Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Tower Shots
Cherry Pie, Bruce Banner #3
And a turtle guest



well educated,
Lol. I have a I guess “High School Diploma” apart from some financial SFA/FSA exams for futures and derivatives type stuff and some Apple Technical Co Ordinator thing I have no qualifications in anything since I was 17.


I watch barely any movies or TV. Def not the last 6 weeks! But this week had a little more time. Just fancied riffing on movies in the absence of what are probably the “Dog Days of August” at the end of a grow. The flies can’t even be bothered fly up off the dog and bother you. Its all so hot and boring!

Watched some more of Oppenheimer last night.

Nolan I’m a fan of. Inception is probably my most watched movie. That or Rounders. Rounders I re subtitled from the Spanish version though.

But Tenet and the WWII one were shit.

Oppenheimer. I know I know!

But whilst Cillian Murphy (also in Peaky Blinders CL mentioned but best in Nolan’s Batman’s) won the Oscar. But Matt Damon demonstrates better scting for me. Murphy my literal country man < Matt Damon from my adopted baseball city!

The guy wrote it topped himself. I fleshed it out. Well turned 1200 words in to 10 thousand! First time I got like 100k views. Finished it at like 6am HKT and by 8am Eastern had a 100k views.

Then Youtube took it down because? The opening theme I used is my brothers music and Sony mistakenly thought they owned the masters - they do not. They settled with my brother two years previously. Plus Youtube back then was a bit confused about satire and DMCA or whatever. Took down my "Hitler Bunker" ones as well.. Isildur1 stuff.


Possibly the nicest thing anyone ever wrote to me. We emailed after.

Here's Part One.

You really need to know the online poker world from say 2008-2011 to get most the jokes.

But yeah did all 8-9 parts the movie back in 2010 or '11

Always has 😁
I forget!
If you watch him give speeches now it's a completely different person behind the podium.
I think he got some freedom. He was groomed. Got drunk like 4 times in college and decided he was an alcoholic. The West Wing Vp from Texaas is a play on him I think. Deliberately a tall guy in casting to differentiate. He got freedom once he's done the family bidding, maybe?
Jeez you guys are going back as far as when Guliani was still sane.
Lolz. He was an international hero as Mayor of NY then picks fights with Mike Bloomberg and has his face melt outside some strip mall. He shoulda gone to the AA meetings with W.
I have Netflix,Prime and STARZ but not Apple 🍎. I do have a IPhone though. Also I was wrong about that movie being on Prime it’s on Starz. CL🍀
Really it depresses me how many I have. Apple, Disney, HBO, Spotify, Netflix, 5x Satellite boxes, Paramount, MLB, two 1000M internet circuits. Plus I watch everthing on an illegal streaming box I pay another $40 a month for because it aggregates everything.
Anyway, it also looks like you are indeed going to win this battle. I’m not acquiescing or anything, but my eyes are saying I’m in trouble. But it’s very difficult for me to actually gauge what I have at this point til I harvest. So not sure, but this is the most balls you’ve (finally) shown yet.

Bro - I got 1058 grams last grow. Weighed and bagged. That's 2.3 pounds yeah?

This is half that size. Genuinely. No BS.

I am not sandbagging you.

Same tent, same pots, same light when it was working. Well probably until the last 3 weeks when it tailed off production. Shoulda got 3 lbs. Meh. But changed some stuff up really though: three pounds or maybe 2 KG was possible I thought.
I do have testing results - ha. A story for another time. All 14-15%. Some the best weed we've ever grown. We are using a different firm now - for testing - they were solid high teens .ike all the other tests. But yeah your competitor tests your weed maybe its not great!


However / lease signed and deposit paid today!

Forty-45 rebrand and a new license within 10 days or so. A little slow as public holidays until Wednesday

Exciting stuff.

A nation of shopkeepers?

Yeah probably not Monsieur died on St Helena!
I forget!

I think he got some freedom. He was groomed. Got drunk like 4 times in college and decided he was an alcoholic. The West Wing Vp from Texaas is a play on him I think. Deliberately a tall guy in casting to differentiate. He got freedom once he's done the family bidding, maybe?

Lolz. He was an international hero as Mayor of NY then picks fights with Mike Bloomberg and has his face melt outside some strip mall. He shoulda gone to the AA meetings with W.

Really it depresses me how many I have. Apple, Disney, HBO, Spotify, Netflix, 5x Satellite boxes, Paramount, MLB, two 1000M internet circuits. Plus I watch everthing on an illegal streaming box I pay another $40 a month for because it aggregates everything.

Bro - I got 1058 grams last grow. Weighed and bagged. That's 2.3 pounds yeah?

This is half that size. Genuinely. No BS.

