Yes, I do. We begin with stripping these perverse western judeo notions of what makes men “manly” and “tough” for starters. Judeo ethics and values both western and eastern have ravaged our societies and crushed humanity under spiritually oppressive chains turning us into animals whose only hope of salvation comes from some fancily dressed priest who can’t resist touching children.
We have made our children, more specifically our boys feel like the only way they can have value is if they’re strong warriors ready to fight anyone who would oppose them or their way of life. That they have to be these unfeeling monsters to be seen. They have to be these chivalrous knights and protectors to have worth. Taught that their emotions are hindrances and weaknesses to be preyed upon.
this is central to the north american ideal and strongly rooted in culture. changing it means changing the foundational identity at the center. not easily accomplished.
freedom strength and weaponry are all interwoven into the fabric of society and the collective idea of manhood. how are we gonna undo that ?
This is the perfect person for gun manufacturers to target with ads preying on their fear and insecurities. Churning out these images of gloriously valorous citizens defending their freedoms like “Soldiers”. Young men can’t resist the siren call of a gun manufacturer when they’ve been brought up on this judeo propaganda. Just think about how often religious quotes and figures are referenced to and by these manufactures. The religious imagery they use in advertising. It’s all wholly perverted.
it is promoted, echoed, and manipulated by media, celebrities, and politicians all for personal power and economic gain.
there are literally thousands of political ads featuring some 50 yr old lumpy ass brandishing or using weapons.
I’ve contemplated it and I don’t believe it will have the effect you believe. Limiting access doesn’t solve the problem and I’ll explain why I believe this in answer to your below comment.
time and again reducing access to harmful substances and products has proven to be useful in battling problems. even tobacco here is severely restricted and taxed as a preventative measure. alcohol is another product that falls under the same scrutiny.
we have many remote communities here that have outlawed the sale of alcohol.
both are legal and can be bought almost everywhere. both are controlled. both still cause personal and societal problems, but the worst effects have been curtailed, because society deemed the harm of access to be too great.
there is no reason a similar approach couldn't be taken with weapons. at present we are no longer able to purchase new handguns for private use. the use of a handgun to commit an offense will soon carry a heavier penalty as well.
at present our gov't is increasing access to alcohol by allowing more retailers. it has been noted that an increase in dui and other alcohol related issues have been on the rise along with it. it illustrates how access and the problems it causes are in a direct relationship.
Also yes, I am for legal drugs period. I find it interesting that you as a grower and Cannabis user can decide where the line is in terms of which drugs should be legal and which should not. I believe all drugs should be legal. I also believe education on those drugs and safe places should exist to access those drugs. I don’t think you should have to pass some test or display some level of knowledge to access those places either. Simply show you are of age and are a part of said community.
go hang out on vancouver's east side if you wanna see what open access to illicit drugs is like. you will need your weapon.
they recently made it legal to carry up to 2.5 grams of any substance out there. that's enough fentanyl to take out a city block. it's widely seen as authority, society, the police etc, waving a white flag and giving up.
Drugs exist, and they’re always going to exist, pretending they don’t and outlawing them makes the problem worse. It forces people into hiding, lying, deception.
fentanyl is currently being used as an underground weapon against us with the full support and help of an adversarial foreign gov't - china. it is part of an overall sub-military strategy designed to weaken north america and the US in particular. it all starts with one place. there is a literal drug war now. i don't think continuing allowing them to poison us will help.
It traps people with addictions too fearful of repercussion to speak up, too fearful of judgement to ask for help. Ostracizing those in need to justify some misguided notion of right and wrong will never be correct.
they need our support. addiction is horrible. many never make it. but many come back from it, some stronger for the experience. it's our job to help those that want it.
Alcohol is a scourge on our species yet we openly market it and consume it. We celebrate it, hell we even have holidays where it plays a central role. It disgusts me. I don’t think it should be outlawed though. Just because someone chooses another vice doesn’t mean they should be forced underground to deal with shady cartels and criminals.
again, we have many communities here that have been forced into exactly that. oddly jack daniels is famously produced in a county where alcohol isn't legal.
How dare we pick and choose which vices are acceptable and which aren’t.
how dare we not. it's called responsibility. it goes past the personal. we must decide democratically. democracy is about compromise. it's about the majority, not making everyone happy 100% of the time.
