All Organic High Brix

DocBud said:
No, that strain was given to me in a little baggie labeled, "indoor surprise."

I don't know for sure what's in it, but I suspect some chocolate thai, blueberry and afghani. The breeder likes playing with those strains.

Awesome! U got what sounds like awesome genetics at your disposal. I am preparing for a clone run so I got 6 mother plants in soil. (3in 3gal n 3 in 4gal) I'm gonna flower them when I get all the clones I need and will be transplanting them pre-flower into larger containers. I want to brew up some of your supersoil to put in the pots. What do you think? Also what are d proportions of the ingredients?
Awesome! U got what sounds like awesome genetics at your disposal. I am preparing for a clone run so I got 6 mother plants in soil. (3in 3gal n 3 in 4gal) I'm gonna flower them when I get all the clones I need and will be transplanting them pre-flower into larger containers. I want to brew up some of your supersoil to put in the pots. What do you think? Also what are d proportions of the ingredients?

I listed the recipe on the first page of my journal called: Organic OG Kush SCROG.

However, let me just modify that recipe a bit right here:

1.)Use a bit less blood meal
2.)cut the bone, greensand, and guano amounts in half
3.)add some humus.
4.)skip the epsom salts
5.)skip the dolomite
6.)to a single bag of soil add:

1 cup lime stone. (high calcium lime, CaCO3) Not S-lime or hydrated lime!!
3/4 cups soft rock phosphate
1/2 cup gypsum.

Recharge these rock powders once or twice during the grow cycle. I think you'll be very surprised with the results.

Keep watching this journal, because if it turns out the way I hope, I think it will create a mini-revolution in growing.....and it will be easy and cheap!

If it works......
bro it will work just based on how amazing your current plants are, you can clearly grow some serious plants and have a really good eye for your environment, so I have no doubt you're going to be pulling some serious medicine with this new mix :bong:
bro it will work just based on how amazing your current plants are, you can clearly grow some serious plants and have a really good eye for your environment, so I have no doubt you're going to be pulling some serious medicine with this new mix :bong:

I am hopeful! So far, so good.

The real test will be the bloom. I've done my homework, got my soil tested....and I'm way off the reservation now.....but I'm not interested in the status quo.
DocBud said:
I listed the recipe on the first page of my journal called: Organic OG Kush SCROG.

However, let me just modify that recipe a bit right here:

1.)Use a bit less blood meal
2.)cut the bone, greensand, and guano amounts in half
3.)add some humus.
4.)skip the epsom salts
5.)skip the dolomite
6.)to a single bag of soil add:

1 cup lime stone. (high calcium lime, CaCO3) Not S-lime or hydrated lime!!
3/4 cups soft rock phosphate
1/2 cup gypsum.

Recharge these rock powders once or twice during the grow cycle. I think you'll be very surprised with the results.

Keep watching this journal, because if it turns out the way I hope, I think it will create a mini-revolution in growing.....and it will be easy and cheap!

If it works......

I have no doubt this soil will ROCK ( no pun intended haha) thanks for the information bro!
Docbud it's obvious you are very knowledgeable when it comes to growing, soil, and organic/high brix methods. I'm curious if you've taken any college courses and if so what they are/were? I'm really interested in getting more scientific and knowledgeable when it comes to growing, it's fascinating for me to know exactly whats going on with my plants and being able to further understand living soil. If I can do any classes at college where I'll be content & enjoy learning, then it's a win win situation ! Thanks and keep up the great work, the plants look fantastic. That Lemon Paki is just BEAUTIFUL :bravo:
Docbud it's obvious you are very knowledgeable when it comes to growing, soil, and organic/high brix methods. I'm curious if you've taken any college courses and if so what they are/were? I'm really interested in getting more scientific and knowledgeable when it comes to growing, it's fascinating for me to know exactly whats going on with my plants and being able to further understand living soil. If I can do any classes at college where I'll be content & enjoy learning, then it's a win win situation ! Thanks and keep up the great work, the plants look fantastic. That Lemon Paki is just BEAUTIFUL :bravo:

I had a total of 9 years of college past highschool.....included in the mix were 2 trimesters of Botany, and lots of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, genetics, etc. My undergrad was done at a college that is known for engineering, agriculture, and yes....horticulture.

