All Organic High Brix

Very nice! Have you ever had any of them tested for potency? And do you know if he uses other solvents besides butane for waxes? I hear oxygen and hexane are supposed to be the cleanest but I'm no scientist!

I'm pretty sure he uses butane.
As far as the best solvent, I'd choose Ether. Any organic alkane would work, but I like Ether because it evaporates very quickly.

Outdoors only! Don't play games with this stuff.
Well, I would say minerals in your soil are not hurting a thing!
I dont even know what ether is... Is it hard to find?

Ether is easy to find, but hard to purchase. It's highly flammable and will make you go unconscious if you inhale it. You can knock someone out on ether and do surgery. In fact, this was the main anesthetic back prior to about 1950.

You need a special license to get it. Most university chem labs have gobs of ether....very useful in all kinds of reactions....and you can often get your hands on some if you know someone in chem lab.

I've come close to blowing my face up with ether.....but it's an amazing solvent.
pics look amazing doc, those plants are so frosty already. Looks like you're going to have some serious medicine in your hands

My basic preboxed organics at work. FF tomato, Dr Earth Bud & Bloom, Azomite, gypsum etc. Water with StumpTea, Mol, SSU, Worm Castings. Foliar with StumpTea.

I wanted to take a better shot of this healthy leaf to show how healthy the plants are and a leaf size comparison, but the other leaf pics came out blurry except this one. You can just about see the opening of the washing machine to show how big it is. It is over a foot wide.

Unfortunately the room is way over crowded and I had to take a lot of leaves off to give the other plants room. All are at 1 week into 12/12.

Vegged them 16/4 and started reducing the light 1 hour a week 4 weeks ago. Reduced to 12/12 last Saturday and I guess that's why the WW and Cr+ have buds formed already. I like to 12/12 all at once, but my partner likes the gradual reduction. We don't argue about anything. When a decision is to be made, we usually say lets give it a try and see what happens.


taken from this plant, Cream Carmel 4 wks veged

Green Poison 4 wks veged

Our own cross of Cream Carmel x Querkle yet to be named 8 wks veged, Put 2 seeds in one pot figuring the odds would be one male one female, so far both look like ladies. We are at least looking for a few buds to sample to see if the cross is any good before planting more of them in the future.

Three WW 3rd gen clones 7 wks veg in one pot weaved through a small piece of screen to get the buds up top. She is one lanky plant 5 or 6 inches between nodes

Critical+ 10 wks veged the only one using OC+ this round, topped a few times to try to keep her short and not dominate the other plants, WRONG. She is a monster of 10 colas. I'm sure she would fill the room up her self given the opportunity.

Room view 1 week flowering

My basic preboxed organics at work. FF tomato, Dr Earth Bud & Bloom, Azomite, gypsum etc. Water with StumpTea, Mol, SSU, Worm Castings. Foliar with StumpTea.

I wanted to take a better shot of this healthy leaf to show how healthy the plants are and a leaf size comparison, but the other leaf pics came out blurry except this one. You can just about see the opening of the washing machine to show how big it is. It is over a foot wide.

Unfortunately the room is way over crowded and I had to take a lot of leaves off to give the other plants room. All are at 1 week into 12/12.

Vegged them 16/4 and started reducing the light 1 hour a week 4 weeks ago. Reduced to 12/12 last Saturday and I guess that's why the WW and Cr+ have buds formed already. I like to 12/12 all at once, but my partner likes the gradual reduction. We don't argue about anything. When a decision is to be made, we usually say lets give it a try and see what happens.


taken from this plant, Cream Carmel 4 wks veged

Green Poison 4 wks veged

Our own cross of Cream Carmel x Querkle yet to be named 8 wks veged, Put 2 seeds in one pot figuring the odds would be one male one female, so far both look like ladies. We are at least looking for a few buds to sample to see if the cross is any good before planting more of them in the future.

Three WW 3rd gen clones 7 wks veg in one pot weaved through a small piece of screen to get the buds up top. She is one lanky plant 5 or 6 inches between nodes

Critical+ 10 wks veged the only one using OC+ this round, topped a few times to try to keep her short and not dominate the other plants, WRONG. She is a monster of 10 colas. I'm sure she would fill the room up her self given the opportunity.

