Banana Latte And Cereal Milk In Tray2grow And Earth Boxes


Well-Known Member

Got me 4 banana latte seedlings that will be going into 4 earth boxes in a 5x5 tent with an ac infinity 1000w led.

I also have 2 cereal milk seedling that will be going into 2 tray2grows in another 5x5 tent with 1000w spider farmer led.

I still have a few weeks left on my current grow of blueberry muffins and donutz, plan to transplant the seedling once i harvest.

I will have picures to post in the near future, just wanted to get this started so i can begin documenting my grows again after a decade long break.

1 week old here since sprouting, look fairly happy to me at 80° and 70% Rh(lowered to 65% today). Just increased the par to around 300, will increase to 400 by next weekend. Feed is just worm castings in the soil and RO water mixed with aloe and rootwise

Top left cereal milk is looking a little stunted, might've buried it a little deep or something. looks healthy otherwise though so not worried. im sure it will grow out of it.

Will be vegging in these 1gal until my last batch of blueberry muffins and donutz finish flowering. Estimating around 3-4 more weeks before i transplant to the earthboxes and tray2grows.

My 5x5 tent with the spider farmer 1000w led. The front tray2grow is donutz and the back 1 is blueberry muffins. The donutz has around 2-3 weeks left. Dropped the ball on the training and defol on these, did what i could. The donutz stretched so much more than the muffins.


This is the blueberry muffins in the back, has around 1-2 weeks left i think, smells amazing and is super frosty. Crazy how i not only smell the blueberry very clearly but i can easily smell the muffin part as well, lives up to the name.


My 2nd 5x5 with the ac infinity 1000w evo10 and 3 earth boxes. The donutz is the back left plant, the other 2 are blueberry muffins. They all seem happy and frosty to me, got about 3-4 weeks left for these.

Had issues with soil drainage with the earth boxes, so the front blueberry may be a little stunted. I plan on using a mix of buildasoil 3.0 and bas light soil in my next grow.

This is week 2 since sprout, everything looking good to me. Staying steady at 80F and 65RH. The short cereal milk is still short but otherwise looks fine.

Gave them a foliar spray and light watering of fish aminos, rootwise, em1, and aloe on day 11 (Wed). Watered today day 14 (Sat) with a half gallon of RO water mixed with BuildAVeg, Big 6 and quillaja extract.

Upped the par to around 400 this week, will go up to around 550-600 by next weekend. Will likely transplant to 2gal pots next weekend. When i do i plan to start bottom watering and will top dress them with a mix of worm castings, compost, gnarley barley, and kashi. Hopefully this will start training them to utilize a top dress before i transplant to the earthboxes and tray2grows.
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