Bandaid Haze #7 And Other Goodies

I heard lizards are great to have around pens garden outdoors today . Anyone hear any feedback about that ?

I have mari gold's in my garden bed this year I want more and have a basil plamt potted in there too but want more basil pots in there after more research today .
marigolds and basil are good to have garlic-cilantro-mint pot only-just about any herbs in pots are a couple others lizards are good they eat ants and other critters good luck bud!
I actually caught a baby lizard in my kitchen Tuesday morning, must have snuck in when I had a door not close to the outside Monday afternoon. Luckily he couldn’t move very fast on the slippery tile and was easy to catch before I had a chance for coffee. I will usually give my house a spraying every 3 months because of all the cockroaches that come up through the drains and toilets. The rest of the critters don’t make it more than a few feet past the sprayed door jamb they squeeze through before its legs up. 6 months ago I had the biggest scorpion chase my dog out from under the recliner legs. It’s was like David v. Goliath until I stepped in/on. Still better than the ticks and skeeters back in MN I grew up with.
Ticks and skeeters don’t bug me. Well, ticks are creepy, but still. Nothing deep woods off can’t handle. Scorps on the other hand... hell nope.
Imagine this,,, riding down the road,,,knees in the wind and a brain bucket on your head just cruising down the road,, and then one of these MFer's finds it's way into your helmet while doing 90 MPH.

Imagine this,,, riding down the road,,,knees in the wind and a brain bucket on your head just cruising down the road,, and then one of these MFer's finds it's way into your helmet while doing 90 MPH.

Those suckers look like they could deliver one helluva sting!
Imagine this,,, riding down the road,,,knees in the wind and a brain bucket on your head just cruising down the road,, and then one of these MFer's finds it's way into your helmet while doing 90 MPH.

Yikes! Those look like cicada killers. Typically harmless . Except to cicadas.
I had the GPS coordinations when I planted but they are not on my phone now. Rest assured I’ll find them. Lol

Oh shit tht sucks well gud luck finding them bro i no u can do it. Hopefully u find them b4 sumthing else does n no critters or sum sort fuk em all up. I jus had sumthing nawing on my 2 Black Cherry Punch clones i got going outside. Idk what it was but they basturds ate the top half of both of the BCP clones but left my Bubba Island Kush clone alone lol idk what thts about or what did it but i was pissed. but i guess its kinda fine cuz if i keep them going threw court then atleast they got a gud topping an will have a ton of side branching going on now lmao. An even if i dnt keep then ill have a gud couple branches 2 take clippings for clones later on. Either way atleast i didnt lose all of them since they are the last of there kind for me if court goes gud then ill be making a few clones of each so i can make some fem seeds plus get some going so i can grow them out for the bud harvest lol. But yea pdubs bout how big were urs b4 u lost where they were at? Well wishing u all the best of luck finding them bro now off to finish reading an catch up lol.
Yes, she’s just for making clones. I’ll have 2 gallon fabric pots and fresh coco should be Tuesday so she’ll get up potted with the rest of the veg plants. I’ll score the roots and trim her back again.
Buddy that zkittles curious and gg4 grandpa Tokin oh my your in for a Great brotha. You got this penny .
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