Because i suspect that it’s 20 posts per page, to get us to a new page for the critical mass photodump, I’ll add this bit of context/background as well.

For those that don’t know, i live with a fairly debilitating physical condition. I hire-in help at times and do what I can when I can. Many days are better than others and my condition has improved on some levels and deteriorated on others. What’s involved wth the garden and my basic self care is about as much as I have the capacity for, most of the time.

Growing cannabis helps me on nearly every level - even if sometimes i push myself bit too much for the sake of my plants. It helps me because it gives me medicine that eases many of my symptoms plus, the joy of growing is something of revelation to me. It is honestly keeping me alive - the joy of growing these plants and getting to know them as they progress keeps me happy and helps me better accommodate the disappointments of no longer being able to surf, or build things, or work - following my previous creative and intellectual pursuits. Cannabis is helping me to change my expectations of what life is supposed to look like, to find joy inside every moment. Journaling my growing here on 420 has enabled a resurgence of my love of photography and inspired someone close to gift me a wonderful new camera.

So that’s just a little context so that folks understand me just a little and won’t be left wondering sometimes why i don’t just do things, or have to wait for a visitor or helper before I move a plant, or even water plants sometimes etc.


Update: Critical Mass

This one was the most vigorous by far early on, including the fact that some heavy winds in it’s first or second week of life literally broke the stem :eek: Truly, it snapped almost clean through! I stood it up carefully and, also very carefully, ‘splinted’ it using the gnatnix and it rejoined perfectly and barely missed a beat :love:

It’s been topped once, at the 5th node, and I’m training the 2 stems sideways to make a wide low hedge of sorts. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try.

I want to flower this out in the raised bed which is 1200 x 1200mm and I will be putting CD-1 at the back - to get tall and lanky we hope - and Critical Mass will be in front, to the north of CD-1 so as the sun gets lower late in the summer and into autumn the CD-1 should be standing taller behind the Critical Mass and both should get plenty of light, that’s the plan :battingeyelashes:

Training in a 1 gal square pot posed some challenges but I think I’ve worked some good ways to do it (the bigger pot techniques turned out to work better than i expected) and it’s looking like its going to fit the space nicely.

I am using tie downs and a “bending and holding” technique that has worked well for me in shaping plants in the past. I first saw @Pigeons420 doing it and really liked how he seemed to be gently dancing with his plants as he did it. I’m pretty sure @Graytail does seomthing very similar to work his plants into the shapes he wants (he doesnt tie down at all I dont think though - Pigeons neither). I guess it’s a kind of supercropping but without the hard-cornering bend - curves not corners. Super-bending:D
So here’s the life of Critical Mass 1.0 to date, in pictures :popcorn:

I also did a test topping/tipping on the node below the main stems. I may regret it, but I’m curious to see if it works.

Some fade started and progressed rapidly here and the eating of the lower fans as well (it was on the verge of starting flower, i know now - so just sprinting.) Carrying on...

I took off the lowest nodes.

Strong TP drench was given around here (the wet dry cycles on this one have been quite good).

In these next shots - I couldn’t move the tie downs out any further than this or the shape would start to bend out because the pots are so small (and I wasn’t up to a doing second tie at this point). So this is where the Superbending is really helpful.

So there’s no pinch with this bending, because I don’t actually want to slow it down, just gentle bending and holding in place or a bit past where you want it, probably as far past as you can manage actually - without breaking. I support the stem where it needs it and let the warmth of my fingers soften the stem a little while I bend it over. When i leave the ends, they are pointing down to the ground and take an hour or 2-3 to come up. Because I’m at home all the time, I’m often able to go out to the garden a few times a day so I can keep tweaking it.

It’s a really uesful technique for when you’ve got a tie down as far out on the branch as you can. You can use it to keep the very tip in check.

I kind of press up with the finger underneath, while the outside fingers work the branch down - it’s plant yoga really, extend and hold :slide:


I noticed that the tops were showing pistils so that and the fade prompted me to trim off the 2 lower nodes.

I was finally able to put a second string and tie on, to hold down the tip and not lose the shape. It’ll be much easier once it’s transplanted. :ganjamon:

The lower nodes I removed have become a kind of vase of flowers next to my day bed - where I’m pretty much living ATM, in our loungroom, having a much needed break from my regular room and bed (it’s my holidays :D). I can see into a 150º vista of the forest from here, and I get the big screen TV (I mounted to the wall with my own hands) for the wonderful summer sport that I love so much.

Here’s my daybedside table about now ...

That’s brought things up to date.

I thought it was nice of our resident Swamp Wallaby to place himself in the background of the Candida pics last week, so I decided that warranted making him critter of the week. It might happen for him again, he pretty much lives here. He’s old, a bit deaf and blind but still spry. He loves scraps - eats many things we dont want him to but is always forgiven. And... banana peel seems to be his cannabis - he just blisses out on it :love:

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I think the fade on Critical Mass was from that hard wilt we saw early on the first page. No sweat - happens to me too, when I get there too late. :)

Love the shine on WW!

Your plants look amazing congrats
Grow strong an stay medicated

Hey thanks Odinstrange! That’s a lovely thing to say. Gorilla tents motto on their stickers is “Grow Strong” and I love having that on the wall of the grow tent.

Welcome to my garden in a forest :welcome:

Jesus you weren't kidding about a backlog of pics. Subbed and will read tomorrow!
:rofl: :thumb: :welcome:

News of the morning...
My custom amendment is on its way!!!


I’m In and subbed up! Beautiful photos Amy and great start to 2019! Lots of great training so far and I can’t wait to see how these girls develop!
You know I’m in Amy! Wow you have a lot going outside, I’m super jealous... I can hardly wait to see all these ladies in another month or two!
I'm sitting in the garden of Eden. Watching in the back of coarse.

Gang’s coming together!

A big :welcome:to all of you :D

Thing I love about Eden, as a concept - it has everything. It is the garden of earthly delights and the site of “the fall” of mankind into temptation. A paradise of joy and struggle, both equally necessary for life to grow.

Candida CD-1 woke up with a lovely friend this morning :love:

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