Barney's Farm Redemption Grow With Carcass & Trala

Well the numbers are in! And omg this bud is PRIMO!

Final Yield 191g/6.8oz

Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 126 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 59


And while for my growing, those numbers are awesome, it’s not just about the numbers. I learned so much on this grow. I learned how to make carcass’s training methods work for me. I think I’ve finally semi mastered creating that elusive CarCanopy. I am so super pleased I didn’t drop the ball. I’ve definitely turned a corner skill wise. While I don’t yet get to sit at the table of the magical growers who create that abracadabra grow magic in here, I’m defs a couple of steps closer.

And to my C Mentor. Thank you so much for taking time for me. Teaching me. Accepting me for the complicated fucktard that I am. You are by far the greatest gift I have received from 420 Magazine. Your friendship and respect mean the world to me. Had I had a dad like you I wouldn’t have made anywhere near the momentous amount of fuckups I’ve made lolling. You are a really good man. And you are so loved. Thanks for making me a faux member of your wolf pack. I love your guts. Xo

And to those who followed to cheer or sneer, thanks for making time for us. We appreciate you! Xo

Oii! Oii! Oii!

Grow Journal Complete ✔️
nice final weight Trala enjoy!
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