Could be a few different kinds of pests. Fungus gnats, root aphids, or maybe thrips. Way too blurry to really tell, but I would recommend doing a drench with neem oil.
Use a 100% cold-pressed neem oil like Einstein or Dyna Grow
Mix 3 tsp neem in with 1 tablespoon soap ( regular soap from animal fats, like Palmolive, Castille, etc. Not dawn, nothing anti-bacterial. )
**Optional and better mix it in 1 tablespoon insecticidal soap.
Stir it up until it makes a milky white mix. Water carefully so that you don't miss any of the soil with the solution, you're treating the soil, not the roots of your plant. Neem is a strong anti-fungal mix and insecticide, and the soap will also kill a lot of insects.
That will take care of quite a few pests, but you may also need to adjust growing environment and practices--humidity, watering frequency, etc. There's also some blue/green/yellow sticky traps you can pick up that they're attracted to and get stuck on. If it was fungus gnats you'd probably have noticed them flying around by now though so I'm thinking it's something else.