Room view 1 week flowering
room_g7_1_wk_flwr.jpg're liking the organics eh? :goodjob:

Next time, just add minerals to the soil and watch what happens! You're halfway there already....but if you go ahead and pull the trigger and get the rocks and minerals in there, you'll be really happy!

Wait till you taste it....:peace:
Wow Doc, truly I am amazed by how healthy and vibrant your leaves look!!! I can see that "iridescence" look that you were describing earlier!!! I hopefully get my refractometer tomorrow but still have to wait for more leaves to form before I test it on my plants, so until then will be testing my local produce from the growers market :) I appreciate you sharing the High Brix method with us, it has given me a ton of new research to do and can't wait to see the results... wish I could have got my soil tested beforehand, but it will be a for sure thing next round... amazing!!!
Wow Doc, truly I am amazed by how healthy and vibrant your leaves look!!! I can see that "iridescence" look that you were describing earlier!!! I hopefully get my refractometer tomorrow but still have to wait for more leaves to form before I test it on my plants, so until then will be testing my local produce from the growers market :) I appreciate you sharing the High Brix method with us, it has given me a ton of new research to do and can't wait to see the results... wish I could have got my soil tested beforehand, but it will be a for sure thing next round... amazing!!!

Hold off on getting your soil tested.....I'm going to test a couple brands of potting soil, that way I can figure out what to add and not pay for tests each time I plant in the future.

Of course, I'll share the info here.
Well, we've got good things happening. I've got about 5 weeks to go, and already, they're getting sticky, frosty, and packing on weight like I've never seen before.

It's hard to explain, some of the pics sorta get the point across.....but this weed has a very living, electric/organic kind of feel to it. The leaves don't look like other grows, they smell really nice, sticky as can bug pressure of any kind. They're alive.....

I honestly think I could release spider mites in my room and they'd all die....the plants are just robust and healthy.

High Brix is a go! This works as advertised. It works better than OC+, better than my custom soil blends, better than anything I've seen yet. I haven't seen it all, of course, but the people who have seen my garden have all gone out and copied me....and all three of them have been growing for 9, 15 and 25 years, respectively.

High Brix is it.























Hydro OG
Shiny Waxy super green healthy crystally leaves!!! holy toledo!!! Doc I think you unlocked the key to the new future of MMJ!!!! I can't get over how trichomed out those fan leaves are, I am amazed!!!

I saw your using those commercial high brix foliars, are you spraying daily and rotating each type out weekly? or just spraying once a week and rotating blends?

On mine I was thinking about a feeding like this.... micronutrients/aminos/vitamin b/sugars/humates for one, second being microbe compost tea, and third being a low ppm nutrient feeding 1-2-1 or 1-3-1 focus.... whats your thoughts? my goal was to feed microbes on 1st, add micropopulation on 2nd, and give them food to break down on 3rd...repeat...

On your waterings are you doing a cycle of different blends... or just compost tea's?
Shiny Waxy super green healthy crystally leaves!!! holy toledo!!! Doc I think you unlocked the key to the new future of MMJ!!!! I can't get over how trichomed out those fan leaves are, I am amazed!!!

I saw your using those commercial high brix foliars, are you spraying daily and rotating each type out weekly? or just spraying once a week and rotating blends?

On mine I was thinking about a feeding like this.... micronutrients/aminos/vitamin b/sugars/humates for one, second being microbe compost tea, and third being a low ppm nutrient feeding 1-2-1 or 1-3-1 focus.... whats your thoughts? my goal was to feed microbes on 1st, add micropopulation on 2nd, and give them food to break down on 3rd...repeat...

On your waterings are you doing a cycle of different blends... or just compost tea's?

I am also amazed at the resin production....and right now is about when you START to see crystals. Mine are going to get much, much more frosty.....5 weeks to go, at least.

I spray weekly with the foliars. They are very, very powerful and will twist your plants up silly if you spray too much.

I'm using 1 tsp Amaze per 30oz water, along with PGR also at 1 tsp.

I sprayed once with Bloomit, which is the High Brix spray for seed bearing crops, IE soybeans, green beans, etc. I theorized that since we're basically trying to grow reproductive tissue that spray might work.

What it did was ripen up the buds before they're even I'm going to use that spray in a few weeks. Right now, I'm just spraying with Amaze and PGR.

The whole point of foliar sprays in High Brix growing is to get phosphorus and calcium into the leaves....which will boost sugar production, which will go to the roots and feed microbes.

