Alaskey Purplish RDWC

This is from Rapidstart

Er... In the '90s, I ran 23-gallon DWC reservoirs in SCROG setups, and the roots looked like that (a little whiter, maybe ;) ). I never used a special root product, and roots always took over the reservoir spaces. Not the entire things - but you might only get 13 gallons - or 7 - of nutrient solution in one when you came home and discovered that it was "empty." That was with a growth phase that's lengthier than a lot of people's, though, because each one was expected to fill its own eight square foot screen. So those plants' root systems might have been noticeably smaller than yours in the time that they live, IDK. I kind of miss those SCROG grows. Which is ironic, because I disliked them a little more each night at training time.

Its a completely different than Armor Si. Armor Si is derived from Potassium, its a terrible product. You wind up with pH issues for days, and since its a Potassium product its not very affective. Power Si is a pure monosilicic acid product, completely bioavailable. I won't use a Silica that isn't made this way

IDK; if I was an accredited scientist, I'd be getting paid exorbitant amounts for doing something dastardly. I've read that - about the silicon forms, not that it'd give me long-lasting pH issues (which it didn't) - and it seemed to make sense at the time. But the MSDS for Armor Si lists silicic acid two or three times. Plus, the silicon supplement gets added to the water first, then everything else - which acidifies the solution somewhat. That probably causes some portion of the silicon to precipitate, and I'd be unsurprised if something or other in the other stuff ended up reacting with the whatever substance the silicon was a part of. Not everything we pour into the reservoir is still in that form when the plant's roots "get hold of it."

I did do a quick web search and found this image that lists percentage of available silicon for several products. Armor Si isn't on it ;( - but one of the Power Si products is, although it doesn't state which one.

Koolbloom dry and Koolbloom liquid aren't the same thing.

Yeah, I know; that's why I had both products. I hope the thief couldn't read and killed all his plants with the DKB 💢 . Or got caught by the next person he tried to rip off, and got shot in the right temple.
U don't need to pay 180 for 2 new membranes you can get them cheap just u have to make sure the % that they remove i want to say anything above 94% is fine so u just need to make sure you get the 150gpd membranes and call it a day....Unless that's a 200gpd then get the 100gpd membranes....
I use agsil 16h for my silica and it does great i have no problems with it at all including ph too ..It also depends on your nutes you use on how stable it is and when u add it etc...I've never had a issue with it and it's dirt cheap and works so I'm going to keep on using it..I had a sample of fasilitator and I did not like it at all I would of been royally pissed if I paid that kind of money for that tiny bottle and just fucked it all up..Sad i have better luck with the cheapest shit you can get....But what works for me might not work for u and visa versa just how it is....
Damn! This is going to be a fast moving thread!!

yeah man, I’m growing... got my legal four plants in my tent right now transitioning into flower... probably about 8-10 days under 12/12...

I can’t showcase them here though. I’m not allowed.... ohh well it is what it is.:thumb:
Er... In the '90s, I ran 23-gallon DWC reservoirs in SCROG setups, and the roots looked like that (a little whiter, maybe ;) ). I never used a special root product, and roots always took over the reservoir spaces. Not the entire things - but you might only get 13 gallons - or 7 - of nutrient solution in one when you came home and discovered that it was "empty." That was with a growth phase that's lengthier than a lot of people's, though, because each one was expected to fill its own eight square foot screen. So those plants' root systems might have been noticeably smaller than yours in the time that they live, IDK. I kind of miss those SCROG grows. Which is ironic, because I disliked them a little more each night at training time.

IDK; if I was an accredited scientist, I'd be getting paid exorbitant amounts for doing something dastardly. I've read that - about the silicon forms, not that it'd give me long-lasting pH issues (which it didn't) - and it seemed to make sense at the time. But the MSDS for Armor Si lists silicic acid two or three times. Plus, the silicon supplement gets added to the water first, then everything else - which acidifies the solution somewhat. That probably causes some portion of the silicon to precipitate, and I'd be unsurprised if something or other in the other stuff ended up reacting with the whatever substance the silicon was a part of. Not everything we pour into the reservoir is still in that form when the plant's roots "get hold of it."

I did do a quick web search and found this image that lists percentage of available silicon for several products. Armor Si isn't on it ;( - but one of the Power Si products is, although it doesn't state which one.

Yeah, I know; that's why I had both products. I hope the thief couldn't read and killed all his plants with the DKB 💢 . Or got caught by the next person he tried to rip off, and got shot in the right temple.
Not sure what to tell you bro.
Damn! This is going to be a fast moving thread!!

yeah man, I’m growing... got my legal four plants in my tent right now transitioning into flower... probably about 8-10 days under 12/12...