I am not sandbagging you.
It’s hard to see that. Looks like a banging 5x5 full of buds, which mine is no longer. Mines more like a 4x4 of buds, or maybe a 3.5 x 3.5. Granted I have big ones, but far fewer than you. If I lose it’s gonna be for exactly the reason you first mentioned - plant density.
I do have testing results - ha. A story for another time. All 14-15%. Some the best weed we've ever grown. We are using a different firm now - for testing - they were solid high teens .ike all the other tests. But yeah your competitor tests your weed maybe its not great!


However / lease signed and deposit paid today!

Forty-45 rebrand and a new license within 10 days or so. A little slow as public holidays until Wednesday

Exciting stuff.

A nation of shopkeepers?

Yeah probably not Monsieur died on St Helena!
We can assume the sign will change soon?
We can assume the sign will change soon?
Btw - Oppenheimer was the most overrated piece of garbage to ever win an academy award. Lmao! Perhaps not quite as bad as the most recent Avatar, but up there on the overrated scale.
Well, Nick, your updates on your life are awesome. I got one I need to get off my chest.

My mother broke her hip and is fully recovered from the surgery. She is supposed to be doing several rounds of walking with the walker each day, as walking is her only path to full recovery and getting out of the chair she’s currently in. And I can’t even get her to keep a PT appointment. No walking. No stretching. No recovery. Seems perfectly content to just stay in the chair as a faux handicapped person.

This kills me. You know how hard it is for someone who sits in a wheelchair NOT by choice to watch someone they care about VOLUNTEER for it?

It sucks.

That is all. Thanks for indulging me.
Lol. I have a I guess “High School Diploma” apart from some financial SFA/FSA exams for futures and derivatives type stuff and some Apple Technical Co Ordinator thing I have no qualifications in anything since I was 17.


I watch barely any movies or TV. Def not the last 6 weeks! But this week had a little more time. Just fancied riffing on movies in the absence of what are probably the “Dog Days of August” at the end of a grow. The flies can’t even be bothered fly up off the dog and bother you. Its all so hot and boring!

Watched some more of Oppenheimer last night.

Nolan I’m a fan of. Inception is probably my most watched movie. That or Rounders. Rounders I re subtitled from the Spanish version though.

But Tenet and the WWII one were shit.

Oppenheimer. I know I know!

But whilst Cillian Murphy (also in Peaky Blinders CL mentioned but best in Nolan’s Batman’s) won the Oscar. But Matt Damon demonstrates better scting for me. Murphy my literal country man < Matt Damon from my adopted baseball city!

The guy wrote it topped himself. I fleshed it out. Well turned 1200 words in to 10 thousand! First time I got like 100k views. Finished it at like 6am HKT and by 8am Eastern had a 100k views.

Then Youtube took it down because? The opening theme I used is my brothers music and Sony mistakenly thought they owned the masters - they do not. They settled with my brother two years previously. Plus Youtube back then was a bit confused about satire and DMCA or whatever. Took down my "Hitler Bunker" ones as well.. Isildur1 stuff.


Possibly the nicest thing anyone ever wrote to me. We emailed after.

Here's Part One.

You really need to know the online poker world from say 2008-2011 to get most the jokes.

But yeah did all 8-9 parts the movie back in 2010 or '11

I meant well “movie/show” educated. Not school level educated. Hell I have all the school credentials in the world and you can ask anyone, I’m a dumb mofo.
This kills me. You know how hard it is for someone who sits in a wheelchair NOT by choice to watch someone they care about VOLUNTEER for it?

It sucks.

That is all. Thanks for indulging me.
Get her hearing checked if you haven't already. I do not mean this in a "she's not listening" type way at all. My Dad and siblings got my Mum, tricked her or something into getting a surreptitious hearing test.

Its related to not complaining about pain from broken joints and really importantly a lack of hearing relates to dementia type stuff. But they sneaked it on my Mum because apparently you get subconsciously really defensive about it.

I meant well “movie/show” educated. Not school level educated.
Really not.

Watched The Wire about 5 times (I sell drugs as a side gig!) The West Wing, 24 first 4-5 seasons and the Sopranos first 4 seasons. Sum total my movie TV watching,.

Oh! Armageddon! Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. And both Top Guns! Can probably quote all them verbatim.

Have a weird memory though.
Oh yeah, the SFA/FSA exams?

You want to learn how to pass every 60-100 question multiple choice exam ever?

Like proper professional exams.

Securities and Futures Exams

Financial Services Exams

Book 4pm exams, Read the book or folder/binder in the morning whilst not looking copying the book to an A4 or 'Letter" in the US pad of paper. Just scrawl it.

But format to the layout on the pages heading and bold or italised where they sit on the page.

Then the most important bit.

Read the question


Read the question

(breathe deep)

Read the question

(Suck in air)

Tick the answers.

And remember - you passed the exam because the read the question three times. The rest is just window dressing.

I passed some oil rig engineer exam for a mate for fun once. A professional qualification thing.

