Alaskey Purplish RDWC

Is the membrane still on the yellow seedling?
I'm not sure whats going on with it. If there's something keeping everything tied up theres no way to safely take it off
I'm not sure whats going on with it. If there's something keeping everything tied up theres no way to safely take it off
Get the yellow leaves moist and grab a pair of tweezers.

can ya show a closer pick of it?
Ya I had a 16in hurricane that did a circular oscillation on it but it started clicking and skipping really bad actually also my new fan i can hang upside down and run it like that too and no problems which is awesome...Tower fans are great for limited spaces and window fans are too since they are thin but I'm a huge fan of oscillation i mean u wouldn't want a fan blowing on u 247 no matter what and less chances of wind burn etc....
And that's awesome ain't nothing wrong w repurposing shit that's for damn sure and times when they don't make something u need u make your own....
Have you thought about doing waterfall setup vs your airstones or even like a power head or wave maker from a fish tank??...Also do you have a valve on your air pump with having it on the floor vs above your water line as if you have a power outage it will drain your entire system and ruin your pump at the sametime so id suggest either a valve or just put it above the water line then u never have to worry about it as a valve can fail...I used to make my stands out of pvc and loved it that way as u get airflow 360° actually which is nice and keeps it cooler..I also ran a 1in manifold and then teed off where I needed stupid clean and even air plus lowers the temps which is nice...But my bloom rdwc that u built was waterfall only no airstones and loved it and it worked great...
And now my new system grows just as fast still have the automation and save all that water and nutes and don't have to worry about a flood if I have a leak so bad...I mean water sensors are a must have u can get Bluetooth ones even too so like your shed would be perfect for and they are like 30 for the bt one...Also why aren't u using your cmh and just running hps only....
Do you ever plan to go to led as it would help cooling alot being in Cali and all...Also u ever try cleaning your system in place and use hot water w h202 and citric acid...I also use citric acid& or vinegar 1-2a week for ph down as it cleans salt build up etc and keeps things Clean between grows...And yea scrubbing it all like you do still is a must have...Also a great tip which I just started doing for cleaning my walls and floors etc is a swifter pad with their wet pads and it does wonders...Takes me no time at all to clean the walls ceiling and floor of my 8x4 not like it used to spraying and Clorox wipes days are over I mean I still do that for the equipment but tent wise negative and I run hot water and h202 and cleans everything very nicely too..Ya I designed my new system so I can move any bucket any time and not touch the system turn a valve and that is it that bucket is shut off it's great
No pH at 11

You definitely wouldn't like GH's Rare Earth dry product, then. I think that might have been what the nutrient solution in one of my reservoirs was one day when I came home and found the little mesh bag that they give you to use when putting the stuff into your reservior... laying on the bottom, almost empty. I might have had a little oops with the dosage, too, but man. Plant was still in the growth phase, thankfully, but it wasn't small - and every leaf was on the floor. I've still got almost four pounds of it, found it a while back in a box of miscellaneous junk. Seemed like good stuff and all - but a little dab will do you (in ;) ).

jacks hydro

Jack's Professional Hydroponic, calcium nitrate, and Epsom salt - simple as "3-2-1," lol.

I'm not sure whats going on with it. If there's something keeping everything tied up theres no way to safely take it off

