BackLip Is Back With Green Crack & Sour Jack

They are stacking very fast I must say!
So looks like tweed has a Lil burn but I'm sure you can get around that! Hope you feel better brother!
Hey BLS! Finally made it over to this journal and pulling up a seat for this one too. Off to a great start!

That's something I need is a second light to veg some girls during my last couple weeks.. and a box for the setup like yours thats light proof so I can keep it in the same room as the other's. Great idea! I found some little T5 bulbs the other day at a place that sells used building supplies (mostly material leftovers and furniture that needs refinishing) but I couldn't find a light fixture to fit the bulbs at the same place and didnt want to spend 40 on a new fixture when I could get the bulbs for $1 a piece. Guess I'll keep looking.

My wife did order a direct from China special.. some "full spectrum LED bulbs" for under 10 for 2 or 3 (not sure how many she ordered now as it was a while ago). In usual fashion, it's been several weeks since the order. Might be lucky if it arrives by the end of December. These bulbs are marked for the tomatoes we agreed to bring indoors to grow over the winter but if they work reasonably, I plan to order several more and build something similar to what you have. Think I might do mine with a 2"x2" frame similar to my greenhouse frame and panda film instead of clear plastic then get my friend who does electrical to help me wire some sockets inside. I'd like to maybe mount them to a slat inside that can be raised and lowered as I'd like to build my box 3 to 4 feet tall.. the goal being to veg until ready to flip, then I'll move to flower tent. And also be able to use the setup to start our batch of garden veggies early next year instead of buying from a nursery so adjustable height is a necessity.


These were the greenhouses I built this past summer. The smaller one held peas and the larger one, green and yellow beans. Both crops outgrew their houses by harvest and I had to cut away the plastic and let them grow out the rooftop... but enough about that haha

Great work BLS!
Looks like you can go ahead and cut that Bakerstreet for quadline using micro surgery tools.
Lol most definitely! Get that quad lining begun! :yahoo: :woohoo:

when they wake up after a nap-you seldom hear "daddy,I didn't poop!"
Ohh, a dad can wish right? :laughtwo:

The little seedlings are looking happy!
Thank you sir! But I wish that were the case! They look haggard!! :laughtwo:

the new growth is good though, and their loving the new home.:thumb: Thanks again carcass!

Hope you get to feeling better,BL!
(my wife used to give me the silent treatment,until she figured out that I liked it)
I am! Thank you sir!

:rofl: That’s funny!! I bet she gave that up real quick eh?!! :laugh:

The silent treatment is nice, but scary at the same time.. anything and everything I do, can, and will, be used against me :laughtwo:

In late, not sure how I missed it, but always along for the BLS ride... SJ has been one of my favorites in my short growing career. Great hybrid that you can easily customize the buzz... I let one plant go about 60% amber and it turned out to be the perfect hybrid... another a harvested a bit earlier for a little more energetic buzz, but still wasn't over the top.
Hey buddy!! Thanks man! I’m happy to have you along!!

hope your doing well!
Good to see you man!!
They are stacking very fast I must say!
So looks like tweed has a Lil burn but I'm sure you can get around that! Hope you feel better brother!
hey bro! Thanks man!
Yeah the bakerstreet definitely looks pretty haggard! I’m not too worried though, She should bounce back after letting her feet expand out into the new soil! :yahoo:

Good to see you DK!

goodluck with your grow, interested to see how those Cropking seeds come along, get well soon!
Hey MrX!

if you want, my Blue Angel journal has two separate runs, of crop king seeds, dark Angel, and blue cookie. First grow was in coco, and the second was in soil. Just about wrapping up the second grow here in a few weeks.

Thanks for stopping in MrX! :thumb:

Hey BLS! Finally made it over to this journal and pulling up a seat for this one too. Off to a great start!

