Back For Another Grow

The girls look better today, I'd like to give them some water but I've got try an keep the smell to a minimum. aside from how crappy they look the buds seem to still be getting fatter. I'm still going to chop off the lower branches on the bigger one, it will give me something to smoke whil the better looking one can be all she can be. crap gotta take meds an decaffeinate myself, it's mornings like this I'd love a real cup of coffee



Welp, I cut off everything that was down underneath the big buds. Manicuring buds used to be one of my favorite parts of the whole process. getting all sticky trying to get as close to the bud with getting any bud just leaf . now it's a killer my eyesight is bad, my hands shake ,neck pain, and it makes my anxiety get really bad. but I have the small amount I've already cut an quick dried. Without some weed to smoke I couldn't get thru it... nuff complaining here's pics




Back to business at hand. the girls lookin good 👍 three days in a row of just water. no ascorbic acid , no cal-mag just plain tap water. Thanks to all the advice and input, if not for you guys I would have jumped out the window... I'm on the first floor so it's only a 3' drop so it would be more out of protest than to hurt anything 😉




The CFL is 6500k 14 actual watts, is on a 16 hr on 8 off light schedule. the styrofoam 5 gal bucket cooler makes a great incubator. The bulbs is about 6" above the cups, anyone have opinion on the height... 2 high? 2 low. Sorry if I'm rambling. In the past I've had troubles with the seed caseing not wanting to come off. Set the seed about an inch in the soil in hopes that having to push threw that much soil will help
Of course you will.
Morning Keith, the "here I am" post is so I can find my journal. do you know an easier way to find yours ?
I bookmarked my 1st page. Otherwise I loose it Everytime
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