Auto Grow - 300W LED - First Journal - 2014

Nice Wildwelshman. So sorry to hear about your mold issue. But you got some smokable. Just figure it was tithes for being blessed and getting what you got. I always give a little back to Ja. I always throw fish back when I am fishing too. Just be thankful the Cannabis gods are blessing you with their bounty. It'll make the smoke more enjoyable. :high-five:

Nice Wildwelshman. So sorry to hear about your mold issue. But you got some smokable. Just figure it was tithes for being blessed and getting what you got. I always give a little back to Ja. I always throw fish back when I am fishing too. Just be thankful the Cannabis gods are blessing you with their bounty. It'll make the smoke more enjoyable. :high-five:


Thanks wildjim and im sure that she will smoke mighty fine. I also like to fish but dont get much time i aint even been this year and like you i throw them back but then carp aint that nice to eat lol
Well done with crop my friend . Looks good :bravo: and to the fishing thing it's not my bag at all . Like the idea of sitting by the side of a lake with a splif a few beers a the dog or canal river pond whatever. but the snibby shnibby kid who I work with( polish kid) eat everything he catches pike carp the fecking lot even the frogs . :rofl::rofl:
Carp put up a good fight, but worthless as food. We keep getting them jumping Asian carp now, so we kill them when we catch them. But everything else I just release

A few eastern european countrys eat carp but not her and big caep are worth a few grand here
He catches them, has his picture taken with them & weighs them, then chucks them back. It seems a bit pointless to me when you can catch trout & eat it =/

Yes mate thats what us carp fishermen do its just an excuse to go out and have a few hours alone in peace and quiet lolplus i always take my weed with me.
Well done with crop my friend . Looks good :bravo: and to the fishing thing it's not my bag at all . Like the idea of sitting by the side of a lake with a splif a few beers a the dog or canal river pond whatever. but the snibby shnibby kid who I work with( polish kid) eat everything he catches pike carp the fecking lot even the frogs . :rofl::rofl:

Cheers mate. Yes the polish love any kind of fish but when they go eating a 3 grand carp then it does annoy me a lot to say the least as carp fishing is just a sport. When i lived in wales i used to go fishing off the coast for cod and bass and if they were a good size then that would he dinner.
I went fishing once & that was enough for me, after an hour I twisted my mates arm to go water skiing instead. That was before the spoilsports put a speed limit on lake windermere
I went fishing once & that was enough for me, after an hour I twisted my mates arm to go water skiing instead. That was before the spoilsports put a speed limit on lake windermere

Lmfao. Fishing is kinda like marmite you love it or you hate it.
I'm not saying it's right . Him eating them I've heard other lads moaning about the lack of fish in the canals near because they are all getting trapped and eaten not necessarily fishing at all . But I know this kid eats everything he can catch . And I'm not opposed to a bit of poaching the odd bird or rabbit it's something that gets done near me and I like game meat be it what it is . But near us the land is now suffering from influx of over hunting.
I worked on a building site which had a pond near by, the Polish ate all the fish & ducks out of it & they were eating rabbits, seagulls, rats, basically anything they could catch or trap. They are like frickin cavemen, they'll eat anything that moves
I'm not saying it's right . Him eating them I've heard other lads moaning about the lack of fish in the canals near because they are all getting trapped and eaten not necessarily fishing at all . But I know this kid eats everything he can catch . And I'm not opposed to a bit of poaching the odd bird or rabbit it's something that gets done near me and I like game meat be it what it is . But near us the land is now suffering from influx of over hunting.

I also like a bit off game meat mate. My mate went shooting all liget and i got a nice goose in my freezer from him. Mmmmmm but there is a lot off over hunting like you say.
I worked on a building site which had a pond near by, the Polish ate all the fish & ducks out of it & they were eating rabbits, seagulls, rats, basically anything they could catch or trap. They are like frickin cavemen, they'll eat anything that moves

I know what you mean maye ive gone to a few fisherys and there is carp remains on the side of the lake they dont even bother to take it away.
Ding ding final weigh in is in. I really need to find a new place to hang and dry my buds as where ive had them hang the last two time have dried them out to quick. Any way the final dried weight is 12.5g so not to bad. I think the plants aint to big this time is because i dont have as much light in my set up but when i get my new light that sould solve that out. Anyway heres some pics

Congrats man, there's not a lot but I'm sure you'll enjoy it buddy :)
Do you use anything for roots in your soil? I'm sure you can get better yields with more roots. Granules & a root stim is the next thing for your shopping list :)
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