Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

For sure…I have more seeds than I could grow in several lifetimes and I still feel like I should make or get more.
The @SeedsMan Alaskan Banana Berry auto seeds were contest prizes so I didn’t pay for those either 🤣 and they are solid.
I hate paying for seeds. I like spreading the love
As you have just proven here! Thanks!
Lol Post on the Strawberry Banana

So this picture is where we are at the end of the colas. No budlets officially. But looking like they’re way impending. And like the stretch is almost finished. So I laugh at myself cuz I can’t help this, but I do this on every plant at this point.

I start begging them for one more node before budlets. Come on girl. Sprout me a few more. Stretch….stretch….make nodes….produce…..we don’t need no budlets yet, promise…..

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All I got. It’s Sunday night. Lol.

Lol Post on the Strawberry Banana

So this picture is where we are at the end of the colas. No budlets officially. But looking like they’re way impending. And like the stretch is almost finished. So I laugh at myself cuz I can’t help this, but I do this on every plant at this point.

I start begging them for one more node before budlets. Come on girl. Sprout me a few more. Stretch….stretch….make nodes….produce…..we don’t need no budlets yet, promise…..

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All I got. It’s Sunday night. Lol.

I’ve been waiting for your thoughts about South California Purples but I can tell by no response means that you prolly haven’t heard it yet. Great tune 🎵. Plants are looking 👀 top notch btw. CL🍀
I’ve been waiting for your thoughts about South California Purples but I can tell by no response means that you prolly haven’t heard it yet. Great tune 🎵. Plants are looking 👀 top notch btw. CL🍀
I am this morning. I’ll let you know. You already said enough. I know I’m gonna love it.
Very glad I made the decision to cut way back on the Remo when I did with this girl. Clearly she’s a bit brown on the fan leaf edges but they’re still viable, still working, and I arrested it in time. Feeding at Remo prescribed did that, as it often will in my experience. Those boys like it hot. Even using their one suggestion if you want it cooler, to stay at 8ml/gal and never go to 10, the plants often cry uncle. Trizkit has been fed at 1/2 tbsp/gal of Micro, Bloom, Kelp, Astro, and Nature’s Candy, for weeks now. All calmag, mine and theirs (MagNifiCal), is now discontinued as of this week, she was getting both til now. I will hit her once in a while with that if the spirit moves me. 1/2 tbsp = 7.39 ml by the way. I’m lower than their 8. Anyway, her sugars are great and frosting up sweetly, the buds continue to form perfectly, they are already getting weighty, and they’re gonna be dense. Lots and lots of golf balls is what I see. I can’t even get high enough for you guys to see the entire plant. The front is basically what I can show. But it’s pretty much identical on the back side and the short sides. This is not gonna take two hours to trim.
Very glad I made the decision to cut way back on the Remo when I did with this girl. Clearly she’s a bit brown on the fan leaf edges but they’re still viable, still working, and I arrested it in time. Feeding at Remo prescribed did that, as it often will in my experience. Those boys like it hot. Even using their one suggestion if you want it cooler, to stay at 8ml/gal and never go to 10, the plants often cry uncle. Trizkit has been fed at 1/2 tbsp/gal of Micro, Bloom, Kelp, Astro, and Nature’s Candy, for weeks now. All calmag, mine and theirs (MagNifiCal), is now discontinued as of this week, she was getting both til now. I will hit her once in a while with that if the spirit moves me. 1/2 tbsp = 7.39 ml by the way. I’m lower than their 8. Anyway, her sugars are great and frosting up sweetly, the buds continue to form perfectly, they are already getting weighty, and they’re gonna be dense. Lots and lots of golf balls is what I see. I can’t even get high enough for you guys to see the entire plant. The front is basically what I can show. But it’s pretty much identical on the back side and the short sides. This is not gonna take two hours to trim.
Hey @Bill284 - you and I spoke often before about use of calmag in coco and the need to use it always and from day one. And I do indeed still agree with that….but modified. As I break down nute packages more, understand them better, etc, I see that almost all of them recommend discontinuing or at least tailing off on the calmag past a certain point in flower (week 7-8 and beyond). While I’m not sure of the how or why that is scientifically (someone here is), it seemed consistent enough that I have tried it that way for two grows now. It seems to work better. They seem to not need it after a certain point. Maybe when they are no longer working through the fans so much? Idk, but there’s enough trace of both in the rest of whatever you use that it seems to work fine and theees no late calmag burn like I was getting before sometimes.

