Bapple's 2015 Outdoor Grow - Autos & Photos

:lot-o-toke:Lucky CHAP:lot-o-toke:Bapple is all Devi my friend ,, a divine Green grower of Fine things :grinjoint:I had ta pop that in cause the CHAP word :rofl: Any how it would be about ?? well soon be time ta see the garden again ?:thumb:

Apologies if I've caused any offence... great garden, chap or chapess, regardless :)
Hi Bapple.... have just read through this journal and am admiring your outdoor grow. You're a lucky chap to have such a space and the right outdoor conditions... keep up the good work :)

Welcome to Narnia Mr Mysfyt!

No meat and two veg, but I do have a rack so Chapess works :rofl::rofl:

Thanks for swinging by :welcome:

:lot-o-toke:Lucky CHAP:lot-o-toke:Bapple is all Devi my friend ,, a divine Green grower of Fine things :grinjoint:I had ta pop that in cause the CHAP word :rofl: Any how it would be about ?? well soon be time ta see the garden again ?:thumb:

Howdy Lord Jaga, well caught! :thumb: yep Sunday is photo shoot and maintenance day.

Apologies if I've caused any offence... great garden, chap or chapess, regardless :)

Absolutely no offence taken sir, with an androgynous handle like Bapple - it was an easy mistake to make :green_heart::green_heart:

:thumb:Chapess I would be sure is cool I would be sure of that she is a cool chic:Namaste:

You're the best Jags :circle-of-love: make a girl feel like a million dollars. Hope you and your fine lady wife are enjoying your Saturday :rollit:
Happy Sativaday Bapple I hope all is well in your garden.:peace::high-five::bigtoke:

Always great to hear from you BB!

Lots of non 420 gardening going on, cos its transplant time for many of my seedlings. I put the propagators out on Wednesday to harden off some of the sprouts before they go into the ground. Unfortunately last night it was very windy and the labels blew off many of them and now I am having difficulties telling the bell pepper seedlings from the habaneros cos they are cousins and look exactly the same until they get to about a foot tall.

But otherwise the day is gloriously sunny and I just polished off some coriander and garlic prawns, so I am tickity boo BB.

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday :green_heart:
Hi Bapple I have some bell peppers and Jalapenos the leaves on the Jalapenos are smaller than on the bells don't know if this applies to the habaneros. :peace::tokin:

Unfortunately Habaneros and bell peppers are frighteningly similar, when they get bigger it's a bit more evident who is who. Well my neighbours who were expecting habanero seedlings as presents will now be given two of each and I will explain what happened.....
Good luck with the Habs, Bapple, those are the key ingredient in my salsa. ;) They start small and slow,, really love the heat or not weather,,, like most peppers. Sounds like you've done them before, this is my first year from seed. But I've grown them for five plus years. Great producers! Have a great day ;)
Good luck with the Habs, Bapple, those are the key ingredient in my salsa. ;) They start small and slow,, really love the heat or not weather,,, like most peppers. Sounds like you've done them before, this is my first year from seed. But I've grown them for five plus years. Great producers! Have a great day ;)

Hey MMM! Nice to see you round these parts :thumb:

I have grown Habaneros from seed for 9 years, but 4 years ago when we moved here, I went nuclear with them and now have all the locals into them...Chocolates, Moruga Scorpions, Reds, Oranges, Scotch Bonnets; the whole enchilada. Last year even supplied one of those pretentious organic boutiques in London with them, but then realised I am not cut out for gardening as a living, my real business keeps me plenty busy....

Liking the look of your garden both 420 and veggies, great stuff :high-five:
Just to be dramatic....(drum roll) we have just rolled our last lot of smoke :jawdropper: we have had a continuous supply since last June.

Twitch twitch, after tonight no smoke for us until the 1st Automazar comes down in 2 - 3 weeks.......

Theme tune from 'The Shining' plays ominously in the background.....:clown:
That sucks eh I just finished the last as mine as well today i got a month or so to wait til mine are done I'm gonna have to buy some... I haven't bought any since i started growing I'm not even sure where I'm gonna get any LOL
That sucks... I'd love to swap ya some....starts singing, legalize it...
That sucks eh I just finished the last as mine as well today i got a month or so to wait til mine are done I'm gonna have to buy some... I haven't bought any since i started growing I'm not even sure where I'm gonna get any LOL

We're never buying 'strange' again. Growing is easy and convenient; I just have to plan better. The harvest from this grow should be a good 18 months worth, we only smoke evenings and weekends.

That sucks... I'd love to swap ya some....starts singing, legalize it...

Thanks G! (Sigh)
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