That's something I need is a second light to veg some girls during my last couple weeks.. and a box for the setup like yours thats light proof so I can keep it in the same room as the other's. Great idea! I found some little T5 bulbs the other day at a place that sells used building supplies (mostly material leftovers and furniture that needs refinishing) but I couldn't find a light fixture to fit the bulbs at the same place and didnt want to spend 40 on a new fixture when I could get the bulbs for $1 a piece. Guess I'll keep looking.

My wife did order a direct from China special.. some "full spectrum LED bulbs" for under 10 for 2 or 3 (not sure how many she ordered now as it was a while ago). In usual fashion, it's been several weeks since the order. Might be lucky if it arrives by the end of December. These bulbs are marked for the tomatoes we agreed to bring indoors to grow over the winter but if they work reasonably, I plan to order several more and build something similar to what you have. Think I might do mine with a 2"x2" frame similar to my greenhouse frame and panda film instead of clear plastic then get my friend who does electrical to help me wire some sockets inside. I'd like to maybe mount them to a slat inside that can be raised and lowered as I'd like to build my box 3 to 4 feet tall.. the goal being to veg until ready to flip, then I'll move to flower tent. And also be able to use the setup to start our batch of garden veggies early next year instead of buying from a nursery so adjustable height is a necessity.


These were the greenhouses I built this past summer. The smaller one held peas and the larger one, green and yellow beans. Both crops outgrew their houses by harvest and I had to cut away the plastic and let them grow out the rooftop... but enough about that haha

Great work BLS!

Hey NBT! I’m glad you made it!! It’s always great to see you!

I like your green houses you made! They’re perfect! (Except for the veggies outgrowing Them!)

I like the sounds of your plans! I’m excited to see them progress!! I wanted to veg in the box until ready for flip as well! But I was thinking small, because it used to sit under neath my flowering tent.

I would like to get rid of the box eventually. Use my flowering tent for my veg tent. Then spend a lil bit of money on a nice big tent, for flowering. When that comes a reality? I really don’t know, but hopefully next year or something.

it always seems to take 6 weeks to get anything from China. It always gets held up at the border for so long... and well, over seas as well lol!!

anyways I better cut this short. Got lots to do tonight. Good to see you NbT!

it’s everyone else as well!!

stay tuned everyone!

Last night I topped up the tops of the pots, with some promix. I know right! Great update BLS!

Im just wasting some time here while i wait for my flowering plants to finish draining from their flush.

Well, anyways... here’s some photos of the youngsters!

They will be getting fed tonight, as I left them alone last night after topping their pots up. They will be thirsty as a muther fuc*in camel tonight!

Have a great night/ day tomorrow everyone! :nerd-with-glasses:

Sending spare photons your way now....:headbanger:
Hey bud. I too am thinking of nipping out for the big tent. Just seems easier. Things from China also take long for me her in SA.
PLants look super healthy and it's great to see the smaller one again! Nice update and keep up the amazing work.

I went to a dispensary today after work... wait a sec, I’m getting a head of my self.
Finished work at noon, went to the University Of Alberta hospital to visit a good friend recovering from extensive heart surgery.

He looked good! He said he went for a walk around the big circle of corridors in his ward today. Got back to his room, and crashed out hard! He said he was exhausted!

Later, here comes my ass strolling into his room. After ten minutes of sitting there, munching on my rice crispy square (with chocolate sprinkles) which btw I was munching on it very loudly. Crinkling my wrapper, and everything.

No go!

he’s out for the count. Well, I didn’t want to visit him by staring at him while he slept, (While I ate my rice crispy square).

So I got up, walked around the bed, and lightly nudged him on the shoulder. At this time, I’m basically standing directing over him, as he lays there in the dark because I’m blocking the light as I’m hovering over him.
He scratches his arm where I judged him, and he opens his eyes. Sees my face standing directly over him.

as I say, “hello chlorise” :ciao:

haha I had a good chuckle... good thing I didn’t give him another heart attack!

It was good to see him, I’m glad I made the trip in to see him!

