BID's Multi Tool All Purpose Universal Consolidated Multiple Grow Journal #10

lmao...I already do love it, even if only from its immaculate conception. Can't wait to see the pics. Was the hose dia too big for the pump or was it harder to get a good seal? what kind of clamps? C'MON :popcorn:
ok get this no clamps, it was yellow 6 yr old garden hose it slid on the chillers nipples snugly and it a little 118ph pump i use for the ebb n flow it takes a diameter im not sure of bier than 1/4 but smaller 1/2 maybe 3/8ths anyway i inverted an adapter that came with my big 396gph pump (the logical pump to use is the 396 but its in use atm being the base to my aereocloner mister manifold) so there an adapter with a threaded 1/2 inch on one side and a graduated to 3/8ths on the other i pressed the small end into the pump and twisted some garden hose on the threaded side , ran that up to the intake of the chiller cut a second piece of hose slip it on the chillers output side and ran it back to the cloner just far enough so the cool water would fall a few inches to add even more aeration to the water,
it all went together so easy "like butter" it was as if i had done it 10 times before once i wrapped my head around how i needed to get the pump to get water going into the chiller and found some hose that would fit and serve my purpose the rest was cake with whipped cream frosting and sprinkles,:high-five:
even the thermostat setting was like i had done it before, the whole project from the "hmm i wonder if''.:hmmmm:.. moment to up and running and hot 87f water is cooling down took no more than 35 min,
and i really was just in there to water the sd2 girl "Bertha" and swap out the frozen pop bottles it was my 2am trip see i have been swapping the bottles every 4 hours for the past month:rollingeyes: real annoying when my tablets alarm goes off to tell me time to change the bottles i have been thinking i had to buy some hose a pump and some bulkheads before i could hook up the chiller to anything, i run the aerocloner to much to really be able to use that pump for much else,i do think its overkill for the manifold i built to use a 396 but the 118 is to small and would not connect nice,
so when i can afford it im gonna get the chiller its own 396 i really like the one i have its the first sub pump i have gotten that's not a bit disappointing, it really cranks and is built to last, ok Govy is that detailed enough to quell your needs till i take pics or would you prefer a short film?
I just took the back off one of my Mars II's & they're a piece of p*ss to fix. Plug n play baby, no soldering required :)
cool i was not to worried i used to build and repair pc's in the early 90s long before any of the idiot proof things they use now were even thought of no color coding no info beyond a part number on any of the components, long before plug n play or usb, back when you had to install dos before win 3.1 from a floppy well 200 floppys lol perhaps i should do a fix it vid since a topled breaking is so rare?
There better be angels singing for $4,522.76!

In fact, I would also like them to do my harvesting and trimming for me...hope that's included...:thumb:

I am a practical person. The reason I initially went with LED was lower heat and power consumption. I have not switched from HPS to LED so I don't know the exact figure but I suspect I am saving approx 50 bucks a month in energy not only from the increase to run HPS but I would also be running more exhaust fans, plant fans and replacing bulbs this all adds up quick. BID may be able to tell you his savings. There are other hidden savings like lower nutrient and water use.

Like I said it all adds up. This panel should run for 5 years, 50 bucks a month over a 5 year period is $3000.00 smackers

Give that some thought
ok Govy is that detailed enough to quell your needs till i take pics or would you prefer a short film?

nah, that'll do. hehe

I would like to see you video your Top LED Grow Light LED light panel repair.

what he said ^

:cheesygrinsmiley: translate, just cause

Yeah, I said to myself "That means something good, right?"

I am a practical person. The reason I initially went with LED was lower heat and power consumption. I have not switched from HPS to LED so I don't know the exact figure but I suspect I am saving approx 50 bucks a month in energy not only from the increase to run HPS but I would also be running more exhaust fans, plant fans and replacing bulbs this all adds up quick. BID may be able to tell you his savings. There are other hidden savings like lower nutrient and water use.

Like I said it all adds up. This panel should run for 5 years, 50 bucks a month over a 5 year period is $3000.00 smackers

Give that some thought

My thoughts and reasoning for doing the exact same thing. I've run 2 low-key, 2-plant grows and no need to vent the room or add extra cooling means my life is WAY easier.

Ditto what KingJohnC said :)

