Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Strains

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

the plants look like they have grown a lot since last i stopped by! glad you figured things out and the grow is startng to get to the really jun part :circle-of-love:
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Yeah they are back on track for sure. Now that we are getting some flowers I think you need to water a smidgen more often. Don't wait till they are drooping in flower. We have the nice root systems and don't need them to be on hyperdrive searching for water. But we don't want them to rot or be low in oxygen so too much water is a no no as well. It is in this case that feeling the bottom of the pot medium can be really helpful. So water with the same theory as before, just water them the slightest bit sooner so the pot doesn't go dry. I guess what I was thinking was overwater droop was actually underwater droop!

You can do the initial soaking with nutes and let some of the nutes run to waste. Using nutrient will actually help flush out the last feeding as the salts in the nutes will help carry the locked up salts out. My plants only see water at the very last week. In most cases even when I flush I do so with 1/4 strength nutes.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Awesome plants! Read through your journal and nice to see the drooping is going away. Was wondering if your girls are still rocking the purple/red stems? Mine have the same colour of the top of the stems and had been thinking about giving some cal-mag as you did.

Saw the post linking it to pH which I think is most likely right as for some reason I had pH adjustment in my head as a low priority when starting up so will get setup to manage it in the future. Luckily it doesn't seem to have had a noticeable negative effect on either of us so far.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Ya they gave good advice your girls will be really thirsty now they are flowering so keep an eye on them im having to add water every two days ,but that's to my reservoir as im doing hydroponic on my flowering girls but same thing for soil they drink more and eat more now there flowering
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

the plants look like they have grown a lot since last i stopped by! glad you figured things out and the grow is startng to get to the really jun part :circle-of-love:

They were fun to stare at when they were kids (MAN that sounds wrong) but now that they're 18+ and showing their girly parts, I can't help but spend hours with them.

May be the most meaningful relationship I've had in a decade!


Yeah they are back on track for sure. Now that we are getting some flowers I think you need to water a smidgen more often. Don't wait till they are drooping in flower. We have the nice root systems and don't need them to be on hyperdrive searching for water. But we don't want them to rot or be low in oxygen so too much water is a no no as well. It is in this case that feeling the bottom of the pot medium can be really helpful. So water with the same theory as before, just water them the slightest bit sooner so the pot doesn't go dry. I guess what I was thinking was overwater droop was actually underwater droop!

It's a very valid assumption, since I think it's apparent I tend to overdo things. But I've drowned many a plant in my day, even some scraggly "weed" when I was a kid, and I was determined not to do it again.

Also, I would bet good money that if I ran down and took a picture right now, most would assume they were under or over watered. My fan leaves go from droopy to praying by 45+ degrees every day.

You can do the initial soaking with nutes and let some of the nutes run to waste. Using nutrient will actually help flush out the last feeding as the salts in the nutes will help carry the locked up salts out. My plants only see water at the very last week. In most cases even when I flush I do so with 1/4 strength nutes.

I was doing 1/4 and 1/2 strength nutes with a watering in between, but I think my setup is good enough at pushing the plants that I need to go up as well. The two in airpots that are 10 days behind are going to be treated a lot differently than the first four, and I believe not as affected by the cold floor either.

Ya they gave good advice your girls will be really thirsty now they are flowering so keep an eye on them im having to add water every two days ,but that's to my reservoir as im doing hydroponic on my flowering girls but same thing for soil they drink more and eat more now there flowering

They are already probably half the weight they were after Thursday's soaking, thinking it'll be 4 or 5 days this time rather than 7, but we'll see.

Wow Arteekay your girls are taking off :thumb:

Thanks OG, really appreciate you and everyone spending any time at all looking at my journal.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Today's pics, from around noon (so 8 hours into their day).

First the usual set of pics.


The CC and NL that we haven't really done much with, the two biggest we have and the least affected by any of the previous issues:

The Pale girl with spots, new growth is nice dark green and is growing out past the yellowing from before. Woot:

Droopy from the left, then the right:

Revolver, thanks to Britney's accident she's gonna take over the top spot in a few weeks I think.

Britney, post K-fed.

My cohort and room mate was staring at them half the morning before i got up, and had formulated a plan...

Since Droopy started to stretch a bit, we thought we'd help her out a bit more and open her up with some gardening wire.

Just to let some more light and airflow into her of course, since we'd committed to just letting them go and not manipulating them any more than we have to.

Well that was just a ton of fun, and allowed us to really spend some time with her.

So we start looking around.

Britney got topped when she wilted away after her accidental run-in with a stoned asshole (and not Kevin Federline, for once) so she's already going to have two tops:

We figure why not open her up a bit too, let her breath and fill out the pot a bit more:

So now we're on a roll, having a blast and looking for the next victim...

Rev is our best chance of doing better than a single main stem, and now we're filled with confidence and reasonably sure we'll get something decent off the two tall girls.

The gloves come off, no more Mr. Nice Gardener.

