WHie I recover and sort through many crazy harvest pic taken with sticky fingers I’ve been reading a bit and delving deeper into the actual scene on the ground here for medicinal cannabis. I am happy to report that there are already cannabinoid clinics here and a few registered GPs that can prescribe. Sourcing it is still ridiculous and these clinics all openly advertis that they will consult with and advise/guide people who are accessing “compassionate” supply.

Like the USA we have a federal system of govt (alongside a parliamentary one - some say we took the worst of the 2 systems :laughtwo: ). That means state law will have an effect.

A story I have come across is still in play - a woman in the state of South Australia, Jenny Hallam, has been arrested for supplying people with medicinal oils (story linked below). This is in South Australia which, many years ago was the most progressive state for cannabis law. It used to be legal to grow and carry there (or at least decriminalised). I remember house parties with huge bowls of bud on the banquet table alongside all the other party fare - it was just the norm. Anyway - this woman is a canna-warrior worth bringing attention to.

She is currently awaiting a sentencing trial. This article is a great look at the ‘situation on the ground’ for folks like myself. I seem to be in a state where if anything did happen - a “medical necessity” defence would likely work for me. I sure hope I don’t have to go through that, but it’s nice to know the legal precedent is there.

I like the us system. It is easily the best. It may not always look like it but these other “democracy’s” can become dictatorships real quick. I live in Canada and the current majority government (although I like they legalized canabis) can just do what they want and they have full power to do so with no check and balance. It is really scary. My grade 7 social studies teacher would use this example to show how you could be forced to wear pink socks on Tuesday.

Anyway I hope you never have any legal issues for something that should never have been a crime in the first place. Australia seems pretty cool I’m sure things will work out just fine.
Harvest Report 1 of 3: Critical Mass Day 146 +64

A story in pictures ...

@NaturalSpirit Have wheels, will harvest! :high-five:

The stem was hollow in the very centre again (apologies for the crappy photo :eye-roll:).

This didn’t happen to me last year. The stalks in general on this were pretty weak and rubbery compared to last year’s plants which were like steel. I’m chalking it up mostly to the underfeeding period and perhaps a too low amount of GE into the bed before that - so massively lacking in the Growth Energy Drench in general. That’s where most of the calcium comes from. Plus next ear the soil ammendment will be more established. So i’m not worried about that at all going forward. I know that next year in this raised bed is going to be very much better. :slide:

For now the Candida CD-1 has it all to itself for another week - 10 days.

I’m planning a 4/20 harvest on that one. The White Widow will come down this weekend.

:cheer: The harvest festival is officially under way! :cheer:

We had a lovely butcher bird come and hangout while the wash was happening.


It left a fledgling in the olive tree for the best part of the morning, where it was well protected from the eyes of predators - but not from my camera lens :)


:circle-of-love: Blessings of many green harvests to all :ganjamon:
Beautiful work -- both with the clippers and with the camera! :circle-of-love:
:thumb::circle-of-love:absolutely gorgeous camera work of an absolutely gorgeous plant.

:thanks: you’re an inspriation in both departments :)

Nice day for a trim:woohoo:

Beautiful work -- both with the clippers and with the camera! :circle-of-love:

:Namaste: The lovely other did most of the clippering so thanks you too

Alert! Bay St Patisserie is missing one of its delivery trays :).

Great harvest, nice pics, lovely critters, damn sharp pruners.

Signature shot®. LOL!

A Sydney inner city icon from the late 80s, early 90s. Can’t even remember where or when that tray came into my life, but I’ve had it a very long time. Best pastries evah!! Of course ;)

I don’t even think it exists anymore ... :hmmmm:
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