Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Phantom OG....

The POG has claimed the throne and is now the sovereign of profs garden. Just like in medieval times though this won't last long. Your days are numbered POG. dissent is brewing down the line and soon there will be a new queen!....I didn't rip off Magoo's thread, I promise :)
Veg Tent Update....

Good morning all! Quick update concerning the flooding and new arrivals. Firstly there's no flood anymore. I didn't clean it up and thought I'd observe it for a couple hours to see what happens. Then I fell asleep! Much to my relief when I awoke all the water had gone. Either the plants are drinking like crazy or there was more room in those pots. Either way it's good....

The new arrivals are for the most part looking healthy. The Purple Punch is about as yellow as a plant can be so I'm going to get her into some water with some nutes in asap. The rest are all fine. I removed a helmet from the Vanilla Kush but other than that there were no problems....

Vanilla Kush....

Ayahuasca Purple....


Purple Punch....
wòooooohooo. all popping up. great news prof.. Vegging girls looking healthy and happy too. soon be a flip and will be good to see how the gelato do with an earlier veg time and natural.
Unfortunately no! I never got the zkittles but I do have some other goodies I’m eager to drop along side the Glookies! Should be a gorilla party haha
Loving the apes !!!!!
Another Veg Tent Update....

I was looking at these 4 and decided that they probably don't need another 2 weeks veg and will put them into flower on the weekend. Their growth is great and we'll be running out of space if we're not careful. The pots are a tiny bit too big to have side by side which is annoying lol. So what I've done is bend the plants down to make better use of the space and to open them up to the light. The heavy watering hasn't slowed them one bit and it looks as if they've had a little growth spurt since yesterday. Both strains are consistent in there structures with both phenos of each being almost identical which is good. The only difference in both cases is that one is larger than the other. I'm happy that I've not had to hack them up yet lol. By this point in the previous grow we were encountering problems and leaves had to go. We learn from our mistakes but then we do other stupid things to make up for it lol. At one point I thought that the SL's were going to fly past the BG41's but not the case. The BG's are solid growers and are perhaps even faster than the others. We'll see what happens during flower which is closer than originally planned. I'm going to try and grow these a little differently than usual and try not to remove as many leaves. If it becomes like nighttime in there I'm going in with the snips though.....

Blue Gelato 41 1....

Blue Gelato 41 2....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
It is also my experience with the Bg. those snapped off limbs were doubled and back within a week. She is an amazing grower for me so far. 7 days flowering today. defol and stripping tomorrow finally.
Le sigh, I will miss you sweet POG!
Indeed we will but historians will be fair to her for she touched the hearts of the good people. She still has a couple dramatic scenes to play out yet
Her last words will be, "Let them eat frosty cake!"
her last words will be, "nice Fiskars!"
wòooooohooo. all popping up. great news prof.. Vegging girls looking healthy and happy too. soon be a flip and will be good to see how the gelato do with an earlier veg time and natural.
My concerns seem to be melting away as thing are all falling into place. It's been calm GG. Too calm
It is also my experience with the Bg. those snapped off limbs were doubled and back within a week. She is an amazing grower for me so far. 7 days flowering today. defol and stripping tomorrow finally.
That's good to hear. They're already fighting and pulling their way back up to the light. Beautiful plants as well. They have classic broad indica leaves at the moment that hide most of the plant from sight. I'm going to keep to my word though and let them be for now. We'll see how brave I am in a couple weeks

Phantom OG....

The POG has claimed the throne and is now the sovereign of profs garden. Just like in medieval times though this won't last long. Your days are numbered POG. dissent is brewing down the line and soon there will be a new queen!....I didn't rip off Magoo's thread, I promise :)
All Hail The Queen!!!!! :adore:
That POG has earned the throne brother! Lol
Lol. She's certainly going to be a tough one to beat but I'm always up for a challenge. I'm hoping the Purple Punch has it in her. Thanks Baron Magoo!
All Hail The Queen!!!!! :adore:
After the fall of her two closest allies the POG trembles in her maylar tower watching her family closely....I'll stop doing this medieval gimmick now....
Lol. She's certainly going to be a tough one to beat but I'm always up for a challenge. I'm hoping the Purple Punch has it in her. Thanks Baron Magoo!

After the fall of her two closest allies the POG trembles in her maylar tower watching her family closely....I'll stop doing this medieval gimmick now....
Is this before the holy grail madness begins " you english pig dog , and your father smelled of elderberries " ?.
Is this before the holy grail madness begins " you english pig dog , and your father smelled of elderberries " ?.
My father smelled like custard and beer
Look what i went and did !!. lights went out as i was putting everything back
pic was from pitch black with flash and a stubbed toe !
You're making me feel grateful that I don't have so many plants at the moment lol. Looking good GG

I've had a busy day so it's quickfire pics tonight as I hoped some sleep. First is the POG....
Nice sea of buds GG! Hope your toe is okay.
Lol. All good now mate thank you. feels more manageable but screws with the aesthetics and level
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