True story - everything I know about oil rigs is from the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler.
Oh yeah, the SFA/FSA exams?

You want to learn how to pass every 60-100 question multiple choice exam ever?

Like proper professional exams.

Securities and Futures Exams

Financial Services Exams

Book 4pm exams, Read the book or folder/binder in the morning whilst not looking copying the book to an A4 or 'Letter" in the US pad of paper. Just scrawl it.

But format to the layout on the pages heading and bold or italised where they sit on the page.

Then the most important bit.

Read the question


Read the question

(breathe deep)

Read the question

(Suck in air)

Tick the answers.

And remember - you passed the exam because the read the question three times. The rest is just window dressing.

I passed some oil rig engineer exam for a mate for fun once. A professional qualification thing.

True story - everything I know about oil rigs is from the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler.
Actually the above is lie.

The blow out preventer valve that blew in the Deep Water Horizon Oil rig - BP - British Petroleum was actually made by Smiths Engineering, another British company. Conglomerate engineering company. Most famous for its clocks and motor racing car rev counters, speedos and stuff. Very distinctive.


They had a specific clause in the contract that absolved them of liability if it failed to blow. You know? Do its job by blowing out and preventing!

BP got rinsed,

Their then CEO looked like a mug on TV. "I was on holiday and it ruined it" whilst jet lagged to fuck.

The bay of whatever, where the meteor hit killed the dinosaurs - Gulf of Mexico.

Smiths Engineering were OK.

Another Maat Daaamon movie.

Jeez I have a type.
Btw - Oppenheimer was the most overrated piece of garbage to ever win an academy award. Lmao! Perhaps not quite as bad as the most recent Avatar, but up there on the overrated scale.
You watched more than one Avatar?! :laugh:
Trizkit Photo

Ok, I gotta figure this out and am open to ideas. Here’s the Trizkit. It’s a five foot wide ring, pretty much. She is max tied down and has no more room to bend on most branches. I just checked the tent. It is going to take the tent too long to finish I fear for this plant to wait on it before flipping. She’s already on the verge of overgrowing my closet. If I wait on the entire tent to harvest (except the Apple Fritter), this Trizkit will be so big even the tent won’t contain her. She still has to stretch for god’s sake. So I gotta somehow figure out a way to give her both a perfect 12 hour dark and enough space to stretch. That rules out the current closet, as I cannot raise the light. If I flower her there (I could, it’s possible to set that up) she will end up too close to the light, and the 420h is no bar light. Needs distance from the tops. It won’t work.

I could toss her outside but we have long days and they’re going the wrong way. However, I could let her dark in the closet and lug her outside for 12 hours each day, then lug her back to the closet for dark. You have no idea how much work that option would be. But it’s possible.

Then I have a guest room that can be made to be dark. But it still involves the indoor outdoor lug.

I suppose I could make a light proof box from the plywood and studs I have here, put her outside, and slide the box into place after 12 hours each day. But not only does that require construction, it would create serious heat and rh issues inside the box. Nope.

Last option: bite the bullet and set up one of the new (still boxed) 5x5s and toss her into there and proceed as normal. That is likely the best option for the plant and for my work load. But it’s the least palatable to me as everything is packed up to move.

What to do, what to do?



Trizkit Photo

Ok, I gotta figure this out and am open to ideas. Here’s the Trizkit. It’s a five foot wide ring, pretty much. She is max tied down and has no more room to bend on most branches. I just checked the tent. It is going to take the tent too long to finish I fear for this plant to wait on it before flipping. She’s already on the verge of overgrowing my closet. If I wait on the entire tent to harvest (except the Apple Fritter), this Trizkit will be so big even the tent won’t contain her. She still has to stretch for god’s sake. So I gotta somehow figure out a way to give her both a perfect 12 hour dark and enough space to stretch. That rules out the current closet, as I cannot raise the light. If I flower her there (I could, it’s possible to set that up) she will end up too close to the light, and the 420h is no bar light. Needs distance from the tops. It won’t work.

I could toss her outside but we have long days and they’re going the wrong way. However, I could let her dark in the closet and lug her outside for 12 hours each day, then lug her back to the closet for dark. You have no idea how much work that option would be. But it’s possible.

Then I have a guest room that can be made to be dark. But it still involves the indoor outdoor lug.

I suppose I could make a light proof box from the plywood and studs I have here, put her outside, and slide the box into place after 12 hours each day. But not only does that require construction, it would create serious heat and rh issues inside the box. Nope.

Last option: bite the bullet and set up one of the new (still boxed) 5x5s and toss her into there and proceed as normal. That is likely the best option for the plant and for my work load. But it’s the least palatable to me as everything is packed up to move.

What to do, what to do?



I wanna see this monster flower.
I vote she gets her own tent but, I don’t have to do the work.. lol
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