After a couple dozen increasing bends of the top to loosen up her stem, we bend her over and strap her down below the rest of the upward growth:

We rotated front to back to let them all have their turn in the fans, and closed her up for the day:

Within an hour and a half everything that was tied down was curling back up to the light, and by 8 they got adjusted a bit more and put to bed for the night.

So much for no LST. But happy to have broken our cherry with something less extreme than slamming their heads into the lights.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Awesome plants! Read through your journal and nice to see the drooping is going away. Was wondering if your girls are still rocking the purple/red stems? Mine have the same colour of the top of the stems and had been thinking about giving some cal-mag as you did.

Saw the post linking it to pH which I think is most likely right as for some reason I had pH adjustment in my head as a low priority when starting up so will get setup to manage it in the future. Luckily it doesn't seem to have had a noticeable negative effect on either of us so far.

May as well throw Canada or UK into your profile, I'm going to assume you're a fellow Canuckistan. The spelling of colour gave ya away! ;-)

Honestly I haven't been paying close attention to the purple stems, so I'm not sure if they're receding or increasing. My understanding is it's more likely from PH (or cold feet) than Ca or Mag deficiencies, but I could be wrong there.

I'll take a look tomorrow and see if I can determine.

I've been testing PH since day one, but formerly with the aquarium drops method, and being a guy there are only about 10 colors I can even tell the difference between. (There's no eggshell, harvest, cotton, or bright white, there is only white).

I've now got a cheap and likely somewhat inaccurate PH meter, but i still do a sanity test with the drops. Next step is a high end meter and all the test and storage fluids.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

May as well throw Canada or UK into your profile, I'm going to assume you're a fellow Canuckistan. The spelling of colour gave ya away! ;-)

Honestly I haven't been paying close attention to the purple stems, so I'm not sure if they're receding or increasing. My understanding is it's more likely from PH (or cold feet) than Ca or Mag deficiencies, but I could be wrong there.

I'll take a look tomorrow and see if I can determine.

I've been testing PH since day one, but formerly with the aquarium drops method, and being a guy there are only about 10 colors I can even tell the difference between. (There's no eggshell, harvest, cotton, or bright white, there is only white).

I've now got a cheap and likely somewhat inaccurate PH meter, but i still do a sanity test with the drops. Next step is a high end meter and all the test and storage fluids.

I do in fact hope to become a Canuckistan at some point however there are more countries then those 2 that like their u's and z's :)

Have also been ignoring the stems, but I agree 100% that it is most likely pH related. Like you I have never noticed any change in the stems, they just grow that colour on the top and stay that colour

Managing pH is something I had marked in my head as relatively unimportant initially for some reason, have certainly learnt better since.

Did you just grab one of the cheap meters off the Bay?

Love the way you are doing your photos, the plants look like they are glowing almost.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

I do in fact hope to become a Canuckistan at some point however there are more countries then those 2 that like their u's and w's :)

Well look at that! My quick google-fu has failed me!

Best Answer: any country that primarily speaks English except for the US.

Should have known. Mind you I'm still old enough to prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius, but only for indoor room and tent temperatures. Outdoor temps below about +20 Celsius I have no idea what they are in Fahrenheit.

As for moving to America's toque, when you can say sorry to a total stranger who purposefully walks right into you, we give you automatic citizenship.

Have also been ignoring the stems, but I agree 100% that it is most likely pH related. Like you I have never noticed any change in the stems, they just grow that colour on the top and stay that colour

Managing pH is something I had marked in my head as relatively unimportant initially for some reason, have certainly learnt better since.

I knew it was important, I didn't know how colour blind I am or how incredibly intense PH down is. Dripped some on my kitchen table on day one and didn't notice. The next day I wiped away the white spot only to find out it was the top layer of my table turned into a gel.

Did you just grab one of the cheap meters off ____?

I don't think you're supposed to mention that site here. Might want to check the posting guidelines. But, yup I did, something like 30 bucks for it and a cheap TDS meter as a combo. Took two weeks longer than I had expected in my head and wish I'd just bought a good one the first time around. Again, Should have known.

Love the way you are doing your photos, the plants look like they are glowing almost.

I'll tell you my secret. At first (back in the first post on page one) I was using my phone. But then I got scared that my pictures were being automatically uploaded to onedrive, so I completely stopped for a week with the intention of buying a new offline camera to avoid that.

The next day my house mate found an very old camera that barely holds a charge and is pretty low end by today's standards, but it was good enough to get some daily pictures with. He didn't even expect it to work as it'd taken a dive into a full body of water or something (can't remember exactly).

Meanwhile, I found 420mag and started not only putting my photos online, but posting under a name a handful of people know IRL, but by then I was hooked on having an actual camera for pics.

So seriously, just a cheap camera, making sure to try not to have the flash be needed, and having some training in photography and videography from a past life career.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Well look at that! My quick google-fu has failed me!