Use a new double-edged razor blade (wipe the oil off, if it has any on it). Hold it carefully between your thumb and index finger so that only a tiny corner of the blade sticks out. Go slowly around the edge and don't try to cut all the way down to the stem (either coming or going, so to speak). Then you can gently peel the cotyledons apart, but hydrate the "interface" a few times over ten minutes or so in case they've become stuck together. But, mainly, it's probably the membrane from the inner wall of the seed case, as StRoostifer mentioned. That's my guess, (too,) anyway. It's rarer than the helmet-head issue, but happens once in a great while. Unless you're unlucky or wait too long, it need not necessarily stunt the plant for life or anything. Hopefully, you can save it.
I wouldn't touch it and id let it be actually esp how delicate it is right now u might be better off just keeping the cube moist and seeing if it makes it ....
Yeah, im not gonna touch it. If it doesn't work out it doesn't work out
Ya also I am not a fan of rapid rooters at all I actually hate them now I see u out yours in upside down which helps but those stock holes are sooooo huge ...I wonder if that could be part of the issue with that seedling on if it doesn't have enough to anchor too...Now I love rapid start cubes nice tiny hole and the cubes themselves i like better they have more sponge and bounce to them and I've had a lot better results w them over that rapid rooter trash never will i buy those ever again. Rapid starts ftw gots my vote right now and cheap too i got 100ct for 27.12 only so works for me ...Just my opinion tho...
Ya also I am not a fan of rapid rooters at all I actually hate them now I see u out yours in upside down which helps but those stock holes are sooooo huge ...I wonder if that could be part of the issue with that seedling on if it doesn't have enough to anchor too...Now I love rapid start cubes nice tiny hole and the cubes themselves i like better they have more sponge and bounce to them and I've had a lot better results w them over that rapid rooter trash never will i buy those ever again. Rapid starts ftw gots my vote right now and cheap too i got 100ct for 27.12 only so works for me ...Just my opinion tho...
Your right, im using them up side down. There is no hole in that side. I love Rapid Rooters. I rarely have issues, even then its hard to say they are the issue
Well when u need to reup and get more plugs then pick up some root riots bro trust me you will love them and u will think the rapid rooters are garbage trash too as your putting them in upside down but yet that big ass hole goes thru like 90% of the plug if not more...And the seed and or clone needs to have a nice tight area to be in or can cause issues and that seed having issues and w how big that split is might have something to do w it like air getting into it etc who know what it could be...I would rip a piece of the cube off and pack it into the hole to make it tighter mainly for clones but u could do a lil w those if u wanted i mean that's all up to u ...
But ya all I'm saying is just try some root riots out bro as u won't go back that's for sure as u don't have to do anything w those and they do wonders imo they are a much much better made product
Well when u need to reup and get more plugs then pick up some root riots bro trust me you will love them and u will think the rapid rooters are garbage trash too as your putting them in upside down but yet that big ass hole goes thru like 90% of the plug if not more...And the seed and or clone needs to have a nice tight area to be in or can cause issues and that seed having issues and w how big that split is might have something to do w it like air getting into it etc who know what it could be...I would rip a piece of the cube off and pack it into the hole to make it tighter mainly for clones but u could do a lil w those if u wanted i mean that's all up to u ...
But ya all I'm saying is just try some root riots out bro as u won't go back that's for sure as u don't have to do anything w those and they do wonders imo they are a much much better made product
I've used them, still like Rapid Rooters
Spending a lot of time speculating, when its highly likely we will never know why. If they work out, great! If not it is what it is.

I put them both in the net pots. I think a little light will help.
Spending a lot of time speculating, when its highly likely we will never know why. If they work out, great! If not it is what it is.

