BID's Multi Tool All Purpose Universal Consolidated Multiple Grow Journal #10

so i got this nutty idea,,,,, ya'll know i have that aerocloner been thinking, i think i have another lid i could cut up to fit 1 or 2 large netpots and see if aero really gives a 50% increase in yield vs soil , i figure i got the chiller to combat slime as well as the t&j tea thats been working great, im just thinking if i can run it for week after week with no issues making clones why not flower some beeh hotches? im thinking i could set it up in the tent where i have the sd2 scrog,as soon as i chop her move in the aero & chiller and do another scrog with a cannatonic since i need big yields of high cbd for all the patients that are clamoring for the medicine , i will run it with lots of myko tea and the growology nutes that seem to be working so damn well in the autopots and of course i will make some liquid azomite to get that good organic smell n taste, i will also drop the 24/7 nute monitor in there,
any thoughts about this, oh and i can still clone in my tray and dome setup
(damn i owe you big time brother u know who you are) btw for those of you curious a member among you gave me the chiller and nute monitor out of the kindness of their heart frikkin brand new in the box! just to help me conquer hydro and knowing how much i struggle with finances partly because i refuse to "sell" my meds i give them to sick ppl free of charge or "donation" i do that because when your dying of cancer and not a millionaire you are likely broke and in deep debt due to insurance being crappy and not covering so much, my friend could not afford even an eighth from our dispensaries here they want 75 for mid grade and as much as 125 for something decent and supposedly organic, for a friggin 8th no high cbd available, and edibles are insane like 50 for a brownie thats at best 2 doses, so the "compassion" that these monopoly's have built their business on is a joke and nonexistent, the program here is so obviously all about money,why else have a no grow rule if you live within 25 miles (as the crow flys) of one of these dispensary's makes me crazy, ppl are sick,dying,in pain and not able to afford relief or grow their own so they are forced to be a criminal or suffer oh my ..sorry for the rant it just gets me everytime i think about it
so anyway i humbled by this kind of selfless generosity and this is the only place i have found ppl like this that will give with no expectations amazing and awesome !:thumb: and im leaving it to this member to take credit for it publicly but i wanted you guys to know about the type of ppl we have here,

oh and the part for the mars II is in so i'll be making that vid tonight most likely

it's basically a DWC system. I make my own cloners and try to use the same totes. That way I can swap lids around. I have 2 lids with different patterns of holes depending on how many clones I take :)

I could totally see making a lid with just one or two holes for big net pots. Just pump in some bubbles and you should be good! :thumb:
I actually laughed at that last statement. I bet it's fun to watch. With that kind of agitation, you may indeed not need an airstone. Too bad we can't easily test the amount of dissolved oxygen in a liquid. :hmmmm:
well its frukkin redonkulous!!! i laughed to i probably horked some coffee out my nose seems i remember something like that the first time i plugged it in,, before the 396 the only one i had exp with was little fountain pumps that are like an old man with a football sized prostate they barely dribble a foot away in 1/4 inch line this thing is like a damn uncapped fire hydrant or one of those old water weenies that would whip around the front yard and knock all the kids in the neighbor hood unconscious and our parents would see the pile of bodies and say "oh look how sweet they are all getting along"
well its frukkin redonkulous!!! i laughed to i probably horked some coffee out my nose seems i remember something like that the first time i plugged it in,, before the 396 the only one i had exp with was little fountain pumps that are like an old man with a football sized prostate they barely dribble a foot away in 1/4 inch line this thing is like a damn uncapped fire hydrant or one of those old water weenies that would whip around the front yard and knock all the kids in the neighbor hood unconscious and our parents would see the pile of bodies and say "oh look how sweet they are all getting along"

Redbull, out the nose...and it's a 20 oz'er, $5 ea gotdammit.

and heres the marsII fix it vid hardly worth doing it was so remedial reading easy lol


nice...easy peasy. Thanks for making the vid bro. ;)

fyi, at the 5 min mark I had some type of glitch that lasted 2 mins about to the 7 min mark. Not sure if it was only on my end though.
ok now i mean it this time!! a video of the bid vid variety of how to swap out a power driver module box supply transformer converter type thing a ma jig do hicky gizmo piece of piss easy fixin a marsII400/80x5watt led light lamp agro grow bo hunkus bad ja mama whapo wizz bang n stuff video moving picture flicker film! say that 94 times slow :rofl:

Thank you for the video!
ok gov ya gotta keep that weird sexual stuff to yourself im a fragile prude you wouldnt wanna bruise my delicate sensibilities ,i would not say shit with a mouthful ....*wonder if he buys that crap? oh hell did i just type that in public?* i wonder if they know that due to the unfreezing process i have no inner having trouble controlling what my fingers type

:rofl: :thumb:
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