Auto Grow - 300W LED - First Journal - 2014

Not really but I have discovered that smoking is not the 1st thing on my mind in the morning like before and sometimes 4 hours pass before I realize I haven't smoked yet. I mostly smoke from boredom or when I watch a movie or play a game, never take it with me when I go outside.
My wife likes to put about 1/4 tobacco in her joints, which is strange because she doesn't smoke cigarettes. As for me, iv smoked the roll your own/non filters for years and will probably die smoking one. Its the first thing i want after food, a bowl, anything.... I never could get on the vaporizer bandwagon. I got a digital ez-vape (which works great), but its just a completely different high. Even after a vape session i found myself loading a bowl. Nothing like the taste of a bowl (even the taste is totally different from a vaporizer). I'm American so the only football would be American football (go Denver!)

I have watched American Football few games and I kinda like it, though never got in to it fully because I don't know the rules and still don't fully understand wtf is happening, but I like the aggression. That's why I like NHL, don't follow Russian KHL or even world championship games, they are just not aggressive enough, rules are too strict, games are too slow and field is too big. Same goes for NBA, I watch basketball but only American because it's more competitive.
My wife likes to put about 1/4 tobacco in her joints, which is strange because she doesn't smoke cigarettes. As for me, iv smoked the roll your own/non filters for years and will probably die smoking one. Its the first thing i want after food, a bowl, anything.... I never could get on the vaporizer bandwagon. I got a digital ez-vape (which works great), but its just a completely different high. Even after a vape session i found myself loading a bowl. Nothing like the taste of a bowl (even the taste is totally different from a vaporizer). I'm American so the only football would be American football (go Denver!)

I have smoked for about 20 years since i was 10/11
And decided to give up as i got a new baby coming in a few months and cant handle another winter getting cold and wet etc from smoking in the garden. My uncle likes his american football not quitevsure who he likes though.
I have watched American Football few games and I kinda like it, though never got in to it fully because I don't know the rules and still don't fully understand wtf is happening, but I like the aggression. That's why I like NHL, don't follow Russian KHL or even world championship games, they are just not aggressive enough, rules are too strict, games are too slow and field is too big. Same goes for NBA, I watch basketball but only American because it's more competitive.

If you like an agressive game take a look at rugby union mate. I used to play a lot whwn i qas a kid and have a scar on my knee from someone stepping on it (20 odd stiches) and broke my mates arm in training by acident. O and my other mates leg shit i was and still am clumsy.
Well well it's getting quiet in here so lets start some side topic's.
I stoped smoking cigs about a week ago and had to change my weed intake method from spliff with tabbaco to now having to smoke pure through bong and i will be getting the vapir no 2 in the next few weeks. So what is everyones method off intake?
I like my football(soccer) and a very proud Liverpool FC fan. Who do everyone else support?
Just a few to start off anyone to ask and answer away.

Fellow red here my friend :)
I also quit smoking tobacco about 2 months ago, switched to e cig and I'm loving it. I can actually run 100 meters and not feel like I'm going to die, breath doesn't smell, don't have to go outside to just have a cig and can be around my son worries free about 2nd hand smoke. Never going back to tobacco, NEVER!!!
Haven't smoked weed for about 5 months since moved to UK, still gonna smoke joints, only without tobacco, or switch to bongs when home when 1st harvest comes.
I'm more hockey fan, not much a football/soccer fan. But I live close to Manchester, so I assume here are more Manchester supporters then Liverpool, but what do I know, I don't have friends here :rofl:

You're not too far away from me mate :)
No matter where in the world you go, you can guarantee another red will not be far away. They've been my club forever & I used to go the game until recently when my circumstances changed. Luckily for me I managed to watch Suarez live on many occasions so it softens the blow of not being able to go.
No matter where in the world you go, you can guarantee another red will not be far away. They've been my club forever & I used to go the game until recently when my circumstances hanged. Luckily for me I managed to watch Suarez live on many occasions so it softens the blow of not being able to go.

I have never been to lucky enough to go and see the reds. i must say i glad suarez has gone not worth all the trouble. I go on a good liverpool banter and roumers site not sure if you would be intrested in it?
My first match was in 1987 on the old Spion Kop, back in the days when it was an all standing terrace. The atmosphere back then was spine tingling. Since it became an all seater the atmosphere has slowly but surely died off but In recent times it has picked up a bit. It's nothing like the old days so I'd say you're not missing much tbf.
I think to get £75m for Suarez at 28 years old is a good bit of business as long as it is spent wisely.

I'll have a look at the website & see what I think but between two grow sites & twitter I don't think I'll get much time to log on.
My first match was in 1987 on the old Spion Kop, back in the days when it was an all standing terrace. The atmosphere back then was spine tingling. Since it became an all seater the atmosphere has slowly but surely died off but In recent times it has picked up a bit. It's nothing like the old days so I'd say you're not missing much tbf.
I think to get £75m for Suarez at 28 years old is a good bit of business as long as it is spent wisely.

I'll have a look at the website & see what I think but between two grow sites & twitter I don't think I'll get much time to log on.

My aunt was living inbetween anfield and goodison as a kid shes a red and all her bros are blues shes the lucky one lol i bet back in the day anfield was like nothing else. What do you think off the redevelopment?
There was no place like it mate.
I think FSG are doing it right as it won't put us in debt & it looks in keeping with the rest of the stadium. I would have liked it to be bigger but over 60k & they need to spend millions on the road infrastructure so I can live with that.
There was no place like it mate.
I think FSG are doing it right as it won't put us in debt & it looks in keeping with the rest of the stadium. I would have liked it to be bigger but over 60k & they need to spend millions on the road infrastructure so I can live with that.

I'll ssecond that mate.
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