BF Afghan Coco/Growstones Grow Sponsored By MightyGrow 2017

You going to do a step by step guide of the cob build? I know there is a huge journal for it but it's a lot to sort through lol
Im not going to but id be happy to answer any questions you have if you want to post in my loc thread. Buck and Shiggityflip are there and are advanced cob builders. Im sure they would be happy to help too but there are already a lot of great resources here, other forums, and on youtube that id rather focus on other things. I will say this! Its very easy if you just tin the wire with solder then use wagos leavered wire clips to connect everything. Makes it more $$$ but also a lot easier.
Im not going to but id be happy to answer any questions you have if you want to post in my loc thread. Buck and Shiggityflip are there and are advanced cob builders. Im sure they would be happy to help too but there are already a lot of great resources here, other forums, and on youtube that id rather focus on other things. I will say this! Its very easy if you just tin the wire with solder then use wagos leavered wire clips to connect everything. Makes it more $$$ but also a lot easier.
I'm not sure if it's something id want to tackle right now maybe in the future. It sounds like a good way to increase your yields until you add up the dollars and cents. Next thing you know your like Ron burgundy sitting in a office saying Well, that escalated quickly!

Will transplant into 5gal in a few days
Pulling up a chair!

Your plants look fantastic, BF. Can't wait to see where this goes!
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