophy is to never wilt, never stress the plant so it dosen't have any "STALLS". I burnt these current plants as seedlings, and I'm sure it affected my yield.....and set me back a full was so bad that I started a backup crop when it happened. Sometimes it's more expedient to start over than nurse two week old seedlings back to health.

WELL iv never been about looking a gift horse in the mouth when it comes to tips, ill stop nuting them, it would make more sence i gues because the smaller one needs less nutes then other, so it would become overloaded quicker, might have to put each one on there own feeding schedual X ( pain but got to do what the ladies like
WELL iv never been about looking a gift horse in the mouth when it comes to tips, ill stop nuting them, it would make more sence i gues because the smaller one needs less nutes then other, so it would become overloaded quicker, might have to put each one on there own feeding schedual X ( pain but got to do what the ladies like

I'm paranoid now, I just mixed a batch at min. dose....the strongest yet......I bet I puss out and cut it by 1/3...........LOL....I haven't ran any of these nutes I'm usin to the burn point, next run I'm tryin new nutes too......if they ever get in the flower room!
So we are about 30-34 days in flower now, cant remember and dont have calander next to me to be sure lol, but im very excited/and lil nerviness about the next couple months, i want to push them as close to 3 months as i can, but when shes done shes done!

Just bought material to make a filter, starting to get obvious that i at lest smoke alot lol, not too bad because the wind latly makes it hard to folow the sent, but it sure moves it around alot! im just tired of dump asses cmoing in trying to tell me it smells because its not in the basment X ( ... ok if you have your furnace/fan runnning, it takes in air from the basement so you are pumping that thorughout your house, so i would have the same issue, but that is ignoant pll for you even AFTER i explain it wouldnot help and the fact i put it on secound level HELPs with smell because people cant stick their nosie in my vent coming out my window ; P
SOOO its been lil stanky past couple days because of the heat mainly, so i finaly broke down and made my filter for the room, and tell you what... it came out better then i was expecting acually, making it, it looked janky as sh--t and i was like there is no way this is going to work haha but i pulled my brain to gether (it was a small meeting ; P) and figured out how to wrap it all together and hooker up!


Cat being a noisy nelly lol hes a bastard sometimes ; P


^no more stinky stinky i hope! :goodluck:
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