Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Now that looks like a girl to me, that's why I was confused lol. Proceed my good sir.

Thanks Nis! Everything points to girl but I still can't see the long white pistils. I guess they just develop differently. Now that I separated them for a couple days, it seems like it'll be hard to get them back together in the 4X4. 2 clones that rooted are doing well but the other 2 are not showing roots yet, it's been almost 3 weeks.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks Nis! Everything points to girl but I still can't see the long white pistils. I guess they just develop differently. Now that I separated them for a couple days, it seems like it'll be hard to get them back together in the 4X4. 2 clones that rooted are doing well but the other 2 are not showing roots yet, it's been almost 3 weeks.
What are your clones in? If you can pull it out and cut the bottom of them stem off again then it'll have another chance. We have had to do that a couple times and it worked.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Ok, so they're back together again. Too bad because the big girl was really loving having the place to herself. I hope they don't stretch much more. I've done a couple super crops and tied down a bunch of branches but they pulled right out of them. I was using that green stretchy tape so will have to try something else.


re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Ok, so they're back together again. Too bad because the big girl was really loving having the place to herself. I hope they don't stretch much more. I've done a couple super crops and tied down a bunch of branches but they pulled right out of them. I was using that green stretchy tape so will have to try something else.


It's nice to see multiple ladies back in the same room. With one lady, it's like she won the lottery. With multiple ladies, I like to imagine they are compting for the affections of you, the grower, as well as for light. Make them girls sex themselves up to keep their man interested :)
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

It's nice to see multiple ladies back in the same room. With one lady, it's like she won the lottery. With multiple ladies, I like to imagine they are compting for the affections of you, the grower, as well as for light. Make them girls sex themselves up to keep their man interested :)

Ha, good one Rad! That one on the right better step up her game! I need to rearrange them so they have a little more room to spread out. I also still need to get the canopies even.

Looking good in here.....:thumb:

Thanks Doc!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hi Nis! The first 3 pics above are the questionable one. Think it's a girl?

Definately female. Good call. Beautiful plants ween. :thumb:

I had a clone take almost a month to root, but by God, when she started there was no stopping her. I'm still running 100% success rate with this technique.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks Sue! Great to see you!

At +18 I am still concerned about that one lady since she doesn't seem to have any white pistils and there are a couple suspicious little growths on the side of the stem. Could it be a hermie? Sorry I'm still such a noob after over a year of growing.







re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Yeah, I don' like the look of that second one either, Ween. Be sure to check it every day. I think the stem growth is just a swollen calyx, so no sweat there, but yeah, those flowers don't look right.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Looking great in here bru, doing much better than I am and you have pretty much the same experience as me :passitleft: they are on their way to producing some buds that'll be droolworthy :adore: how is the smell in there?? Blessings bru

Thanks Pat! No noticeable smell yet but should be soon.

Yeah, I don' like the look of that second one either, Ween. Be sure to check it every day. I think the stem growth is just a swollen calyx, so no sweat there, but yeah, those flowers don't look right.

Thanks Gray! The "flowers" basically seems like bunches of small new growth leaves, no pistils whatsoever. I'll keep an eye out and will add more/better pics.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Yeah, I don' like the look of that second one either, Ween. Be sure to check it every day. I think the stem growth is just a swollen calyx, so no sweat there, but yeah, those flowers don't look right.

At +18 I am still concerned about that one lady since she doesn't seem to have any white pistils and there are a couple suspicious little growths on the side of the stem. Could it be a hermie? Sorry I'm still such a noob after over a year of growing.


One could cut off the calyx without making much difference to anything.

But that plant doesn't look quite right. It sure looks like enough trichomes to get you high, but possibly off a male plant. Not as fully male as what I get.

It's possible they are female flowers full of seeds.

Odd and worth watching.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks Rad! So I guess that one thing in the pic you posted does look like a swollen calyx and I still do not see any pollen sacs. I'll give it some more time unless anyone thinks I should chop it now. Is rather have 1 good plant than 2 full of seeds.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Also, I'm going away again this weekend so will either need to chop by tomorrow at 9am or move into the other tent so advice is much appreciated.

Edit to add a few pics from the last page, these are of the suspect plant.



re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

If it were me, I'd be spending the day trying to justify the risk in not culling it. :laugh:

I absolutely hate giving up on a plant, but I also hate putting several extra weeks of attention and effort into an ultimate loser. :straightface:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Exactly right. No sense in wasting the time and effort. You won't be there while gone therefore, no more time invested in it til you find out for sure what sex it is when get back while away. I don't remember how many days yours have been the flower tent but, when I flipped my plants it was 12 days later before they showed gender. Keeping it won't hurt. Move it other tent in case it is male.
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