Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Well Away and myself tried withing 5 minutes of each other whereas you both did 2 and 3 hours apart from us. I figured it wasnt much of a issue but peyton you got rep from me now. Good job :)
Hey guys, today it feels like it's my birthday.. Even though theres still 2 and a half months left! :rofl:

This morning, the seed i sent on summer holiday returned home :) In full size i must say :yahoo:
I can tell you.. The smell is so freaking powerfully fruity-ish its nuts!
I've been 12 hours at work today and when i came home, first thing that hits me.. boooooom fruuuuiiiityyyyyyyy :yummy: And i can still smell it! I dont think i'll get used to it at all :) and im just drooling lol..
And then i went shooting pictures.. and they dont even do her justice... She is so incredibly icy/sticky, its awesome :)
The strain is Pineapple Express Autoflower from Barney's
and heres the pictures..



And i have a little pc-fan for airflow..


And heres my veg girl the K-Train


Hope you're all doing great ^^
The next couple of days while it's drying is going to test your restraint :drool:
You leaving your plant to dry like that or is that just for the pic to show it?
Its fine man im not trying to criticize. Its just silly. Roots and all. Do what you want.
Its fine man im not trying to criticize. Its just silly. Roots and all. Do what you want.

I know you're not bro, that was actually a genuin question hehe.. how do you dry your buds?

Wow dude:) Icy shit;) Proper craftmanship;) And the k-train looks beautiful man!!! She's gonna go nuts when you switch;)

Hahah proper craftmanship indeed! :)
and i can still smell her all over the place haha :)
Well since there is no thc in the roots they are worthless in terms of drying. You can steep them to get out any nutrients for a tea or use them in compost but thats it. You can dry it with the leaves in tact but the drying takes longer and there is a better chance of mold. Not saying mold is for certain with the leaves just that its proclivity is higher. If the buds are separate from the stem they will dry better and more evenly. If you leave all the buds attached to them stem then they will just keep transferring water molecules back and forth and drying will take a longer time . What I do is hang them in a dark place with lower humidity like a closet and have a oscillating fan going with the door open. Every day I rotate the way the buds hang to promote even drying and close the closet door slightly everyday. Just a fyi never use newspaper in drying because the ink will bleed into your buds and then into your lungs when smoked. I use metal hangars and yarn and space them so they dont touch so that same water action I was referring to with the main stem doesnt occur(transferring water molecules from the wetter bud to the drier one). Again you dont have to follow what I say and im just here to teach and have fun it isnt to make anyone feel bad so hope you dont take any message from me in that way because it isnt intended. Have a good night.
Thanks for the advice Joe, appreciate it! ;)
Been reading up on drying/curing as well, and both you and the other places i've read around tells me to seperate buds from stems..
So i decided i'd seperate the branches from the mainstem, and just hang the buds on their respectable branches, this time face down, so it's going to dry evenly.
Also i trimmed the largest leaves and all the frost-less leaves/tips.. hopefully that should do the trick better..
Oh and the closet door is slightly open now ;) gonna keep it like that for a few days, then im gonna close it.. my closet has enough cracks to bring in air + i have my circulation fan so it should be good. Then after 5-10 days more (depending on how the stems feel, how she smells and so on) i will chop her up, trim and maniqure her and finnaly put her in an airtight container for atleast 3 weeks ;)
Good thing you removed the bigger leafs when they were still "fresh" cause when they dry it's a pain. I don't know how you enjoy your bud, but I usually leave anything frosty on, I don't manicure it, but if you plan on making hash or edibles yea I get why you would. I seen people do both, some just love seeing the bud "naked" :rofl: I for one am not into how it looks!!
To determine if it is dry take a piece of the stem and bend it. If it snaps then it is dry. If the stem just bends then it is still to wet. If the bud turns to dust when you break it up to dry. To re-hydrate use a piece of lettuce in a jar with the buds. You can also do the joint test. If you roll it in a joint and it hits without having to keep relighting it then you are good to go.
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