All Organic High Brix

Everything is not only back on's supersized. Holy crap I've got to be careful or my plants will be outdoor sized. They're not just stretching, getting fat, with tight nodes and large pre-flowers.

This is gonna be interesting.

The next time I spray I'll use 1/2 the strength I used the first time. Even though I hit'em too hard, they responded with massive growth. The shade of green is electric, shiny....really cool.

We're going to find out how they flower in just a few short weeks.

Taken in the dark:
This one was all twisty on Thursday, and about half the size. I pruned it back quite a bit after this picture.


The kinks are still working out of a few leaves.


20 minutes after lights on:


those look wonderful
Hey there doc! This is one I have and will be following closely!

You never cease to amaze me! :thumb: Keep it and good growing!

Great work. Plants look great there is so much growth since I last checked in. I've been busy finding all the ingredients you suggested and doing well should be here any day. I've also been looking into high-brix I've got to send them a soil sample for the outdoor garden. But I don't know what crop to tell them I'm growing as don't want to tell them its mj and give them all my info. What would you suggest.
Great work. Plants look great there is so much growth since I last checked in. I've been busy finding all the ingredients you suggested and doing well should be here any day. I've also been looking into high-brix I've got to send them a soil sample for the outdoor garden. But I don't know what crop to tell them I'm growing as don't want to tell them its mj and give them all my info. What would you suggest.

Well, that's a very good point!

I told them the crop was Cannabis and I didn't get very good recommendations from them.....they didn't try to sell me any custom-formulated broadcasts or drenches either....which is what they do.

So....I'd tell them you're growing tomatoes or hops! I'm sending in a second soil sample of unamended Vermisoil and will tell them it's for hops.

I really want to get their advice for broadcasting minerals. However, the set-up I'm using right now is definitely working.

Once the soil is dialed in, this method of growing is really easy. That's why I'm thinking of starting with an unamended commercial bagged potting soil....then it's only a matter of adding a few things.....the Teas and occasional feeding are quite's getting the soil balanced that takes professional help.
Well, that's a very good point!

I told them the crop was Cannabis and I didn't get very good recommendations from them.....they didn't try to sell me any custom-formulated broadcasts or drenches either....which is what they do.

So....I'd tell them you're growing tomatoes or hops! I'm sending in a second soil sample of unamended Vermisoil and will tell them it's for hops.

I was looking for a crop that uses similar soil. As it's for outdoor gunna send a soil sample how they suggest then mix in some well rotted hours manure as that's easy to get as I have two horses myself. And see what they suggest.
Then send a commercial soil for the indoor garden next grow as I'm already potted this time.

Thanks for the help you seem to have all the info I need
Keep up the good work as we are all learning from you. No pressure tho.

I normally don't make a big deal of taking pics of plants in veg. However, I'm going to take some pics today or tomorrow. I definitely have the healthiest, fastest growing plants of my career. Tight nodes, large pre-flowers......I'm 100% sold on this approach to growing, and that includes what's happening in the greenhouse, which is also switched over to high brix.

Pics tonite.
I'm excited for you and even more excited to see the vegging ladies.. Everyone makes a huge deal about bud porn, but I love seeing a really strong vegging plant with huge green fans and bright green stems

I know my soil isn't as loaded up as good as yours, but for the "in a box" organics and the other added goodies I loaded the soil with, and the molasses and Stump Tea I am using, my plants seem to be thriving too. Very lush green and healthy like the OC+ plants were.

I was paranoid to abandon OC+ all together since it works soooo good, so I have one plant in there with it sort of as a security blanket.

Are you still using OC+ on any of your plants?
Wow Doc, Vapedog wasnt kidding when he said to take a glance at your journal for organic techniques. I am new to growing MMJ, but I have always loved and grown plants and veggies. I know in all reality, out of the gate, there is no way I can grasp everything you re doing. But id love to and am more then willing to learn. So im subd and will be watching with a veryvery close eye. Also, since I am going to be focusing all of my MMJ to be clean green certified, could you please point me in the right direction in a good growing technique, and material so I can become with organics for MMJ? Also, what is this High Brix you keep speaking of? But :thanks: so much for taking the time to document all this and to help how you do. :bravo: :Namaste:
Looking Beautiful Doc :thumb: You have grown to a Master grower since your first flood and power outage back in the day...I was a lurker back then ....
Followed all grows since...then finally made a name. Nice to meet ya .... Toke with me my friend :passitleft:

Thanks bro! Ah....the "flood," good times....good times.

I'm just getting started! I'm no master grower....but that's the direction I'm traveling. I'm glad to have you along.

I know my soil isn't as loaded up as good as yours, but for the "in a box" organics and the other added goodies I loaded the soil with, and the molasses and Stump Tea I am using, my plants seem to be thriving too. Very lush green and healthy like the OC+ plants were.

I was paranoid to abandon OC+ all together since it works soooo good, so I have one plant in there with it sort of as a security blanket.

Are you still using OC+ on any of your plants?

This grow I'm not using any. But last cycle I did one plant with OC+ as a control, to compare against the organics. I'll ALWAYS have some on hand, as it does work very well.

In the OG grow I just finished, the OC+ plant came out of the gate fast, and appeared to be winning against the organic plants, but they all caught up and passed the OC+, with more complex smell and taste.

This High Brix method is blowing that away.....
Wow Doc, Vapedog wasnt kidding when he said to take a glance at your journal for organic techniques. I am new to growing MMJ, but I have always loved and grown plants and veggies. I know in all reality, out of the gate, there is no way I can grasp everything you re doing. But id love to and am more then willing to learn. So im subd and will be watching with a veryvery close eye. Also, since I am going to be focusing all of my MMJ to be clean green certified, could you please point me in the right direction in a good growing technique, and material so I can become with organics for MMJ? Also, what is this High Brix you keep speaking of? But :thanks: so much for taking the time to document all this and to help how you do. :bravo: :Namaste:

Keep watching this journal and you can see the growing technique that I'm using right now and see how it works. This method requires:

Potting soil
a "kit" that costs about 180 bucks delivered

that's all.

I haven't shared the details of the kit yet, because I don't have any experience with it other than what you're seeing on this journal, but the science behind the kit is exactly right, as was the price.

I do all kinds of soil mixing and blending, which isn't necessary with the kit. After a few grows under the belt, you can start worrying about mixing soils, etc.

The kit isn't necessary if you're into buying lots of raw materials and's just damn convenient!
Doc you're too modest. These plants look beautiful man! Look how healthy they all are... Hoping to get a greenhouse this summer, and follow a similar soil recipe. Thanks for sharing again.
Doc you're too modest. These plants look beautiful man! Look how healthy they all are... Hoping to get a greenhouse this summer, and follow a similar soil recipe. Thanks for sharing again.

You should see them today! I sprayed again with Amaze and PGR. This time I used 1/2 strength. No twisting of the leaves.....they just got real, real shiney and the plants are perfectly standing at attention.

These are without a doubt the healthiest pot plants I've ever seen, from any grow. They smell far stronger than they did last time I grew the strain in organic soil. The shade of green isn't super deep, but the leaves shine like glass.

I am very interested in seeing how the buds form. Last time, this strain produced super dense, trichome infested buds that burned like hash when you pack a bowl. I am really curious how these will turn out. The plant is going to be able to exactly what it wants to do, to its fullest potential.
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