Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

Hey al! Everything’s looking good! I was going to say, the bottom fan leaf on Mh1 is getting pretty close to the soil, it’s got burned edges, I would say you could probably take those bottom leaves off on a few. Definitely won’t hurt. By the looks of that picture they look like they have a fair amount of shade down there anyways.

Sorry for my comment earlier, on trying to show you how to upload photos and post them, I was unaware that you knew how to do it already:thumb:

Yes talking to the plants, it is a common practice to do. Some feel they grow extra with the extra love that is taken by talking and complimenting them. I do it without even noticing, I’ll be saying “ok next, the DA1, flip her around, oh beautiful, I’ll tighten this string, oh now I gotta tighten this one.” So on and so forth. Lol I may be going crazy :goof:

I think you may have touched base on this before, but do you plan on topping any of those beautiful ladies?

Your plants are looking great! I’m excited Mrs.A likes the NL, wait till she start flowering, maybe your wife will like it enough to even indulge in the gardening:yahoo:
Hey al! Everything’s looking good! I was going to say, the bottom fan leaf on Mh1 is getting pretty close to the soil, it’s got burned edges, I would say you could probably take those bottom leaves off on a few. Definitely won’t hurt. By the looks of that picture they look like they have a fair amount of shade down there anyways.

Sorry for my comment earlier, on trying to show you how to upload photos and post them, I was unaware that you knew how to do it already:thumb:

Yes talking to the plants, it is a common practice to do. Some feel they grow extra with the extra love that is taken by talking and complimenting them. I do it without even noticing, I’ll be saying “ok next, the DA1, flip her around, oh beautiful, I’ll tighten this string, oh now I gotta tighten this one.” So on and so forth. Lol I may be going crazy :goof:

I think you may have touched base on this before, but do you plan on topping any of those beautiful ladies?

Your plants are looking great! I’m excited Mrs.A likes the NL, wait till she start flowering, maybe your wife will like it enough to even indulge in the gardening:yahoo:

I didn't intend to sound offended by the suggestion. If so, I'm sorry. Just trying to let you know I did it and had some issues so left it alone a while. I also didn't feel like messing with it again while I was hurting. I may try again now that I'm feeling better. You have no reason to apologize for trying to be helpful. :)

I'll check out the lower leaves today. Not saying I will take them off but we'll see. The girls in the big pots are getting some water today - the only question is how much. I may wait until after that to decide.

If you're going crazy for doing that then it appears you're not alone. :D

I thought about quadlining a couple but I may wait until I have this grow under my belt to try it. I still may top and/or do some LST to help shape them a bit.

Mrs A is feeling better herself so maybe she'll do a little more. I hope so. Could use all the help I can get but definitely don't want her to overdo.

Thanks for the good vibes, compliments, advice, helpful hints, and generally for stopping by.
For those keeping track, today marks 29-30 days above ground for most, with OGK CBD 27 days and Nikita 24 days.

I haven't been out to the plants yet. Thank gawd for the humidifier! My internal alarm awoke me early but I went back to sleep before finally waking up and eating. Been playing and chilling with the dawgs but I'm gonna get up and get going soon.

Slightly exhausted after this past week+; but feeling much better and more energy, too. Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement and to take care of myself and get-well wishes. The tooth is actually free of pain today entirely. I'll have some pics in a bit (of the plants, not the tooth).
Morning pics to follow. Westley looks great after he watering. Humidity is great by comparison.

I'll have some pics in a bit

Lol I’m glad you clarified because for a minute I though why would he be posting a picture of his tooth! Haha smoke another one backlip! :goof:

I didn't intend to sound offended by the suggestion. If so, I'm sorry. Just trying to let you know I did it and had some issues so left it alone a while. I also didn't feel like messing with it again while I was hurting. I may try again now that I'm feeling better. You have no reason to apologize for trying to be helpful. :)

I'll check out the lower leaves today. Not saying I will take them off but we'll see. The girls in the big pots are getting some water today - the only question is how much. I may wait until after that to decide.

If you're going crazy for doing that then it appears you're not alone. :D

I thought about quadlining a coupe but I may wait until I have this grow under my belt to try it. I still may top and/or do some LST to help shape them a bit.

Mrs A is feeling better herself so maybe she'll do a little more. I hope so. Could use all the help I can get but definitely don't want her to overdo.

Thanks for the good vibes, compliments, advice, helpful hints, and generally for stopping by.

