Any2's Vertical 2k Double Donut w/ High Brix - First Indoor Grow

Yes, use all 20 lbs for a full 3.8 bale. You should end up in the neighborhood of 55-60 gallons. :thumb:
SWEET I recieved my 2nd run kits!!! Prolly start cooking them Sat for the upcoming outdoor grow.

Day 16 since flip and started a Recharge watering then will follow up with back to back cat drenches. Wild Thai's are getting big and a gallon is not cutting it anymore. A few were wilting but they will recover. 2 good waterings with some in between small waterings is what is needed now per week. Found some god damn mites on a few of the smaller GDPs. I might do another sulphur vape and then follow up with some bug and pest applications after that.

Still seeing clawing that comes with inward folding of the leaves like a canoe shape and it is apparent on all strains. That issue has been seen in all of my high brix grows indoor and out, so I am not sure what to make of it. N tox comes up over and over again in all my searches. Temps and RH have been good. All feedings, foliars to the letter.

Popped a few various beans(Cherry Pie, Tahoe OG, Nor Cal Purp, Platinum OG) and started some Grandberry clones for the upcoming outdoor season.

Other than that not much happening will post some pics this weekend.

Peace fellow brixters,

Ok.......finished the 2nd sulphur vape over the weekend just to knock down the mites a bit and any pm issues. Will follow up with bug and pest from here on out. They did appear perky after the vape for some reason.

Cat drench today, but watered them with a 1 to 1 1/2 gal first then equal portions of around 3/4 gal of the drench. They are getting big and the leaves that don't have the folded inward canoe type of claw look really nice. The ones that are clawed will remain that way and I think the Wild Thai's are light feeders and often thought of even lighter doses of the drenches but have been going full. Also, other strains have shown that same thing so not sure.

Getting big


claw right when lights came on


Ok.......finished the 2nd sulphur vape over the weekend just to knock down the mites a bit and any pm issues. Will follow up with bug and pest from here on out. They did appear perky after the vape for some reason.

Cat drench today, but watered them with a 1 to 1 1/2 gal first then equal portions of around 3/4 gal of the drench. They are getting big and the leaves that don't have the folded inward canoe type of claw look really nice. The ones that are clawed will remain that way and I think the Wild Thai's are light feeders and often thought of even lighter doses of the drenches but have been going full. Also, other strains have shown that same thing so not sure.

Getting big


claw right when lights came on



Nice plants! I've noticed some claw as well. I think it could be either drench to strong, or not enough watering between drenches. I think lab recommends drenching once a month?! So I've been watering two, even three times between drenches. Cat drench not so much. Maybe one super light top off. I think I made a plant hermie with the cat drench, so I've been thinking that a two slightly weaker dose cat drench, back to back is best. Docs new instructions call for only 1/2oz for a full bale.. That's less than 3ml per 7gal pot.

With weed, the saying - less is more, seems to hold true in many situations.
Well then.....I was drenching weekly with the recommended cycle pattern and made "feed/drench" water with 2mls of Tea/.50 oz of lets say Energy that made around 6 gallons and gave one gallon to each plant. Between drenches I would sprinkle small amounts of water on the top of the soil to moisten them.

I start by putting the 2 mls in a cup of water, stir it around. Then fill a gallon jug with water and toss the 1/2 oz of whatever was up on the schedule for that week. Toss the tea into the gallon jug and give it a stir. Then have 2 side by side buckets with equal amounts of water in them(usually around 3 gallons each) and divide the "feed/drench" water between the 2 buckets which would give me one gallon per plant.

If you think it is once a month for the drenches then yea I am fucking up bad. Gonna go re-read the instructions again lol.

Thanks for stopping by!!!!


Your dosages are right on the money, Any2, so that's not it.

Is there a chance the soil stays too moist? It doesn't seem likely, but they look that way. My 6 gallon plastic pots generally need water every 5-6 days, so mine get fed 2-3 times a month. Most of them will take about 3-4 quarts each time.
Your dosages are right on the money, Any2, so that's not it.