The mineralized soil has more than enough micro' need to foliar feed them!

As for feeding, if I wasn't using Biosol Forte (comes in the kit, also available from John and Bob's who call it "Nourish") I'd use a fish hydrolysate.

You don't really want to feed PPM.....that would indeed feed the plants, but then what do all the microbes do?

The hardest part of this High Brix thing is adjusting my thinking away from NPK and what plants like, and refocusing on soil biology and what bacteria, fungi and nematodes like.

They like humus and rotting organic matter....plants can't use that stuff until the microbes prepare it.

Same with the rock powders. Those aren't put in there for the plant's benefit! In fact, mixing Soft Rock Phosphate and Limestone make everything unavailable to the plants, which is what we want. You don't want to burn the plants!

The critters take all this food and deliver it. The only time we actually feed the plants is with the weekly foliar feed and even that is for the bugs, not the plant.

So, I'd keep the spraying down to once a week and by all means spend the small amount of money to get some Amaze and PGR. Just don't start using them until your soil is mineralized and teeming with life.
Thanks again Doc for taking the time to answer my questions, very much appreciated :)

I actually should have been more specific when I mentioned my "nutrient foliar" and ppm's.. what I actually meant was using my earthjuice bloom which ingredients are (0-3-1)(Bat and seabird guanos, oat bran, sea kelp, potash, steamed bone meal and rock phosphate) which is all "foods for the microbes" along with my General Organics Cal/Mag which is a 5:1 ratio and amino chelated for immediate uptake(also molasses and raw sugar cane). To this I would add 8% humic acid for my carbons.... I researched the product you use called Amaze which the ratio would be simiar...and the concept would be similar, however I couldn't find the ingredients they used on there site...This would be my (3rd feeding in the round of 3 different sprays) Now that I elaborated on it, do you think it would work?

My 1st foliar in the session would be what I'm currently using which is Coldpressed Algae/seaweed(trace elements, auxins and cytokinins), organic b (amino chelated b1-b12), Fulvic acid for carbon's and chelation, hygrozyme (enzymes), 2% milk for amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, enzymes... I believe this would be similar to the PGR, but again I can't really find any info on the ingredients of PGR...but it seems to be growth hormones, aminos, sugars, macro and micronutrients, which I think again may be similar to the blend above...but what are your thoughts...?

My middle feeding of course will be the bio tea/compost tea... basicly the soil I mixed up, stuffed in a nylon and bubbled for 2 days, with the addition of some molassas and carboload.... do you add any rock powders, calcium suppelments to your microbrews?

ps...sorry to bug ya so much but I really appreciate your knowledge and kindness to share :)
Looking awsome sir! Does the Amaze and the PGR come with the kit?
Looking awsome sir! Does the Amaze and the PGR come with the kit?

No, unfortunately the kit does not include those two products.
The Kit includes the following:

1.)5 gallon bucket with sealable lid.
2.)air pump, "air stone," tubing
3.)strainer for tea
4.)Yucca extract
5.)Bio VAM root innoculant
6.)Nature's Own microbial tea mix
7.)Biominerals....and blend of organic fertilizer, rock powders and trace elements, powderized and made to mixed into the finished tea and sprayed onto the plants and watered into the soil
8.)Hose end sprayer modified to dose tea/minerals properly, just add tea and water.

170 bucks to CA, from Spokane.

It may be a year or two, but I'm thinking I'm going to put a kit together myself after I really start groovin' this grow style. I've already identified some mistakes that I won't make next time. Once I get a few things dialed in, I'll see about putting together a kit for under 200 that takes you from start to finish....about 60-100 plants the first run, and re-fill kits that are less expensive for re-orders.

Amaze, PGR and Bloomit are a trio of products made by the folks at International Ag Labs, who does my soil tests. Amaze is a very unique product because it combines calcium and phosphorus in a clear spray that will go through sprayers.

is derived from ascophylum nodosum seaweed, same as most other Plant Growth Regulators, like Snow Storm Ultra, Bushmaster, etc. PGR is crazy strong....plants have spasms of growth overnight and leaves twist, etc. You've got to really be careful with this stuff, but when the dose is right growth is phenomenal.