If you can take courses in soil science, basic and advanced horticulture and perhaps some basic genetics, you've got it. Better yet, ask if you can help out at a commercial greenhouse or a high production nursery.

Nature is scientific.....but science, as we all understand it, is very poor at describing nature. That's I'm going to let the living creatures in my soil take care of my plants.
I found some oc. At my local hardware store it wasnt till I got home that I realised that it was just oc not oc+. Would this make a big difference is it the same idea. The soil you mixed up looks good will have to try that and the tea. You are teaching so many people so many things keep up the good work.
Thanks again smooth.
I found some oc. At my local hardware store it wasnt till I got home that I realised that it was just oc not oc+. Would this make a big difference is it the same idea. The soil you mixed up looks good will have to try that and the tea. You are teaching so many people so many things keep up the good work.
Thanks again smooth.

It will work, but you'll need some micronutes too. Earth Juice Microblast will work, and so will Azomite.

You'll need a source of calcium and magnesium too......
It will work, but you'll need some micronutes too. Earth Juice Microblast will work, and so will Azomite.

You'll need a source of calcium and magnesium too......

Ok thanks again will look into the I have the bio bizz organics would that cover the micro's. The box does state that it has them has a npk of 14-12-14.

Sorry if I ask to much I'm new to this.

If I remember correct you foliar feed with tea up until a few weeks before harvest.

Do you foliar with plain water the last time to sort of flush the tea off near the end?

I used the Stump Tea the last two Saturdays when I watered and the plants seem to like it. They are very lush green and growing like crazy. I am a few weeks in vege now.
Please don't use the biobizz if you're using OC. You'll burn your plants and other bad things.

Do it right and get the right products. Too bad you couldn't find the OC+.

Ok thanks for that I will have a look for some micro's and a cal/mag and leave oc untill I get them thanks. I have hard tap water I am using untill I invest in a ro filter will this help with the calmag or not and where should I start with the soil.
Sorry for all the questions just nice to find someone to learn from
Keep up the good work.
Ok thanks for that I will have a look for some micro's and a cal/mag and leave oc untill I get them thanks. I have hard tap water I am using untill I invest in a ro filter will this help with the calmag or not and where should I start with the soil.
Sorry for all the questions just nice to find someone to learn from
Keep up the good work.

Please don't use Calmag. It's not in the right ratio.

Why not just throw some gypsum in the mix and use small amounts of epsom salt if a mag deficiency shows up?

If I remember correct you foliar feed with tea up until a few weeks before harvest.

Do you foliar with plain water the last time to sort of flush the tea off near the end?

I used the Stump Tea the last two Saturdays when I watered and the plants seem to like it. They are very lush green and growing like crazy. I am a few weeks in vege now.

Cool on the Stump tea. That stuff looks really good.

I do not wash them off with water. I just let the tea soak in. The taste of my recent crops has been utterly superb. No flushing either.
Well, here are a few hasty pics.

The plants were transplanted yesterday and were totally rootbound in their 6x6 containers. 3 weeks ago, they were clones in oasis cubes with tiny little roots and zero healthy leaves. All the leaves that were present on the clones have been pruned and they have all been topped. I'm totally cool with the plant growing massive roots and THEN starting to bloom. Even more so if it can do it quickly!

Today, they have the nicest shade of shiny green I've ever seen...almost like fake leaves, they're so waxy. Part of the benefits of high brix growing is that when you get the brix up over 12 in the leaves the pests don't like 'em and they don't rot. I definitely see a difference in these leaves from the last crop of Lemon Paki.

The last crop was really good, too! But somehow, I think these plants are going to blow those away. I could be wrong, we'll see soon enough.

Anyways, here they are:



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