I can’t showcase them here though. I’m not allowed.... ohh well it is what it is.:thumb:
Remember when growing here was fun?
That's messed up I thought this site was for marijuana awareness. But you can't show your plants here because of some political B.S :hmmmm:
It’s understandable, they asked me not to post them. I will respect their wishes. I’m not Meaning to say this to get people riled up. It’s not my time or place to be going into further deatils. So it is what it is, and I respect there wishes.

Remember when growing here was fun?
Lol It gives me more time to try and stay up to date with everyone else’s journals
I use agsil 16h for my silica and it does great i have no problems with it at all including ph too ..It also depends on your nutes you use on how stable it is and when u add it etc...I've never had a issue with it and it's dirt cheap and works so I'm going to keep on using it..I had a sample of fasilitator and I did not like it at all I would of been royally pissed if I paid that kind of money for that tiny bottle and just fucked it all up..Sad i have better luck with the cheapest shit you can get....But what works for me might not work for u and visa versa just how it is....
I've never heard of Agsil. Glad you like it. Ive used Fasilitor and had great success. My first 1 pound plant.

Potassium based Silica products have an inherent flaw... a low bioavailability due to the shap of the molecule(s) they bond in a chain and make it hard for for the plant to digest. When used in soil it will break down over time, becoming available, but in our case that time is usually past the life of the plant. Monosilicic acid is available to the plant the second you open the bottle. Its much more stable in a reservoir, pH issues which are very common with the Potassium products are basically nonexistent with monosilicic versions, but also more stabile in the bottle giving it a much longer shelf life. Dosage size is also much less with monosilicic acid, which helps a bit when considering their price. The happy ending is the word is getting out on products that don't come from Potassium, so prices are coming down.. And your absolutely correct. Theres a method to adding Silica to your hydro system. Same with Calcium and micro nutrients.

If you tried Fasilitor and it didn't work maybe Potassium is best for you.
U don't need to pay 180 for 2 new membranes you can get them cheap just u have to make sure the % that they remove i want to say anything above 94% is fine so u just need to make sure you get the 150gpd membranes and call it a day....Unless that's a 200gpd then get the 100gpd membranes....
Its a 300 GPD.
I've never heard of Agsil. Glad you like it. Ive used Fasilitor and had great success. My first 1 pound plant.

Potassium based Silica products have an inherent flaw... a low bioavailability due to the shap of the molecule(s) they bond in a chain and make it hard for for the plant to digest. When used in soil it will break down over time, becoming available, but in our case that time is usually past the life of the plant. Monosilicic acid is available to the plant the second you open the bottle. Its much more stable in a reservoir, pH issues which are very common with the Potassium products are basically nonexistent with monosilicic versions, but also more stabile in the bottle giving it a much longer shelf life. Dosage size is also much less with monosilicic acid, which helps a bit when considering their price. The happy ending is the word is getting out on products that don't come from Potassium, so prices are coming down.. And your absolutely correct. Theres a method to adding Silica to your hydro system. Same with Calcium and micro nutrients.

If you tried Fasilitor and it didn't work maybe Potassium is best for you.
I agree with that as monosilic acid is great stuff and is better than potassium silicate is which is what agsil 16h is it's dry powder and I make a stock solution of it in a gal and use it in veg and part of flower esp for scrogging..
I also no longer run rdwc tho I went to the bucket company i still do hydro and recirculate but with misters and I like it a whole lot better so far..
And that's exactly it use what works best for you..
The thing is tho it depends on your nutes too on how it all reacts as a whole too as when using cultured solutions nutes they even say do not use silica as it can create biofilms and etc which is exactly what happened when I used the fasilator..But I can run agsil 16h and even silica blast just fine so that's what I use...
And it's cheap as shit too i paid like $5 for lb so works for me and that powder will last forever stored right so I'm gna keep on using it ...
I agree with that as monosilic acid is great stuff and is better than potassium silicate is which is what agsil 16h is it's dry powder and I make a stock solution of it in a gal and use it in veg and part of flower esp for scrogging..
I also no longer run rdwc tho I went to the bucket company i still do hydro and recirculate but with misters and I like it a whole lot better so far..
And that's exactly it use what works best for you..
The thing is tho it depends on your nutes too on how it all reacts as a whole too as when using cultured solutions nutes they even say do not use silica as it can create biofilms and etc which is exactly what happened when I used the fasilator..But I can run agsil 16h and even silica blast just fine so that's what I use...
And it's cheap as shit too i paid like $5 for lb so works for me and that powder will last forever stored right so I'm gna keep on using it ...
How long have you been growing? Have you spent much time on other forums? Rollitup? You obviously know your stuff.