If all that makes sense and fwiw. Lol!
Last thing on this plant I wanted to show you guys is the production level she attains. If you want, you should be able to zoom out on this picture and trace the side branches off the one main branch featured. This is as close as I can get to showing just one branch, so it takes a little work on the user end. Sorry. But if you do, you’ll see an insanely productive branch. Like way insanely productive in my limited experience. And all the buds are real close to identical in size, so she got a decent deflarfing. I don’t know obviously if all of them are like this, but if so and if Trizkit is as awesome as she looks, I’ve found a seriously high yielded that I dig. Always a plus.

Anyway, here’s what I mean. The picture is super lit up to show the side branching better.

Hey everyone! As the official judge of this contest I'm here to report a winner. :)

@NickHardy sent me his final weights a little while ago and I have been collecting Jon's numbers as he gets his weights/plant, and Jon has officially passed Nick at this stage. Nick's total was 650 grams and Jon is currently at 674 grams.

So, by the power vested in me by the participants in this contest, I hereby declare:

Jon is the winner of this fight for yield!
Hey everyone! As the official judge of this contest I'm here to report a winner. :)

@NickHardy sent me his final weights a little while ago and I have been collecting Jon's numbers as he gets his weights/plant, and Jon has officially passed Nick at this stage. Nick's total was 650 grams and Jon is currently at 674 grams.

So, by the power vested in me by the participants in this contest, I hereby declare:

Jon is the winner of this fight for yield!
Congratulations Jon on a hard fought victory and Nick you deserve respect 🫡 for all those obstacles that you overcame. CL🍀
Hey everyone! As the official judge of this contest I'm here to report a winner. :)

@NickHardy sent me his final weights a little while ago and I have been collecting Jon's numbers as he gets his weights/plant, and Jon has officially passed Nick at this stage. Nick's total was 650 grams and Jon is currently at 674 grams.

So, by the power vested in me by the participants in this contest, I hereby declare:

Jon is the winner of this fight for yield!
WooHoo! Great job to both of you! I have to admit... I Really enjoyed this thread, and miss the back and forth, and pictures! ❤️
Well jeez, that was anticlimactic. Lololol!!!

Thanks so much @InTheShed for your help on this. Greatly appreciated.

Thanks to the rest of you guys too. Nick’s basically gone from here, so it is likely he won’t comment here. But I’m sure he will be happy it’s over. :rofl: I thought it was a ton of fun and really can’t thank everyone enough for participating and making this whatever it was. Lol.

I still have the Apple Fritter in the tent and the Bruce Banner hanging. I’m gonna finish them out along with the Trizkit and the two Call SS plants, so I’ll keep this journal going to finish them out. Too late to start a journal now.

Well, my final piece of shit talk to @NickHardy consists of two sentences:

1. See you in Philly!
2. I fricking TOLD you what would happen.

Congrats guys. A good journal to follow.

@Jon are you going to rub it in with the additional plants' weights or just take the win? Either way, great job!
Nah no more yields to rub it in. That said, I have to post the Trizkit cuz she’s gonna be my highest yield ever. And also for the Apple Fritter cuz she may be my highest auto yield ever. But the data plants? Nah. Lmao.
Dear @SeedsMan - today I received your lovely prizes from some recent contest. And I hadn’t followed what was coming that closely. So imagine my joy when I open up an envelope only to find two of the world’s most famous strains, Jack Herer and Blueberry. Also happen to be two of my very favorite strains. In feminized photoperiod form! Boy am I excited. Thanks so very much! We here in the community greatly appreciate your participation and the joy you’re bringing to contest winners on a monthly basis.

Hey everyone! As the official judge of this contest I'm here to report a winner. :)

@NickHardy sent me his final weights a little while ago and I have been collecting Jon's numbers as he gets his weights/plant, and Jon has officially passed Nick at this stage. Nick's total was 650 grams and Jon is currently at 674 grams.

So, by the power vested in me by the participants in this contest, I hereby declare:

Jon is the winner of this fight for yield!
And that is why I don't gamble 😂 my money was on Nick 🤦‍♂️ @Jon definitely didn't hold back 💪 congrats bro beautiful flowers too 👌
Yoda Sighting!

It’s always cool when I get a call from Oregon. I love living vicariously through Yoda. Today I heard all about my boys newly upgraded main greenhouse. Serious light upgrade - the space has 29 lights in it. Why 29 instead of 30 I have no idea, lol. But as of this week, he has upgraded 20 of the 29. Now he will be running 20 Fohse and 9 Gavita 1700 e’s. I said what are you doing with the 20 Gavitas you replaced??? Can you spare one? :rofl: Anyway, he also entirely re did the outer skins, and reinstalled an upgraded system for the entire greenhouse drop down black covering that comes from the roof crown. All told dude spent some serious coin.

Below is the picture of the upgraded outside he sent me. He lives up in the mountains. As you can see, you can grow a whole bunch of 18’ tall plants in there. Yoda is no joke.

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