Haha I didn’t necessarily think I offended you, I guess that was just the Canadian in me coming out, apologizing for nothing :rofl:

Here let me buy you a beer too ehh! :high-five:

A lot of people take off the bottom two internodes as they don’t like to produce much anyways, and down there as they get older, they don’t see all that much light. But hey! I absolutely understand your hesitation with altering their appearance and cutting stuff off. I went though it, I’m sure everybody goes through that phase when getting into the hobby. When I finally had enough courage to top my first plants, almost brought me to my knees. Felt so stupid cutting off nice healthy growth, but I got over it, just like you will. :thumb:

Use your judgment on how much to water today:morenutes:. I like to create a really well wet/dry cycle so I feed until I see about 20-30% runoff of what I put in, and are nice and heavy.

Haha yeah, I’m glad I’m not the only one :high-five: have a big ol group crazies! :laughtwo::high-five:

Yeah try out topping and LST on at least one plant, experiment a lil bit and see if you like it.:thumb:

I’m glad you and your wife are feeling better! Only up from here! Keep that ball rolling and you guys will have nothing but success in your near future!

Sorry for the long reply! :headbanger:
Haha! Canadians are so nice. :)

I appreciate you man. I’m watering now. MH1, OGK CBD, and BB got maybe 6 oz - not really a full watering. Only BB got the smallest runoff of maybe 4ml but the others none. OS, NL, and Nikita are getting full waterings.
Post-watering pics:


Keeping a close eye on the low riding leaves on NL and OGK CBD. They did pick up with a little assistance.


Blueberry (twisted sister) close in just to show the dense growth there.

have a better feel than I did but still trying to get it dialed in just right
:thumb: You’ll find it’s a perpetual dance. Plants drink differently adn some like to dry out more than others. I haven’t grown the same strain over again to really start to get to know one - that’s something to look forward to as I settle on some favourite chemovars :)
OK, so who besides me has casual conversations with their plants?

Mrs Alafornia subscribes to the theory that talking to them is good for them, especially encouraging words. I'm pretty sure it can't hurt and I've done it from the start just because - maybe I'm a little weird.
Totally normal weird :high-five:

Everything looks great Al :) Happy to hear there’s some sleep-ins happening. Yay for equipment!
Hey Al, there is a group Blueberry thread somewhere on here. Maybe you could check it out for some input on the BB twisted sister. There’ll be some experience with BB strains in there... I’ll find the link ...

Keep forgetting i have a little BB myself right now. I should contribute
Hi Mr. A, glad that tooth pain has subsided. Great to hear Mrs. A is doing better. Your tent is looking awesome. Mini-monsters. Once Westley is rooted and ready for her pot upgrade, I predict massive growth.
I am getting the hang of the Dallas Corbin Multiquote!

:thumb: You’ll find it’s a perpetual dance. Plants drink differently adn some like to dry out more than others. I haven’t grown the same strain over again to really start to get to know one - that’s something to look forward to as I settle on some favourite chemovars :)

Totally normal weird :high-five:

Everything looks great Al :) Happy to hear there’s some sleep-ins happening. Yay for equipment!

I needed this sleep-in badly.

Hey Al, there is a group Blueberry thread somewhere on here. Maybe you could check it out for some input on the BB twisted sister. There’ll be some experience with BB strains in there... I’ll find the link ...

Keep forgetting i have a little BB myself right now. I should contribute

Thank you! I read up a little in there and someone had a canuk seeds that had some similar traits. I'll have to post there later.

Hi Mr. A, glad that tooth pain has subsided. Great to hear Mrs. A is doing better. Your tent is looking awesome. Mini-monsters. Once Westley is rooted and ready for her pot upgrade, I predict massive growth.

I'm very grateful to no longer have that pain or the headband type headache. Westley is poised to take off. Later today I'm going to take a peak at those roots. I'll get Mrs A to help since she's feeling better herself. :)
Had to go do some work today damn led conversions are tricky too close you get hot spots too far you get dark spots. Did a quick adjustment then hit the store for a sharpie and a few other plant items. But damn it is 109 out here today think i should hit golden acorn or pechanga for a little blackjack.
Any fires over that way today, BR (nevermind, I see they're in the KNF)? Hopefully not, but it's a bit smokey here and thankfully not nearly as hot. It's only about 90 and 15% humidity.
Checked on Westley’s roots. She needs more time, which is what I expected.


Everyone looks happy with their watering.

Mrs Alafornia has corrected me: It is the Corbin Dallas Multiquote. I was just placing the names the way I'm used to seeing them. :D
Hey @Alafornia ... looking awesome of course!!!

I'm still rooting for the Blueberry and Orange Sherbert ...

And yes ... Blueberry ... that is definitely one cool Twisted Sister ...


My Twisted Sister!​

And I like the stretch on the Orange Sherbert.

Of course I talk to my plants ... I get real close ... and tell them all about how CO2 helps them grow big n tall :)

Are you going to do any training on your plants?

And can anyone here give me a recommendation for a dehumidifier for a 2'x4' tent please?

Alright ... have a nice night!
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