Well worth the $11.00 bucks (CAD) for parking.

So now I’m back on track.

Then I went to the dispensary, just south of whyte ave, on Calgary trail.. (if you know the area, you know what I’m talking about).

Got some pink kush, and I also got a pre roll of Bakerstreet from tweed.

It hits hard, I was surprised! :yahoo:

Anyways... here’s a video update of the plants for you to enjoy.
The Tweed seed is still bouncing back from me killing the roots by leaving them in the pucks for so long. I didn’t have the time, jeez get off my back! (In a Napoleon Dynamite voice).
She will bounce back! :yahoo:

Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Lest we forget!
I was medical and Tweed was my provider. Bakerstreet is a solid 20 % Indica. I imagine its going to be a short lil Kush full of inside growth.

Best weed I medicated with from Tweed was Sunset Leafs by Snoop.
I was medical and Tweed was my provider. Bakerstreet is a solid 20 % Indica. I imagine its going to be a short lil Kush full of inside growth.

Best weed I medicated with from Tweed was Sunset Leafs by Snoop.
Hi Baron, what strains would you recommend for severe PTSD related IBS, spinal pain and Insomnia? Any ideas? TIA
Are you talking to grow or to medicate with?
Both. I have an outdoor grow. My plan is to stabilize my own medicine cabinet here at home.
First off, I dont use Cannabis because I suffer from insert issue here. I smoke to get high and unwind...lets make that clear.
Dont get me wrong, I have my aches and pains like everyone else and could certainly be a legit medical patient

This is my first grow, and Im hardly any expert in the cultivating aspect of it. That being said, for everybody that I do preach the loveliness of Cannabis to, I most always tell them whether it be for sleep, ptsd, anxiety, weight gain or what have you, that the highest THC Indica is what your after. At least in life, thats what I've been after. I have tried CBD oil and flower, and for myself, it does nothing.

I find for myself THC doesnt actually take any pain away like a Advil or painkiller. It more "distracts" my mind from the pain and it is overlooked a lot more easier. It almost always makes me at ease and unwound from stress. I do not suffer from PTSD or or any other anxiety issues, but these are issues where you need to slow the gears down in your head. High THC does that.

So my general cultivating direction is to grow, high THC, Indicas .....or whatever's free schwags. ;)

If you elaborated more on your outdoor grow, there are some much better qualified people here to give sound advice. I only get to outdoor grow 6 months out of the year.
First off, I dont use Cannabis because I suffer from insert issue here. I smoke to get high and unwind...lets make that clear.
Dont get me wrong, I have my aches and pains like everyone else and could certainly be a legit medical patient

This is my first grow, and Im hardly any expert in the cultivating aspect of it. That being said, for everybody that I do preach the loveliness of Cannabis to, I most always tell them whether it be for sleep, ptsd, anxiety, weight gain or what have you, that the highest THC Indica is what your after. At least in life, thats what I've been after. I have tried CBD oil and flower, and for myself, it does nothing.

I find for myself THC doesnt actually take any pain away like a Advil or painkiller. It more "distracts" my mind from the pain and it is overlooked a lot more easier. It almost always makes me at ease and unwound from stress. I do not suffer from PTSD or or any other anxiety issues, but these are issues where you need to slow the gears down in your head. High THC does that.

So my general cultivating direction is to grow, high THC, Indicas .....or whatever's free schwags. ;)

If you elaborated more on your outdoor grow, there are some much better qualified people here to give sound advice. I only get to outdoor grow 6 months out of the year.
Hehehe, I read that you went to the dispensary and thought you simply must know lol :thumb:
Hehehe, I read that you went to the dispensary and thought you simply must know lol :thumb:
Before Canada went recreational legal, we had medical which was easy enough to get a script for.
Before Canada went recreational legal, we had medical which was easy enough to get a script for.
Nice to live in a somewhat and relatively enlightened country :passitleft:
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