Bloomers are moving along really slow, still drinking pretty fast so I'm gonna push em as ong as I can because I really want them to bulk up. If I harvested today, I would be very disappointed in the yield even though quality is there but the cogs sampler was significantly better than the SPS.
Had a very exciting morning! I was up,at camp for the weekend with some friends. Lake is still frozen and we got a decent amount of snow over night, really a mix of sleet and freezing rain. Anyhoo, me and one friend were up early and I spotted a deer running across the lake and pointed it out, a minute or so later we saw a "dog" running after the deer, well it was not a dog, not a coyote, it was a WOLF! Well it chased that deer back and forth. Ran way off to the left and out of sight, then a few mnutes later they ran by from the right, at first I thought it was a different deer and wolf but then figured out they ran to the end of the lake then up the road behind camp and back on the lake. At one point they ran straight at us then veered off. That deer finally tired out and we watched the wolf take it down! It was amazing! He or she feasted for 1/2 hour then took off and came back a few times for more. Not too much later, 2 bald eagles,joined in on the feast, they even tried to scare the wolf off a coup,e times. The wolf ripped a big hunk of deer off and headed to the right, was almost to shore when he/she noticed a fisher or something like that, I was watching through binoculars, Wolf dropped that hunk of deer and slowly started going for the fisher, the fisher took off around the corner out of sight and the wolf took chase, guess who,came by and grabbed that big hunk of deer, one of the Eagles! I think the fisher got away because not too long later the wolf came back looking for the meeat that was no longer there, ha! A couple hours later we walked out to check out the carnage and it seemed like most of the meat was gone, lots of guts and organs and blood and the fur was strewn across the lake because it was windy. it was a really crazy and cool experience!