Is there a chance the soil stays too moist? It doesn't seem likely, but they look that way. My 6 gallon plastic pots generally need water every 5-6 days, so mine get fed 2-3 times a month. Most of them will take about 3-4 quarts each time.
Well....I don't think so. I run them on the dry side if anything and have caught myself getting them to wilt a few times. Generally speaking I feed/water on Sundays usually a gal to 2 gallons and that's when they get the biggest volume of either feed/drench or straight water depending on the cycle Doc recommended. So let's say I did transplant to the 7 gal smarts and fed the bloom-transplant on Sunday with a gallon. The next 2 Sundays would be water, water. The next Sunday Cat Drench, again Cat Drench the following Sunday and so on. So I try to time the Cat Drench 3rd and 4th week. Now then....I would give them a small quenching during the week with just water if I notice the soil to be dry, not a lot but enough to moisten the top of the soil with a watering can/container.

From Doc's July instructions

A Sample feeding schedule in bloom might look like this:

Bloom-Transplant, water, water, Cationic Drench, Cationic Drench, water, Energy, water, Transplant, water

I vegged these Thai's longer this time so they drink more now. So l have upped the ante to almost 2 gallons on Sunday. With this first Cat Drench I gave them a gallon to a gal 1/2 of water then a little less then a gallon of the Cat Drench after the water settled a bit.
That's pretty much it Gray......I will be honest that I have not trailed your thread like I used to tbo just because of the new job that takes up all my time but I would absolutely love it if my plants looked like yours do so I am all ears brudda lol.

These days I can tell when the plant is locked in and the soil energy is thriving on how the plants look and behave and they just don't have that look of perfection, but then again HB growing raises the bar in the look area. Don't get me wrong they don't look all that bad.

Next season I am going Co2 and getting a RO watering system. Ha ha. This year was experimental and with the thanks of Doc and all the brixters I have learned quite a bit. The vertical implementation was interesting to me so I gave it a shot and hopefully bring this crop in with some better yield results than the last grow. I have never tried a horizontal except when vegging. Alright gonna blaze and get to sleep.


Well....I don't think so. I run them on the dry side if anything and have caught myself getting them to wilt a few times. Generally speaking I feed/water on Sundays usually a gal to 2 gallons and that's when they get the biggest volume of either feed/drench or straight water depending on the cycle Doc recommended. So let's say I did transplant to the 7 gal smarts and fed the bloom-transplant on Sunday with a gallon. The next 2 Sundays would be water, water. The next Sunday Cat Drench, again Cat Drench the following Sunday and so on. So I try to time the Cat Drench 3rd and 4th week. Now then....I would give them a small quenching during the week with just water if I notice the soil to be dry, not a lot but enough to moisten the top of the soil with a watering can/container.

From Doc's July instructions

A Sample feeding schedule in bloom might look like this:

Bloom-Transplant, water, water, Cationic Drench, Cationic Drench, water, Energy, water, Transplant, water

I vegged these Thai's longer this time so they drink more now. So l have upped the ante to almost 2 gallons on Sunday. With this first Cat Drench I gave them a gallon to a gal 1/2 of water then a little less then a gallon of the Cat Drench after the water settled a bit.
That's pretty much it Gray......I will be honest that I have not trailed your thread like I used to tbo just because of the new job that takes up all my time but I would absolutely love it if my plants looked like yours do so I am all ears brudda lol.

These days I can tell when the plant is locked in and the soil energy is thriving on how the plants look and behave and they just don't have that look of perfection, but then again HB growing raises the bar in the look area. Don't get me wrong they don't look all that bad.

Next season I am going Co2 and getting a RO watering system. Ha ha. This year was experimental and with the thanks of Doc and all the brixters I have learned quite a bit. The vertical implementation was interesting to me so I gave it a shot and hopefully bring this crop in with some better yield results than the last grow. I have never tried a horizontal except when vegging. Alright gonna blaze and get to sleep.



Tell me about your water, what you water your plants with.
They're getting too much nitrate from what I can see. Cut way back on drenches and see what happens.
Doc, based on my water report and the nitrates being high, would you consider a RO system?
I am considering a drinking water RO system from Bulk Reef Supply. Is there a difference in a drinking water system? I am just starting to look into this process. I remember you having a Merlin right?

Take care Doc,

Well it has been a long time since I updated and more related to frustration perhaps but an update nonetheless. I have been waging war on what I believe to be.....sigh.....broad mites. Very difficult to keep at bay and these fuckers don't die easy. I saw some mite damage about a month ago on one plant(GDP) but I didn't trip at the time but went ahead and did a couple of sulphur burns and some applications of bug and pest and azamax here and there alternating. I did not scope them at the time and after seeing that they wanted to put up a fight I took a look. Not the same orange/translucent spotted fucks I am used to seeing from outdoor grows, but smaller, grayish with some black color. Also it did'nt help that I did not give my wife clear instructions on a brix application and all she heard was get under the leaves lol. So she started with......yep the one plant that had them, lifting the leaves with one hand spraying with the other from one plant to the next. The perfect transport......I just hate seeing any leaves that are not perfect lol.