I agree this could be helpful at some point. (vid of Mars II repair)
Piece of piss must just be a UK saying then :) I think I can say that word, I've heard it on Pawn stars in the afternoon so it might not be a swear word. It translates to easy :) Easy as pie?
You can say whatever you want here skunny, lmao, I curse all the time despite my mother's urgings that it's merely a sign of a weak vocabulary. "piece of piss" makes me chuckle.
That's cool Gov :) It's a strange saying to be fair, the only way you can have a piece of piss is if you froze it but how it equates to being a saying which indicates something being easy is anyones guess
ok so hooking up the chiller was p.o.p. easy lol :rofl: i shall make a "fixin a mars2 with bid vid" then,,it will be pop easy lol
the chiller btw is working a treat in my cloneah! its keeping it at 69f i decided to go up to 71f cuz it seemed quite chilly, i have pics but i need to plug in the camera and edit i was having hell getting pics that were not total shite crap a poo poo id bet my left anus it took me longer to get pics than it did to hook it up, pics were not pop easy! :rofl: holy zeus balls that chiller goes down to almost freezing now i wanna overclock my pc to like 10 ghz after i devise a way to water cool make that salt water ! i figure a reg liquid cooler modified to fit the chiller lol im seeing my pc with a cooler as big as it sitting next to it! my cpu is the one amd used to set the current land speed world record for fastest over clocked cpu (dont recall if its for all or just the private sector)
i bet its pop easy ! omg i giggle like when i was a little girl everytime i say that:rofl: my wife wanted to break a tree branch off in my ass after i said "piece of piss easy" the 100th time last night lmao!!
ok gang ima go edit pics and come back to post em in a bit oh and holy moose barf the 2 girls on the right side in autopots are almost touching the budmaster!! yesh i hsven photos
What was the temp your aerocloner was at before your mod? Maybe that was my cloning issue all along? I was at 70°F, added a heat pad under it to help. My basement stays right around 65-68°, maybe i should just run them there?. Anyway, your plants are kicking ass. Looks like your hydro skills are better than you thought lol
Yay! pics on tap! :popcorn:

I do stuff like that too (walk around the house parroting the same thing until the wife gently asks me to stop). Gotta try it tonight with p o p.
oh about the savings of going led from hps they are many in number, i was running 2 600watt jdl digi/dimable ballasts with the 110% boost setting and a 400watt ipower digi/dimable never ran the old magnetic type so mine are as efficient as hid gets the jdl are top of the line high end gear im proud to own and they did right by me but they all 3 let me know in no uncertain terms i will be paying for their fine company each time i turned off one of my hid lights because an led went up i saw at least a 65$ drop in my bill now only 35 of that was the light i did the math and it cost 35 a month to run 1 jdl ballast for 13 hours a day (i veg with glr =13hrs a day)
the 400 runs 25 a month at a max of 13 hrs a day so thats 95 bux my bill dropped by going led for lights alone the real drop was more like200$ a month with all the power drawing items factored inthats 2400 a year and a whopping 12000 in 5 years im actually saving by using led,
then theres the other costs the ac in summer that has to run 24/7 , the fans and exhaust , and everything has to be cranked up to 11 and broke off! the bulbs might last 2 flower cycles before i need another 2 600 bulbs im a broke ass and a miser so i get the cheapo generic bulbs for 30 each thats 180 a year for bulbs, yes nutes and water are also halfed,all the gear used besides the lights is now running at least half as much as with hid, with my budmaster not only is quality better but my average yield went up 1 oz per plant
i have not been able to do a total difference in cost because im not a record keeping nutty but i can say that even my incomplete analysis says if your running 1 400 watt hid light with all the side items its gonna run about 75 usd a month minimum if you bought the most expensive budmaster light and not factoring in any profits if your selling your crop to a dispensary patients etc,
then the unit would pay for its self in 5 yrs however its about 10 times more light than a 400 so you could grow a helluva lot more/bigger plants, but most of us are using much more than a single 400watt hid and the new budmaster lights are using led's (osram) actually designed specifically for horticulture both the spectrum's and hours of operation see most of the diodes used in grow lights are intended to run up to 2-3 hours tops, thats why you get 50k rated lamps, but the budmaster gets a 100k rating because the diodes are being used exactly how they intended, 1 year of 12 / 12 is 4380 hours 10 yrs is 43800 , 20 yrs is 87600!! so basically i will likely die before my budmaster does is that worth 4500.00 bux??
to me hell yes it is!! IMO,, and my budmaster has already more than given me its purchase price
lets not forget the average grower here wont need the big bad boy, the smaller 450 or 675 is all you need for a square meter
ok thats my 2 centavos on the subject,i went led a year ago i aint never going back you cant make me ! i dont wanna!!
oh and led is pop simple!
What was the temp your aerocloner was at before your mod? Maybe that was my cloning issue all along? I was at 70°F, added a heat pad under it to help. My basement stays right around 65-68°, maybe i should just run them there?. Anyway, your plants are kicking ass. Looks like your hydro skills are better than you thought lol
i was pushin 90f during the day peak i saw hints of slime starting, i found conflicting opinions (65f-85f) and no concrete info as to the perfect rooting temp, so i went with a happy medium of 72fclones with roots are showing accelerated growth now
pics are uploading,damn they have grown the tent is almost full side to side and nearly touching the light well about 10-12 inches, im gonna have to be even more agressive in my methods of training,im quite surprised by this stretch,i have never had mature clones going from glr veg to flower do a stretch thats like plants grown from seed on 18/6 they are going into week 3 and just started showing pistils just like a normal stretch,,
with glr what you usually see is 1 week to 10 days stretch and flowers typically start around 4-5 days due to the large amount of floral hormone build up, if things continue like this im gonna need more light and the yield will be crazy! not a bad problem to have, well the first pics will be the chiller and clones, check out the intense roots on the clone i show thats the power of aero and "dip n grow"rooting concentrate! love that stuff
then just random shots i took of the girls in the big tent
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