AscendedMasterKief's Third Grow: Bagseed - Soil - CFLs

Got my seeds today! (In a birthday card, no less :) )

Added some fert today to all of them. Day 50.
No, can't get it closer, without heat troubles. Y'all may call me a fool, but just now was looking at #1 (the runt). It was nice and crystally, but probably less than a gram. It was hardly growing, or swelling, but it was crystalled over, so cut it, and am drying it now, lol. It might just make a bowlful. But the other two, especially #3, are growing awesomely.

EDIT: Oh, and that runt? She is STINKY. I'll grab a pic of the bud before I smoke it, lol.
Did that. ;) :D :) Sorry about no pic, lol, couldn't wait. Weighed about a half a gram, filled my one-hitter twice. Mild indica stone. Mucho munchies. :popcorn: Definitely waiting all the way for the other two girls. On a related note:


EDIT: Gotta say, best I've felt all day, and.....damn, it's good to have an appetite again, after a couple days not eating.
LMFAO, I forgot. I DID take a picture, lol.

I know, I probably could have let it try to keep growing, but I was having a shitty day, and just decided to smoke the runt of the litter, lol. The others are staying, and I promise to be patient. ;)
That's what I think I was thinking yesterday. I can put something productive in that pot. :) Maters, maybe, or something outside. Got a boatload of 2L bottles, and a 2L bottle rack. :) Gonna need a bigger air pump!
Today is day 56 of 12/12 from seed. No real news, the gals are just doing their thing: growing a bit, densing out a bit, smelling a bit. Camera's batteries died again. Will have to dig around the trailer, find some new ones.

EDIT: Does everyone know what time it is??? RoorRip It's 4:20! Good afternoon, peeps!

EDIT 2: Found a battery! Only enough for a few blurry pics, AF is shit. Picked the best one to UL.

EDIT 3: BTW, I'm using "Fuzzy Sticks" from Walmart, to tie her up.
Got a BUNCH of AA batteries today, so should be able to take lots and lots of pics! wo0h0o! Tomorrow, though, when the lights are on. Nite, folks.
I think I over-fertilized last week, or gave it two doses in one week instead of my normal one fill a week of fert-water. So water all this week, and if she begs for nutes, then I'll give them to her. #2 seems very well. The clones from #3 are keeping me wondering if they'll make it. They haven't rooted yet.
Today is day 61. Just got a lighted 30x &60x jeweler's loupe, from the big SA river. Came all the way from Shang-HIGH though, but arrived very quickly. Anywho, used it right away to look at trichs on the two girls. #3's are all small and clear, but are many. #2's are small, clear and some white, and very many. Both girls got a little ways to go, of course, but maybe now I can be a little more patient (and have better yields), as I can't use the "had to sample to check for doneness" routine anymore, lol.
Cat got in the closet and ate the plant. Got about 4 grams from #3's remains. Not a bad couple doobies. Put a seedling from outside in there, and got one of the clones in soil, and the lights on veg cycle. Need to get some perlite/vermiculite for next project: KC45 Autos, hempy style, once seeds arrive, along with WW, and NLxSkunk Fem, and Kerala x Skunk. Wanting to do all hempy, I've got enough bottles, but not enough power on my one bubbler thing to power more than one DWC. So I may do one DWC, and the rest hempy. Got a few new special seeds from un-named weed that was fruity as hell.
Quick-dried a few buds, on "Warm" setting in toaster oven. Decent cerebral high, with stoned, lazy aftertones. Taste, nothing to write home about. Definitely not the best pot in the world.
My cat literally runs away from catnip. :( Got two zips of homegrown catnip, he won't go near it. An ounce of store-bought, won't touch that either. I guess he didn't so much eat the plant as much as destroy it.
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