Just have to bring this round in and then hang it up for the summer as I do not want to battle the heat elements. Which will be fine as I think about some modifications and improvements for next fall. I took on alot for my first grow with trying vertical on a budget and the Wild Thai's are a bit finicky so that has added to the frustration. Add in some PM and broad mites and some days you just feel like tearing everything down and saying fuggit. I had no idea how big the challenge was but sure have learned alot. Heading into week 6 so things are getting real stinky and frosty. Will get some pics up soon.


sorry the hear about the struggles!!! hang in there we live and learn, its gotta get better...right???

my thoughts and good vibes go out to you and your garden!!
sorry the hear about the struggles!!! hang in there we live and learn, its gotta get better...right???

my thoughts and good vibes go out to you and your garden!!
Thanks sir grow!!!!

Things getting frosty and stinky now at 6 weeks and just finished an Energy drench Saturday along with a brixing. I am going to do a Cat drench with the Wild Thai's as they go longer and just finish up regular with the Grandberry and GDP and the one Blue Dream which is just frosty frosty. I think every beginner should start with this strain as it is very hearty and forgiving. The Wild Thai is just very tempermental I have figured out, but oh man it is wicked strong. Gave some to a friend who has a roomate that is a chronic smoker and he and his buddies were just ranting and raving over it. They nick named it T-Rex lol. It does pack a punch......needless to say they are begging for more and said they wanted it all and will pay whatever for it. Hmmmmm lmao. Doc'c kit is amazing even a rookie can do it!

The spider mite battle continues hoping to keep them at bay!

A few pics

Wild Thai

Blue Dream
Thanks sir grow!!!!

Things getting frosty and stinky now at 6 weeks and just finished an Energy drench Saturday along with a brixing. I am going to do a Cat drench with the Wild Thai's as they go longer and just finish up regular with the Grandberry and GDP and the one Blue Dream which is just frosty frosty. I think every beginner should start with this strain as it is very hearty and forgiving. The Wild Thai is just very tempermental I have figured out, but oh man it is wicked strong. Gave some to a friend who has a roomate that is a chronic smoker and he and his buddies were just ranting and raving over it. They nick named it T-Rex lol. It does pack a punch......needless to say they are begging for more and said they wanted it all and will pay whatever for it. Hmmmmm lmao. Doc'c kit is amazing even a rookie can do it!

The spider mite battle continues hoping to keep them at bay!

A few pics

Wild Thai

Blue Dream

Looks GREAT!

HB speaking for its self...very nice indeed!!
Ok time for an update.

Heading into week 8 and should be finishing the indica based stuff here real soon and the Wild Thai's we will go 10+ which are looking raggedy heading into the last two weeks. But they did that last time as well as they start to deplete themselves. Still trying to fight the spider mite battle as well and doing what I can to keep them at bay. Alternating Azamax and bug and pest foliars weekly seems to have knocked them down a bit.

More fans at the floor level have helped stagnant air but so far so good as concerns with PM with so much foliar activity. Dehumidifier has been filling to capacity on a few occasions and pretty much needs emptying every day and have found the room very humid into the 90s a few times. Hopefully it was not for too long but I am going to set up a drain threw the bottom of the floor so I don't have to worry about it.

HB growing has raised the bar as I see all the awesome brixters doing it justice. There was once a time where I would be estatic with something that even came out decent, but I would turn my nose at it now LOL! If things just don't look or go perfect I find myself nutting up and my OCD tendencies get the best of me.

Ok a few pics......interestingly enough just when you think things are coming to an end I see my plants firing new pistals from all over the bud formation. Jagged new outbursts of pistals that just keep coming. The Thai's did that alot and I have this one little Blue Dream plant that is exploding.





Final Grandberry....GDP x Blueberry x Lavender. A great night time smoke
Some Thai pics



Some S1 seeds for the upcoming outdoor grow and some Grandberry clones. First beans I ever popped and I just love the vigor you get from seeds. Some Tahoe OG, Cherry Pie, Platinum OG, Nor Cal Purp and some Blue Dream Starts.


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