Thanks again Doc for taking the time to answer my questions, very much appreciated :)

I actually should have been more specific when I mentioned my "nutrient foliar" and ppm's.. what I actually meant was using my earthjuice bloom which ingredients are (0-3-1)(Bat and seabird guanos, oat bran, sea kelp, potash, steamed bone meal and rock phosphate) which is all "foods for the microbes" along with my General Organics Cal/Mag which is a 5:1 ratio and amino chelated for immediate uptake(also molasses and raw sugar cane). To this I would add 8% humic acid for my carbons.... I researched the product you use called Amaze which the ratio would be simiar...and the concept would be similar, however I couldn't find the ingredients they used on there site...This would be my (3rd feeding in the round of 3 different sprays) Now that I elaborated on it, do you think it would work?

My 1st foliar in the session would be what I'm currently using which is Coldpressed Algae/seaweed(trace elements, auxins and cytokinins), organic b (amino chelated b1-b12), Fulvic acid for carbon's and chelation, hygrozyme (enzymes), 2% milk for amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, enzymes... I believe this would be similar to the PGR, but again I can't really find any info on the ingredients of PGR...but it seems to be growth hormones, aminos, sugars, macro and micronutrients, which I think again may be similar to the blend above...but what are your thoughts...?

My middle feeding of course will be the bio tea/compost tea... basicly the soil I mixed up, stuffed in a nylon and bubbled for 2 days, with the addition of some molassas and carboload.... do you add any rock powders, calcium suppelments to your microbrews?

ps...sorry to bug ya so much but I really appreciate your knowledge and kindness to share :)

Hey bro! What you're doing sounds really good. The plants love to get sprayed with the compost tea and kelp. I'll probably spray mine again too, I just didn't want to have too many variables when testing out this kit.

However, your foliar sprays won't duplicate Amaze. It's pretty complex chemistry how they put that spray together and let me tell you, nothing comes close to being as powerful. I'm certain that's what is giving me all the resin.....massive amounts of sugar in the leaves, sent down to the roots, who then send up the stuff the plant needs.

If you really want to pump up the brix, get some Amaze, PGR, Bloomit. I have zero financial interest in those products and I pay the same price you would pay. I'm plugging them because I'm a believer, as is everyone who sees the plants.

Whatever you decide to spray, you might consider some Yucca Extract to add to your sprays and feed/water. The saponins really help wet the soil and also brings stuff into the leaves. They also kill bugs.

Just like a High Brix tomato tastes sweet and complexly delicious, the terpene profile of a High Brix marijuana plant is also going to taste sweet and delicious.

The next exciting question is what will the effect be like? :hookah:

We'll just have to see!
I found a kit:

1.) BioVam Mycorrhiza root enhancer
2.) Planters II trace mineral fertilizer
3.) Biosol Forte
4.) Lime
5.) soft rock phosphate
6.) Gypsum
7.) Microbe Tea Brewer
8.) Yucca Extract
9.) Five gallon bucket, lid, filter bag.

This is what I want, right Doc? These are the most AMAZING plants I've ever seen! :Namaste: Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I found a kit:

1.) BioVam Mycorrhiza root enhancer
2.) Planters II trace mineral fertilizer
3.) Biosol Forte
4.) Lime
5.) soft rock phosphate
6.) Gypsum
7.) Microbe Tea Brewer
8.) Yucca Extract
9.) Five gallon bucket, lid, filter bag.

This is what I want, right Doc? These are the most AMAZING plants I've ever seen! :Namaste: Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Yep! That's the kit! Except the rock powders, minerals and organics are all mixed together in the right ratio's and pulverized.

That's what I'm doing on this grow, except with pretty hot, fortified soil. the plants right behind the Lemon Paki are in straight potting soil. They're just starting to get the leaf shine, so I think pre-mineralizing the soil is a good idea.
Ether is easy to find, but hard to purchase. It's highly flammable and will make you go unconscious if you inhale it. You can knock someone out on ether and do surgery. In fact, this was the main anesthetic back prior to about 1950.

You need a special license to get it. Most university chem labs have gobs of ether....very useful in all kinds of reactions....and you can often get your hands on some if you know someone in chem lab.

I've come close to blowing my face up with ether.....but it's an amazing solvent.

Oh wow.. ill stick to what i know. Whipped butane hash is good enough for me! Count me in for that high brix soik kit, if it came premixed in a bag with everything you need that would be awesome. I also want to start to reuse my soil, what's the best way to do this?
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