First off, I dont use Cannabis because I suffer from
insert issue here. I smoke to get high and unwind...lets make that clear.
Dont get me wrong, I have my aches and pains like everyone else and could certainly be a legit medical patient
This is my first grow, and Im hardly any expert in the cultivating aspect of it. That being said, for everybody that I do preach the loveliness of Cannabis to, I most always tell them whether it be for sleep, ptsd, anxiety, weight gain or what have you, that the highest THC Indica is what your after. At least in life, thats what I've been after. I have tried CBD oil and flower, and for myself, it does nothing.
I find for myself THC doesnt actually take any pain away like a Advil or painkiller. It more "distracts" my mind from the pain and it is overlooked a lot more easier. It almost always makes me at ease and unwound from stress. I do not suffer from PTSD or or any other anxiety issues, but these are issues where you need to slow the gears down in your head. High THC does that.
So my general cultivating direction is to grow, high THC, Indicas .....or whatever's free schwags.
If you elaborated more on your outdoor grow, there are some much better qualified people here to give sound advice. I only get to outdoor grow 6 months out of the year.