Auto Jack 2: A Re-Veg Story

Thanks for the reassurance fellas! :high-five:

Actually, a quick scan showed pretty minimal damage.

A gentle swish is all it takes. I trimmed pretty close before washing, but there were still a lot of dead/dying thrips floating afterwards.
Re-veg and Volunteer Harvest
after drying/trimming

Final tally before cure (dried quickly and a bit lower than desired, but expect Boveda to refresh):

Auto Jack Herer re-veg - 69g (2.4oz) :yahoo:

Auto Kryptonite volunteer - 6g :confused:

That’s all folks! Good luck on your attempts to re-veg your Autos!
:rofl: Seems that way!

Well, I meant what I posted earlier. If it really starts to put out new veg, it’s really just to prove the concept that it doesn’t take anything special to re-veg an Auto. But I don’t intend to grow it out.

Hiya FB,

I tried to reveg an indica freebee auto. left probably 10% veg when chopped. Didn't do any growing. One of the buds left got budrot, so I took the rest.
Okay folks (if anyone is still there :cool:), a last entry to wrap this up with a smoke report.

As expected, the re-veg (Auto Jack 2) is just as good as the initial grow. It’s only been curing for 5 weeks, so I know it will continue to improve and change in complexity. But right now, I get a mostly musky-piney-floral aroma/taste.

The high is a special place with this strain/pheno - initial soaring euphoria that settles into a moderately energetic creativity, with just the right amount of body chill. Very nice daytime meds.

Be well and may your gardens flourish!

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

I've washed using Pigeons420 video as a guide and didn't do any harm.
yeah, he and that nor cal book guy- cervantes? - both do great how tos, for that. pigeons can b a riot, when he gets through his entros. he's a tosh.o ... it's an attractive concept, but it's a blessing to not have to sweat (outta soil ;D ) bugs, birds n flyin cows (i seen it! ummm.). i wouldn't hesitate, if i were outdo.
Post-harvest Day 93
(8/7/18 - it’s been a few days)

These photos have been sitting in my phone. Will take some more later today.

I'm going to borrow this pic, after my gal falls asleep. ty and sorry. what's her name? nm. SVETLANA! I'm coming!
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