AussieBlue's Perpetual Grow Journal: Next Generation

A pic of Candy #2 coming along. Again, hopefully a big next few weeks for her in growth, but good form.
Thanks man. Been a bit slack the last few weeks, you know what its like... ebbs and flows. Got heaps going on outside of growing, too much to deal with. Didnt feel great the other night and went to sleep. 12 hrs without water and set my veg plants back by a week. (Dried out a tad too much). Too many plants atm. Need to use em up and get the numbers down a little.
I do exactly the same thing all the time, wait all night to get in there and by the time I get in there I'm too stuffed to do anything, same thing the next night, then turns into a week before you know it :rofl: Ive been a bit slack myself lately, have been posting a lot of the more interesting pics to IG as its easier straight from my phone, taking me a few days to put them on my PC to choose which ones to upload on here :rofl: Not too happy about all the plants I have in flower right now burning in the coco, too much work trying to save them, I think I'm going to switch to soil on the next few potted plants :thumb:
I remember Snid always said take the fans growing towards the center of the plant. leaves pointed outwards remain.

Sorry PW, was rushed for time earlier. There were so many huge leaves stacked layer upon layer on the outside all that lower branching was completely covered like a thick blanket. In this case i had to trim her back. I have removed at least 100 hig fan leaves in and out and she is still thick. Different plants need different treatment. And its side nodes have fairly good leaves to feed from already. Some plants like this one i like the bottom canopy to provide the energy and open the top right up.
I do exactly the same thing all the time, wait all night to get in there and by the time I get in there I'm too stuffed to do anything, same thing the next night, then turns into a week before you know it :rofl: Ive been a bit slack myself lately, have been posting a lot of the more interesting pics to IG as its easier straight from my phone, taking me a few days to put them on my PC to choose which ones to upload on here :rofl: Not too happy about all the plants I have in flower right now burning in the coco, too much work trying to save them, I think I'm going to switch to soil on the next few potted plants :thumb:

lol. Yep exactly my routine. Days definately turn into a week... ive rarely been able to get anything good going with soil indoors. Maybe the right soil. Probably better with something dug up out of my yard. Ive always bought stuff and its never worked. Im much happier with inert mediums that dont have conplexities. Still heaps to tune in. Im sure im playing on the safe side of ppm at moment for example but after these four come in i will play a bit more.
Ive never had any luck with soil indoors either but the stuff I mixed up has been cooking for a couple of months now and seems to be doing really well, super healthy plants, just don't know if there is enough in there to keep them happy through the whole grow so probably will have to amend :thumb:
Yeah normally i start out good and run in to trouble at that point you have to ammend. Its weird outdoors no probs in the past but i think its the rainwater keeping everything flushed nice and ph stable. 7 and i guess the roots can just wonder and hunt out what they need. Your soil would be much better than what i have used indoors. Try it and see what happens. Some of these doc bud grows look awesome but id fuck it up for sure.
Yeah I have no idea when it comes to amending organics, especially when most of the information out there use ingredients not available to us over here, I'm just going to use my GH flora nutes and additives if I need to, not looking for a full organic grow, just something a bit easier :rofl: the ones in pots are just filler plants anyways, my DWC's are what gets most of my attention :thumb:
Yeah try rind some jamaican bat guano here... and ground indian frog toenails... lol.

:rofl: :rofl: so true :rofl:

Still cold there. It's like 6 degrees here at night still. I've just put my girls outdoor bit bring them in at night.

Hasn't been too cool lately, about 12c overnight, been bloody hot during the days, about 30c today and feels like summer lol, ive had plants outside for months, actually about to harvest 2 little ones, were in the greenhouse most of their flower period but have been outside for a good 3 weeks now :) still a bit early to put them out for veg though, got a few clones out there I'm going to have to reveg before flowering this season :thumb:
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