I put them both in the net pots. I think a little light will help.
1000% AGREED there good buddy lol...And ya the cubes look similar but side by side you can really tell a diff the rooters will always have pieces come off when u dunk them rapids do not and the material rapids is more like a nice new sponge and rooters are like old brittle fall apart when you use them type sponge lol...I think that describes them amazingly actually lol
You use evap cooling for your system right whats your ambient temps and what does your system get to running it that way...As I do it to but with pc fans as I'm in a basement and my res is outside the tent..Thanks and ya hopefully it makes it if not u got 2 more going....And u will just shorten up your veg time just keep both seeds in the same bucket and good to go...And c luckily u use those g.h buckets and u have several pots u can use very easily as I was going to suggest 2 girls 1 cup for ya but no need when u got the sites already...Which is nice i have always liked those and that setup however my rdwc days are pry over i like my efficiency now costs me 120 to run a full crop + seeds so fine w me and I run 1490w in bloom too so ya about to be 1380w when I get my other raging kush in such a dope light....
Actually I found thee dopest light on the market right now it's the eva3 it's absolutely amazing also is l$2550 too lol but check it out id love to have one to play with that's for sure
1000% AGREED there good buddy lol...And ya the cubes look similar but side by side you can really tell a diff the rooters will always have pieces come off when u dunk them rapids do not and the material rapids is more like a nice new sponge and rooters are like old brittle fall apart when you use them type sponge lol...I think that describes them amazingly actually lol
You use evap cooling for your system right whats your ambient temps and what does your system get to running it that way...As I do it to but with pc fans as I'm in a basement and my res is outside the tent..Thanks and ya hopefully it makes it if not u got 2 more going....And u will just shorten up your veg time just keep both seeds in the same bucket and good to go...And c luckily u use those g.h buckets and u have several pots u can use very easily as I was going to suggest 2 girls 1 cup for ya but no need when u got the sites already...Which is nice i have always liked those and that setup however my rdwc days are pry over i like my efficiency now costs me 120 to run a full crop + seeds so fine w me and I run 1490w in bloom too so ya about to be 1380w when I get my other raging kush in such a dope light....
Actually I found thee dopest light on the market right now it's the eva3 it's absolutely amazing also is l$2550 too lol but check it out id love to have one to play with that's for sure
Honestly, I have never seen Rapid rooters crumble
Considering I grow in a shed in Southern California my temps depend in a large part on the weather. My temps last season went as high as 102 in the shed, but it was VERY hot outside.
Seems like a lot of money for that light. If I were gonna spend that much I'd get Black Dogs again. My issue is, when I'm done moving shit around in my shed I will have a grow space thats 4x12... I need more than one light. $5000 for grow lights isn't gonna work out. I'll go with 4 of the ChilLED X3s
Ya I've had a good portion of 100 rooters split in half on me...Ya I wouldn't ever buy a black dog light esp the price vs my r.kush is a waaaaay better light on every level ..Also depending on your ceilings which in your video didn't look like it was too high idk maybe I'm wrong but if you have tall ceilings you can run the dragon alphas which are cheaper than the r.kush are u just need 24in from the plants for the alphas and 9-12in on the r.kush are i love my light the spectrum tuning on it is great it's thee nicest built light i have ever seen or owned hands down the company itself is thee shit too great group of ppl that's for sure 5yr warranty no questions asked they ship the new light 1st and you return the old broken one or w e is wrong...They are 100% made in the usa and they build everything in house except for their diodes but their drivers and everything is in house they bench test every single light that leaves their building and if it doesn't pass it doesn't leave!!!! And the the spectrum tuning is incredible and you can give the plant exactly what it needs or what you need it to do stretch or get short etc and the raging kush 2.0s which come out in Dec/jan will have full power tuning at all colors the 660 and 720 will be fully tunable which is gna be soo pimp plus a even more even ppfd canopy...Just gna be bitchn too and I'm gna throw in some uva/uvb lights i found to top it off and it's about to go down and get squishy...Esp when I get my freeze dryerr..
But I've heard good things on those new chilled lights...Just for the money the r.k costs vs other lights in that same price range it blows them all out the water just a incredible light and company and more companies NEED to strive like they do and care about their work ...The light is waterproof can be fully submerged even and still work just fine..Just perfect for me but that's just me .... So y don't u use that cmh you have their...Or put it in the middle and run all 3 lights but dim them if u need to for heat....And whats your water temps at then at those 102f days then. And avg is fine too bro thanks ...At the end of the day it's ALL UP TO YOU AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO THATS FINAL! AS LONG AS IT MAKES YOU HAPPY AND MEETS YOUR GOALS THEN WHO CARES WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY!!!
Is the way I look at it as everyone grows for different reasons period and that's highly affects everything on the way you grow the style wise products used etc ..
I'm a medical patient and makes solventless hash and live rosin etc key word is solventless tho!!!! So that's just me tho..At the end of the day if your happy that's all that matters !!!!
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