Badrock's Bud Factory

How long do your cuttings survive in the cloner? I mean - if they refuse to root then obviously something is going to kill them eventually. But they should be able to go a month, give or take, without rotting. At least three weeks quite easily anyway.
I have a few left in the cloner that I cut January 20th and I've lost a few the past 10 days and the rest aren't far behind. They make it 5 to 6 weeks before death, no roots at all.
That’s weird. And you’d know if they were turning to slime. I also notice when slime develops that the cuttings turn darker green- as if the slime/rot is creating a source of N for them.
Interesting about the nitro and slime, not having that issue but its definitely good info. The veg plants just seem over water or cold. I wish I had some closeup pics. The new growth seems healthy n after a few days the stem will get hard, some are turning red and my shade leaves claw. I feel my watering is pretty spot on, I know what a dry pot feels like n lift every single one. I read on some other forums that 82° to 85° for LED. Hell I dont know. The LED is a new technology for me and its the only variable.
I just ordered two of Atreum’s lights so I guess I’m going to be seeing the difference soon.

My temps are usually in the low to mid 80s. But honestly I find it hard to believe it would make that much difference to whether the cuttings root or not.
Yeah I do the same schedule as you. Plus I really prefer to know they’re rooted before committing to flower.

Its a bit weird for me, the LED lack of heat thing. People keep going on about how great it is that they don’t put out heat. Which is totally understandable.

But for me living outside the hive, it makes them hard to work with. I have a large spare room in the back I could be growing in now- but it’s not heated so I either have to use HID in there, or put in an electric heater to supplement the LEDs - which is Just totally backwards and I refuse to do. Even if I had the extra power for that which I don’t.

Ah well can’t please everyone in all situations I guess. :laughtwo:
I’m going to put the Atreum lights in a tent within my usual flowering room and cut back to one HPS, which I will need to heat the room.
I'm battling cold temp 6 months out of the year. I put a thermometer in my veg tent with the metal halide....its 86° in there. The veg room under led is 75 and the exhaust hasn't ran, I think I need a fricking heater! Im almost convinced this is all temp related. Just clicked in my head to that my last batch of good clones from under the led were in the summer.
I can't disagree with that one bit but something is causing my stems to get hard, if you bend them they snap like wood and have to use quite a bit of force just to cut them with a razor.
Hey Marz, I just happen to have almost killed some clones by forgetting to ph the water. Have you done that? A couple of drops of bleach in the bucket of water is another thing I did when using this method. Keeps from growing any negativity. That and taking cuts from the softer parts if you can. It's harder to get roots from the woody cuts.
Hey Marz, I just happen to have almost killed some clones by forgetting to ph the water. Have you done that? A couple of drops of bleach in the bucket of water is another thing I did when using this method. Keeps from growing any negativity. That and taking cuts from the softer parts if you can. It's harder to get roots from the woody cuts.
Thanks Stoneotter but its 100% a plant issue. If I take cuttings from my personal plants and put in the cloner out in the big grow they root in 2 weeks while the other cuttings sit there for week after week with no roots.
I see, a tough to get along with type. Thanks
Wait..what? Me? Not at all. Just putting the facts out there, I been taking cuttings from my personal grow to keep the big grow going. I take cutting, put them in a solo cup with water and run them out to the shop n stick in the cloner. I've successfully rooted 2 batches while the original clones from the shop just stay stagnant. Its all in the same cloner, only difference is the ones that root are from plants grown under MH, the ones that don't are LED.
Wait..what? Me? Not at all. Just putting the facts out there, I been taking cuttings from my personal grow to keep the big grow going. I take cutting, put them in a solo cup with water and run them out to the shop n stick in the cloner. I've successfully rooted 2 batches while the original clones from the shop just stay stagnant. Its all in the same cloner, only difference is the ones that root are from plants grown under MH, the ones that don't are LED.
No no, the plant is singularly tough to get along with! Haha! I was agreeing with you 420%. I might have said that another way, i'm sorry. Edit: Oh man I'll use my words better Marz!
No no, the plant is singularly tough to get along with! Haha! I was agreeing with you 420%. I might have said that another way, i'm sorry. Edit: Oh man I'll use my words better Marz!
No worries at all! Maybe its just me but without tone and expression it is hard to decipher what people are trying to get across, I do it myself all the time. I have never liked to read either so maybe I have trouble comprehending shit sometimes to. Really wanting to get these next girls veging though, I have damn near convinced myself it is a temperature issue. I was shocked to see my veg tent is at 85 and it freezing outside but the plants in there are stunning! The stems are succulent, the leaves feel like silk. I compared spectrum charts and if anything the LED should be thriving and the MH is what I should be having troubles with. All I know for sure is I am beyond over having this issue. Just wish I could find 1 person with experience using these LED I have and give me some words of wisdom. I poked my head in on the atreum lighting forum, hopefully someone reads my post there. If raising the temp doesn't do the trick I will be parting ways with $1200 worth of lighting and buying ol trusty MH.
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