Not as much as my brain failed me... meant u's and z's! Lets just say its normally 15-20C minimum where I am.

Should have known. Mind you I'm still old enough to prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius, but only for indoor room and tent temperatures. Outdoor temps below about +20 Celsius I have no idea what they are in Fahrenheit.

As for moving to America's toque, when you can say sorry to a total stranger who purposefully walks right into you, we give you automatic citizenship.

I feel like I'm starting to think in Fahrenheit after reading so much on this site. That citizenship requirement sounds like me all over, I'll remember to add that to my Visa application :laughtwo:

I knew it was important, I didn't know how colour blind I am or how incredibly intense PH down is. Dripped some on my kitchen table on day one and didn't notice. The next day I wiped away the white spot only to find out it was the top layer of my table.

I'm also a guy, is it a thing that we can't see shades of white?
Whoa that is intense, I think I was a little intimidated by the whole process, have you worked out a method?

I don't think you're supposed to mention that site here.

Oops, thanks for the tip, hadn't registered that.

Thanks heaps for the story about your camera it made me remember my parents have an old one I can probably have for free.

Excited to see how yours turn out, they look so nice and green would be real happy with that
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Not as much as my brain failed me... meant u's and z's! Lets just say its normally 15-20C minimum where I am.

I feel like I'm starting to think in Fahrenheit after reading so much on this site. That citizenship requirement sounds like me all over, I'll remember to add that to my Visa application :laughtwo:

Well, I've got some unfortunate news for your future visit or citizenship, we definitely have four distinct seasons here.

I'm also a guy, is it a thing that we can't see shades of white?
Whoa that is intense, I think I was a little intimidated by the whole process, have you worked out a method?

Not really yet, recording everything in my hand written grow journal, but the ph down is tricky stuff. Started with an eye dropper, but even that was a lot of ph down.

it's particularly difficult when they are small and you're not mixing up dozens of litres at a time.

Excited to see how yours turn out, they look so nice and green would be real happy with that

They have recoverd quite well, it was touch and go there for a while I think. Don't tell anyone, but I did have some doubts it'd go even this well.

My pH meter purchase will end up being entirely dependant on my finances at that point in time, hopefully can invest

Get the drops anyway, they're like 10 bucks and you want them to sanity test against later when you have a meter.

I must say I am impressed with how they are taking off! They are going full throttle and haven't looked back. I love seeing the beginning of real buds. Tou are going to have some big ones in your future. The real fun starts now. You open the tent each day and get to be amazed by what has happened since last time.

Thanks Shigs, if you're impressed I'm enthralled. :adore:
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

For today and tonight, there wasn't much to do other than stare and play a little with leaf tucking and wire adjustments. I did end up pulling each out and clipping off anything that was dead and crispy underneath. Will be researching next if I can (or should) do any lollipopping.

Droopy is still looking droopy. Her pot is still a tiny bit heavier than I'd like it, but I can't let her go another night without water. She'll get the same near full strength nutes her three sisters did on Thursday.

4.5-5.0ml of DNF A+B grow and 4.5ml of Calmag+ per liter. I didn't put it in this grow journal, but my ppm on the last feed was ~825 at 5.7 ph and at 70f.

The rest are no more than a day or two away from getting their first taste of bloom nutes.

Tonight's pics:

We'll be raising up the top light an inch or two tonight, it's 9 inches away from the tallest girl that's sitting on the floor.

That'll likely inspire us to re-level the tops on the lower side as well.

The usual individual shots, but I missed one and too lazy to go get it.

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Hey all, I am Arteekay's co-grower and will admit he has taken the lead and with all the help from this great community we have some very pretty girls (with warm feet).. and they smell ohhhhh so nice.

Anyway, Just wanted to say thanks and it's great to learn all about these fascinating plants.. and even Brittany is looking fantastic

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Wow, those girls look great, keep up whatever your doing.

They do seem to have completely recovered. I keep telling myself I don't need to do daily posts of them now that the trouble is over, but I just can't help myself.

Hey all, I am Arteekay's co-grower and will admit he has taken the lead and with all the help from this great community we have some very pretty girls (with warm feet).. and they smell ohhhhh so nice.

Anyway, Just wanted to say thanks and it's great to learn all about these fascinating plants.. and even Brittany is looking fantastic

After two years of watching me fuss with the plants outside, this guy decided to plant the first and most critical seed.

"Hey Arteekay, how about growing something we can smoke".

Pretty sure he knew it would be like pulling a ripcord...

Its like your plants jumped from little sickly straight to enormous growth spurt. Happy to see things going smoothly now. :yummy:

Seems like the major issue I had definitely was the slab. Hoping for much better things now.


Subbed! Better late than never, right? Beautiful grow. Organization is astounding. Looking forward to seeing the progress!

You're not late, in fact you're just in time to roll the next one!

Thanks so much for the positive energy. There's been some touch and go moments for sure.

I'll be heading over to your journal later tonight.
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