Big Head - Dead Head OG Heavy Yield!

4' 7 1/2" and they are long gone:)
LOL I got my satisfaction

AHAHA yha man i had dirt back N--gs in next dor for couple months, long story short when they got avictied they trashed there lawn and house, and left there puppy out in the back yard tied to fence, if i didnt take him to the rescue, no one had come to the house to clean it up for least 2 weeks after they left.... dog would have been dead by then no doubt.... i acually draged half the shit they threw on there yard to the trash before the owner came and cleaned up X (

UPDATES COMING SOON!!! uploading atm
AHAHA yha man i had dirt back N--gs in next dor for couple months, long story short when they got avictied they trashed there lawn and house, and left there puppy out in the back yard tied to fence, if i didnt take him to the rescue, no one had come to the house to clean it up for least 2 weeks after they left.... dog would have been dead by then no doubt.... i acually draged half the shit they threw on there yard to the trash before the owner came and cleaned up X (

UPDATES COMING SOON!!! uploading atm

There ya go....smoozh up to the owner, rent the house at a discount..................ooooeeeeeyaa! Good job on the dog.....mfer's treatin animals bad chaps my hide!

DAY 23

so only 3 weeks and im geting some amber hairs popin up! canopy is looking amazing, super happy with development, everything is very tight and sticky.

Smell is going to be a issue, and i have 7 more days till i get payed $$ so im going to have to tough it out, i walk around house dayly and just sniff, VERY faint smell, it took me a min to actually say, 'Yes that is from my room' because it smellt like someone could have hit a skunk street over and was geting the wind from it lol.

Also you can see the yo yos in acction on the one girl, i love them and they were cheap! i like things looking more profetional then just normal string, and for 50cent a peice, no brainer!


Here is a pic of the northern lights, they are doing well, but seem to be about a week behind the bigger ones, they drink/feed alot less too, size and distance is a huge factor i can imagine,
racism or racialism (ˈreɪsɪzəm, ˈreɪʃəˌlɪzəm)

– n
1. the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others
2. abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief

I never said that i hated, disliked, or had any disgust with anyone because of the color of the skin. I dont hate people from where they come from, not from who there mother or father are, but by there actions..... If you steal from me IDC what color you are, black, white, latino, philpino, indian, chinese, i will protect my home, life, and well being with tooth and nail. When you live in a city were its the murder capital of the US you have to keep your head low and your fists up (which with the punks up here dosnt mean anythign because frontin will just get you shot) ...... If you still have a issue with how i might speak or speak toward my Neighbors, PLEASE PM ME with what your concerned with....... dont tsk tsk tsk me......
got to say pushing 4 ft from top of the soil, had to move lights up bit ago because they had lil burn, when i go home ill try to remember to messure them and the smaller 3 too!
Jlt, pm responded to and sent.

Then this discussion is moot. Apparently my edited post didn't save.
I won't go into this any futher. everyone is entilted to their own opinion. Im not "raising a flag" either. lol smh. If the term used isn't considered racist. I.e describing a particular RACE of human. Then this discussion is moot. Apparently my edited post didn't save.

Stay Frosty peace.
got to say pushing 4 ft from top of the soil, had to move lights up bit ago because they had lil burn, when i go home ill try to remember to messure them and the smaller 3 too!

What up chicken foot? You think you could grow some taller plants?, just remember to save any branches or stems for stakes, those are some of the strongest shits I ever saw! I have a real straight one from last year and it's supporting a seven foot houseplant!:bravo:
What up chicken foot? You think you could grow some taller plants?, just remember to save any branches or stems for stakes, those are some of the strongest shits I ever saw! I have a real straight one from last year and it's supporting a seven foot houseplant!:bravo:

dope idea, might save main stalk for that type of stuff but i got a mini washer so i can make bubble hash with my trimming so all the small stems are getting ground up into that : )


flower room is on full flower power atm, i wired my second run for a dedicated line in the room, set up 2 more 6" hoods and hooked venting, ballests, wire, ect...... all running and pumping!!!


lol got it all set up to find out i needed a adapter!! ! felt like homer, DDDOOOOOPPPPPPEEEE!!!! :loopy:


MOVING ON UP!!! im looking like a professional in this Bi-0-ch!!

Damn they look good!!! How is the odor factor? Im curious

smell is geting up there! the room is defently stanky, i have no filter atm, but going to change that next paycheck im going to build me a small one, dosnt ahve to have tone of carbon just need to get lil filtration, im pushing my fan right now because i have 4 hoods hooked to it, idk if ill beabe to get the filter on and still have enough pull to get it outside effectively...

SIDE NOTE; planted somewhere around 20-30 seeds that germed, some are sprouting as i type! idk what i plan to do with them, have some one who might have land available for a gorilla grow so might give them to him for a cut of the green ; P
garden looks great jlt. A few of those look like trees! :)

flower room is on full flower power atm, i wired my second run for a dedicated line in the room, set up 2 more 6" hoods and hooked venting, ballests, wire, ect...... all running and pumping!!!


lol got it all set up to find out i needed a adapter!! ! felt like homer, DDDOOOOOPPPPPPEEEE!!!! :loopy:


MOVING ON UP!!! im looking like a professional in this Bi-0-ch!!


That room looks DOPE bro! congrats

THANKS MAN!!! i love ^this^ pic because it makes it look like there is a spaceship rocking in my room hahaha im so giddy about it being finished!!!! now i have to focuse on veg room lil more!


Lil update, whent to go look at the girls this morning during dark so i slipped in and was supprised by alot of light!! :bitingnails::bitingnails:

I apparently got distracted lastnight when working on room and forgot to seal the door between the veg and flower room so there was a crack of light beaming in all night, so girls only got 3 hrs of true dark : / im not too worried, just hope it doesnt hermy for some dumb reason, one day of leak shouldnt set her back to far i hope
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