There are some issues with the babies and I would like to figure out what it could be. I seriously doubt it is the genetics.
Is it possible that my seedling mix is too course? I know many use store bought "seedling mix". I typically make my own since I plant hundreds of veggies every year to give away to neighbors. Well...should my thought process for cannabis seeds be different. I'm starting to lean toward just using coco/peat/perlite for seedlings. What do you all use for your seedlings?
Also, in a quick message to the breeder, he recommended that as soon as the hull breaks open, to plant them into your medium of choice. This is different than what I have done in the past. Any opinions for or against this. I went my typical method of using a paper towel to grow out the tap root but you will see an issue that arose with that too. I think it was my fault though. Too rough with the seed container on accident. Possibly caused by agitation.
C99 - Cinderella 99
RS - Rosetta Stone
QoS - Queen of Soul
SQ - Space Queen
Photo dump of the past few days.
Anyone see an issue here?
Again, likely my fault.
But it is still growing... here.
This single Space Queen germinated in 8-10 hrs! I went ahead and went straight from water to the soil.
Here they are this morning and the ones that have breached. I lost one of the C99. 2 for 3 so far on the RS with one twin. The other one that hasn't breached is the one that fell out of the shell. It's barely hanging on. Little to no hope for that one. 1 for 3 on QoS with one of them about to breach later today. I'm guessing the other one by tomorrow (hopefully). The SQ breached but she looks a little stressed already. Not sure what though.
Ignore the temp sensor. It was closer to 85% RH inside the dome before opening it for inspection and pics.
Also, running a Bestva Pro1000 at roughly 40% and getting 150 PPFD. Light is on a 24 hr cycle. Switching to 18 hrs soon though. My plan is to keep them in these 3" pots until there are plenty of roots coming out. Then into likely 1 gallon fabric pots. Hopefully, I can keep them happy in the 1s until I have confirmed sex.
Here is what one of the C99 seedlings did. I have no idea.
And now the RS...
Do you seeeeeee what I seeeeee?!
Well I didn't want to take any chances and decided to yank the littlest seedling.
SQ with some issues... thoughts?
I also started some LA Berry Fruta (LBF) Autos (no longer a seed sponsor here so I won't mention them. Their info is on some of my pics for my own reference. I figured I would grow these and harvest around the time I will be getting confirmed sexes on the photos.
I started 3 LBF seeds a couple weeks back. Well they germinated great but completely were a disaster after they touched soil. So I started 3 more LBF. They had been soaking for the past 48hrs...only 2 are showing signs of germination. I went ahead and put all three into soil this morning.
These pics are from the first ones germinated around Christmas time. I had to assist getting the hull membrane off one of them. Another came out looking funky. After Day 2, they declined rapidly.
I'll get new pics when or if they breach the surface.