I disagree. Gun control is either wide open or total and complete, no in between. Manufacturers have no reason to close up shop and stop creating guns as long as they’re still a legal product to be sold somewhere
not all of them have to be legal. that's why it's called control, not banishment.
you can still buy cigarettes. you can't smoke them indoor in a bar or restaurant anywhere here though. most welcomed the change. smoking rates have dropped dramatically.
now they are turning to vapes, but that is being restricted here as well.
The reason those places that have strict gun control yet incredible gun violence is for this reason.
honestly don't know where you are talking about. where are "those places" of which you speak ?
everything i've seen suggests a reduction in gun violence where they are restricted.
both england and japan are cited often in these studies. there are a few other places like austraila, norway, denmark as well where restricting access has shown a direct reduction in gun violence.
notably all those places also have a greater degree of access to employment help, medical coverage, and mental health support as well.
where i am gun violence is increasing. this is occurring while access to employment help, medical coverage, and mental health support have been curtailed, while gun access, in particular illegal weapons, has increased. we are going the wrong direction.
Gun control in one place just means that now only the criminals will have guns because just next door they’re still pumping out guns, and the only people that care about gun control are law abiding citizens. Criminals will still scoop them up and bring them across whatever imaginary line we’ve dreamed up.
that argument has been made time again. it's straight back the "they" have weapons so "we" need them bawling of the fearful. a similar problem we are running into here.
simple answer is make the mfgrs responsible. they did it with tobacco. guns are a product like any other. a few 100 million or billion dollar lawsuits will change that right quick. the industry itself can self regulate if incentivized.
Wide open argues that I’m not a starry eyed dreamer. I don’t believe making it harder for me to access something is going to make any tangible difference when what we have is a cultural issue driven by insane corporate greed.
at the end of the day, access is the tool. it's not the only answer. it's where it begins, not ends.
Violent young men are being produced like a commodity here, primed to go out and take a life just so guns can be sold.
that is a societal issue near the root of the problem. the gun issue is central to it, but not the primary cause as you have pointed out. it is a symptom.
I don’t send my children to school for a vast amount of reasons. Active shooter drills are a small part of that but it goes much further beyond that. I’m not all talk. I understand that to break these cycles all things have to be done differently and that starts with stopping their exposure at impressionable ages to these perverted western judeo beliefs that we continue to indoctrinate our children with.
home schooling is becoming more of a trend. the problem is they still have to go to the malls, the churches, the concerts, the clubs, the grocery stores, the sporting events, all of which are targets now. the base problem is there is nowhere safe in america from gun violence now.
You seem to like to make a lot of assumptions about me and my arguments without knowing the full depth or complexity. Does this subject touch you personally? I’m not trying to be a smart ass I’m genuinely wondering, perhaps you have more you can share from your experiences?
we've had a bout of trouble here. two folk i know have been shot. there's a crisis surrounding illegal weapons from the US. gangs have become more armed recently and bolder as a result. it's come on the heels of fentanyl crashing across the nation.
fentanyl from china, guns from the US.
I want us to stop allowing gun manufacturers to advertise for starters. It’s completely unnecessary. When I go the hardware store to buy what I need I either know exactly what I want and how to use it or I ask for help. I don’t need to be awash in these weird hero fetish disaster responder fantasies where a good guy with a gun saves the world, that’s just not reality and is super weird.
tobacco advertising is restricted here. alcohol advertising is closely controlled as well.
Our nation has had weapons for a long time and this has only recently (relatively) become such an issue because of our greed and our culture. We allow gun manufacturers and media to gas our children up into believing everyone is one move away from an all out gun battle on the streets and that only a hero with a sweet kit and awesome weapon skills can save the day.
it's the hollywood hero syndrome. again guns, manhood, and freedom are all wrapped into one false persona and sold.
There is an entire generation of lost young men out there committing incredibly heartless and violent crimes and your solution is to lock the tools up.
yes. the tools they use to kill. it is only one part of the solution, but it's where to start.
That’s not going to fix anything. I don’t know if you remember being a young man (or woman) but locking stuff up doesn’t work. I’m either gonna find my way in or around. Half assing the problem isn’t a solution.
it's gonna slow bad folk down and squelch the body count. the activity of "getting around" the law is suspicious enough to cause scrutiny. with diligence it can be stopped before they commit something horrendous.
I could honestly give a shit about a law or legalities or rights, I said that very plainly, but I agree with what you’re saying. This is also why I said most libertarians are just republicans with weed. They don’t truly want to have a libertarian society they just want to be able to fetishize guns and grow weed.
libertarianism is right wing anarchy. in practice it looks exactly like left wing anarchy.