Its too bad Fasilitor didn't work for you. I used it a couple years ago. 2 plants same system I have now. One plant was the one that I was showing off the roots. The plant to its right did a pound, which was fun. I really liked it, but the price back then was almost $1 a milliliter. So I went searching for something comparable that won't crater my wallet. I didn't know about monosilicic acid. I tried Armor Si, awful stuff, Silica Blast was better. No pH at 11, and another one who's name eludes me. Nothing came close to the bulk from Fasilitor, not just the buds, but also the stalk, the crazy thick leaves, everything.

Then I heard about Power Si. This shit is supposed to be better than Fasilitor. It was created by the same dude, as he had left Aptus to do his own thing. It not cheap, but much cheaper. Works really well. Ive only used it 1 season, but it went very well.
Appreciate it that bro ya I been growing for 6 yrs now but I been researching alday everyday for 12yrs since I been disabled and really got into cannabis other than just smoking...I have over 200+ books on cannabis alone and a few other hundred on biology etc too ..So I read all thee time and of course other forums and research papers webinars where ever the info takes me more or less..
As I try and learn any and everything I can about cannabis breeding,hash making,edibles and everything else it's quite the addiction i have with this miracle plant in more ways than one and not physically either lol...
Ya I've looked into power si and thought about trying it out i mean it would have to be dramatic for me to switch to it vs my cheap agsil 16h u know...After I run out of my cultured solutions nutes I'm going to all dry nutes which I already have several lol jacks hydro, ambrosia, mad farmer lol ...I'll pry be going jacks but will c I'll be going to bloom 1st since it's almost gone and I have 4gal of veg still lol glad it was free i mean don't get me wrong I like c.s for recirculating hydro setups for liquid nutes it's pry my favorite that I have found but again I'm done paying for 90% water if not more so I'll buy dry and get 100% use out of it ..
I just got this fan the other day and it is PIMP its bladeless, has a remote it oscillates in 3 diff ways!!!! It does up and down side to side and a hybrid of both can change the speed how fast it turns and there's 8 speed settings also has a timer if u want and the lcd screen goes black too and looks like a robot
1 seedling looks just fine. The second one is in the weeds. The two initial leaves seem to be stuck together, I sprayed the seedling with water hoping to make it better, but no. The color is all wrong too. Both of these came out very yellow. So, it looks like I may end up with 1. I started 2 White Widow as back up
Appreciate it that bro ya I been growing for 6 yrs now but I been researching alday everyday for 12yrs since I been disabled and really got into cannabis other than just smoking...I have over 200+ books on cannabis alone and a few other hundred on biology etc too ..So I read all thee time and of course other forums and research papers webinars where ever the info takes me more or less..
As I try and learn any and everything I can about cannabis breeding,hash making,edibles and everything else it's quite the addiction i have with this miracle plant in more ways than one and not physically either lol...
Ya I've looked into power si and thought about trying it out i mean it would have to be dramatic for me to switch to it vs my cheap agsil 16h u know...After I run out of my cultured solutions nutes I'm going to all dry nutes which I already have several lol jacks hydro, ambrosia, mad farmer lol ...I'll pry be going jacks but will c I'll be going to bloom 1st since it's almost gone and I have 4gal of veg still lol glad it was free i mean don't get me wrong I like c.s for recirculating hydro setups for liquid nutes it's pry my favorite that I have found but again I'm done paying for 90% water if not more so I'll buy dry and get 100% use out of it ..
I just got this fan the other day and it is PIMP its bladeless, has a remote it oscillates in 3 diff ways!!!! It does up and down side to side and a hybrid of both can change the speed how fast it turns and there's 8 speed settings also has a timer if u want and the lcd screen goes black too and looks like a robot
Well, thanks for hanging out!
Thats a cool fan. I had a Hurricane digital, I want to say it was 18 inches. Freaking huge in my shed. I can't remember what went wrong, but It didnt work... the oscillation mechanism was just fine, so I took the blades off and taped a 6 inch duct from an inline fan, and ran just the oscillation for the duct. Worked well, till it wouldn't go back and forth anymore. Looked ridiculous, but it would be very hard to find a oscillating fan with that kind of power with such a small footprint. I love doing stupid shit like that.
Damm seeds always good to have extras on hand.
Hey man! How are you!? I'm just playin pot farmer. To be honest, just between you and I, my Rapid Rooters are 8 or 10 months old. Ive used old ones before, even some that dried up, and had no issue, I dont know if they have a shelf life. I think its the seeds personally.
Give it time, that should pop open and throw out its cotyledons. I’ve had a few plants like that. One pulled through and the other didn’t... so you got a 50/50 chance here!
Maybe. Not impressive show so far
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