Auto Grow - 300W LED - First Journal - 2014


As you can tell the AKR is not looking to good today. My plan off attack is to get some different soil canna terra pro plus from my local grow shop, not oprn today so will have to be tomorrow. I will then have to transplant her to the new soil which will be PH'd to 6.5. I know this will stunt her growth and she may not make it so i going to also germinate my Pyramid seeds Auto Anesthesia from Herbies (site sponser check them out). So if AKR don make it at least i got another one to go on and if she does make it then never mind what a bonus.
That's a strange one, I've never seen leafs curl like that from ph or cal mag issues. Hopefully she'll recover when you get her in some new soil and a week or so of stability
Looks like some heat stress... I agree with skunny i dont believe this is a cal/mag issue. Maybe some more people can join in to confirm. Are you spraying them with any thing?

No i aint spraying them i will give them a spray tonight just before lights off.
Your leaf damage appear to either be from heat stress, an evaporation problem or a magnesium deficiency.

You want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Here is a nutrient availability chart


Here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
So i went and got some more soil this is what it says on the back off the bag

And this is what she looks like about an hour after she was proper bent over

I have also started to germinate the other seed


And this is the Purple cheese today buds are starting to fill out a bit better now
You'll do ok with that soil mate, it's good stuff. It has a nice balance of base nutes that's kind to seedlings & young plants. I'd recommend mixing with 25% perlite to keep it nice & airy
Re: Auto grow, 300w led, first journal, 2014

Hey Wild. Just found this journal as I am looking for help with my new auto grow. Can you give some advice on using CalMag? I am growing my autos in Roots Organics soil and watering with RO filtered water. WHen they bud I was only going to use a liquid organic fert when needed. DO I still need Cal MAg? Thanks Wild.
Re: Auto grow, 300w led, first journal, 2014

Hey Wild. Just found this journal as I am looking for help with my new auto grow. Can you give some advice on using CalMag? I am growing my autos in Roots Organics soil and watering with RO filtered water. WHen they bud I was only going to use a liquid organic fert when needed. DO I still need Cal MAg? Thanks Wild.

Hi mate if your using LED as a light sorce then i would say yes as you need the extra cal/mag but im not too sure as your using organic soil/ferts mabye someone else here can help out a bit more. Hope this helps you out a bit.
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