AussieBlue's Perpetual Grow Journal: Next Generation

Dont think the cherry og is going to do much stretching. Its been just like normal growth. Weird cause the one that got killed due to mites had a lot more stretch. But i think the stretch is a bit more contained in the hempys vs the water culture. Id say they will reach a bit of a limit in the 12l buckets. But thats cool cause im aiming at 4oz or a tad more per plant now. BGs pot would be 100% packed with roots by now. Its has roots growing put the top surface of the pot. Probably need a bit more growth from Candy by now but if it does a 12" stretch it will be ok. Things can change a lot in a week.
I have been having a read on a few Journals here, it does seem to vary a lot. Strain, grow method, lighting - pretty much everything makes a difference. I am not expecting anything major, around 50 - 60g a plant will do me. If its good weed, that will be my main goal. I plan on making some Ice Hash and some Oil out of the trim, won't waste a leaf From what I have read Photos make a lot more, especially if they are grown outdoors.
Yeah its all yeild vs time vs light. Main thing i do know about autos is they have to be healthy the whole cycle and then they seem to do well. No reason you couldnt get 4oz off one.
I'm growing quite a few autos here in NSW. I have 20 females between 2 and 3 foot tall. Strains are magnum x syrup and auto ultimate x syrup. Have another 80 seedlings and plan on making another 300 auto seeds in a couple of weeks. Its so easy to hide autos out bush its not funny.
I hang out at under the name bobqp . I post pics of my autos on there in the Aussie forum. But I can talk on here if you want. Autos should be in pots atleast 10 litres in size. They seem to grow slowly outdoors but they grow very fast during flowering. I use potting mix and good creek soil.
Youll have to excuse me if im a bit absent or whatever on here the next few weeks, turns out after massive headaches and going to casualty at the hospital yesterday my broken nose was more a hairline fracture of the skull of my forehead from my nose running up about an inch. Bit of fluid between the skull and brain membrane. Cant consentrate for long, especially reading on the phone. Just got to wade it out they reckon and all shall be good. .
Yeah running to watse out through the floor to my garden. So not so much waste, cause the butterfly bushes the waste is watering look supreme. Are going to be so laden in flowers this year it is insane. Ill get some pics of them in my garden when they flower.
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