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Drying is so confusing, everything I've read says don't jar em until the little stems on the popcorn buds snap rather than bend. it's 4 days hanging and still bendy, the buds seem dry an kinda crunchy. opinions advice ?



Wait about 10 days. When the stems snap when you bend them that's when you bag n tag
Welp, it was a cold night and I knew the heat would run all night so's I chopped the biggest buds off and put em in a jar . left the jar closed over nite they soften a bit by this morning and I opened the jar and will try a 12 / 12 open closed thingy. The popcorn buds were left in an open strainer to dry, and were very dry by morning so I put em in a ziplock and closed it up for the day, be interesting to see how much they soften back up if at all





Watered the last girl , hard to tell what she's doing, the weather has been cold as a witches tit the past few nights. it may be confusing for her to go from warm to cold and back an forth over the last week. it's May 19th it feels more like March 19th, I got a bad feeling about this summer. Can 90's be far off. New England is becoming more like Florida, I may need to move to Alaska

Seedlings doing ok, the bigger girl is root bound. I watered them the other day really drenched em and the bigger is already dry. if I up pot her it'll be a pain in the arse finding a spot to keep her the last four hours of the day cuz the grow box is still on a 12/12 cycle... A farmers work is never done

That wasn't so bad, I went from a 8 oz container to a 1 quart container. She's been bounced around between the LED light and the CFL at night so I'm gunna just leave her on the window sill it's cloudy so she won't get so stressed. Would rabbits eat the leaves I cut off ? would they get a buzz from the sugar leaves?



Plants still looking good, no sun this morning and it's still a bit chilly but it's supposed to be warming up and by the end of the week it'll be in the 90's with some humidity. I've lost trak of how many day flowering she is, it's gutter be at least 9 weeks. She's still green an looks like she wants to keep growing. after my last harvest I remembered how much they shrink, what looked like 4 ounces turned out to be 2 at best... I'm rambling, pics



Seedlings looking a bit weird, but they usually do. don't know what's up with the curly leaves on the bigger one, I thought she was root bound in the smaller container but it wasn't . The smaller one ( plant size not container size) is an old seed from 2017, still don't know who gets the big container and if I'm gunna try and grow all three or even if I should start a new journal or just keep this won going ? I'm not high enough for these decisions


I'm surprised how the buds still shrink even in the jar. they are curing nicely I check em 2 - 3 times a day if they feel damp I leave the jar open for an hour or two till they feel dry. the pop buds in the ziplock are drying nicely too, final tally is about an oz an half of top bud and two oz of popcorn bud. the earlier buds I picked get me really high but the taste just ain't there hopefully after curing that will improve



It was supposed to be sunny but it's mostly overcast. I rolled the girl into the sun, if she was growing outside she would get many days like this. the sun still gets thru the clouds enough so that working outside on a day like this one can get a good sunburn so do any of y'all think the filtered sun has any positive effect on plants ? just the thoughts of a crazy 👞 not sure why spell check showed the shoe emoji ? guess I'm a crazy old shoe rather than a crazy old man

Bud porn. ya know it would be kinda cool if there was real bud porn (softcore of course) kinda like the YouTube (wood girl) channel, instead of doing woodworking projects she or he would be tending plants. I'd do it but nobody wants to see me shirtless and in hot pants ( short shorts) for you youngsters





Bud porn. ya know it would be kinda cool if there was real bud porn (softcore of course) kinda like the YouTube (wood girl) channel, instead of doing woodworking projects she or he would be tending plants. I'd do it but nobody wants to see me shirtless and in hot pants ( short shorts) for you youngsters





👍🏻 💡
crazy old shoe is overpowered! But about the sun, the sun is good in dosages, not too bright, some folks are placing their pots near a big window for the day. The bad thing is that not many leaves get their sun through the window and its a bit decreased so I'd say put them outside for that
My autos loved the sun room, they basked in it merrily
It's amazing what a little summer weather does for the mental health. The girl looks happy this morning , if ya look closely you can see the tips an edges of the leaves are turning purple 💜. Y the fascination with purple, don't know. maybe they just look exotic and different from what I grew back in the day.


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