Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

8:00 is coming later. lol But I do feel better today. I just took my second dose of antibiotics for the day. Just picked the wife up from the art place. She's eating then we're going out to see the plants and take pics.

I already watered Westley with a full watering as she was drooping with those bottom leaves touching the pot again. She immediately perked up again. The top soil on the others is pretty dry but so far I letting it go. I have no desire to overwater again. Hopefully I'm getting more of a feel for it.
I have a feeling NL will be ready for water tomorrow. A few others may need a little on top is all. The top soil is pretty dry. I have a better feel than I did but still trying to get it dialed in just right. Mrs Alafornia likes NL a lot - she can’t wait to try her.

The group:


Then individuals:


Continued again:

Blueberry is one odd little girl. Don’t know what to make of that bunch up in the middle. She seems healthy and happy. It’s just odd to me.


They're all looking great,Al -whatever you're doing is definitely working!
Westley continues to impress -got the little branches growing and everything!
And the Orange Sherbet ,Nikita & Northern Lights look like they're racing each other...
They're all looking great,Al -whatever you're doing is definitely working!
Westley continues to impress -got the little branches growing and everything!
And the Orange Sherbet ,Nikita & Northern Lights look like they're racing each other...

Thanks, carcass.

Those three are neck and neck. Hard to believe Nikita is the youngest of the whole bunch. She and Westley prove to me this White Russian strain is hardy. I love them all, though. :)
OK, so who besides me has casual conversations with their plants?

Mrs Alafornia subscribes to the theory that talking to them is good for them, especially encouraging words. I'm pretty sure it can't hurt and I've done it from the start just because - maybe I'm a little weird.
OK, so who besides me has casual conversations with their plants?

Mrs Alafornia subscribes to the theory that talking to them is good for them, especially encouraging words. I'm pretty sure it can't hurt and I've done it from the start just because - maybe I'm a little weird.

Not as much as I talk to my dog! That lil guy always has an ear for conversation!
Congratulations BR. 3 weeks is awesome. You should be so proud of yourself.
3 years plus for me. I am still doing stupid arse stuff. Lol
Sobriety is a damn great place to be. I am in your corner cheering you on.
Al, been a bit tied up, but ya girls look great!
Pot weight is the key, and your getting it sussed.....
Just wanted to let you know I think your doin a great job.
OMG! I finally figured out the Dallas Corbin Multiquote!!! I'm so proud of myself! :D:D:D

C'mon if course I talk to them. Weather it's the vegetable plants, the cannabis plants, or a decorative plant they give so much. A little conversation is the least I can do.

I hear you and I know the plants do, too. IIRC there were some studies...

I talk to them cause they listen and dont talk back. Wish the wife would take some lessons!

I hear you, too, BR. :D (Don't read that Mrs Alafornia)

Not as much as I talk to my dog! That lil guy always has an ear for conversation!

I think I talk to my dog more than anyone else. He seems to enjoy it. The other dog doesn't seem to care as much. :D

Ala dammit just realized after looking at your picture I forgot the sharpie. I went and got skewers and plant tags today. Also bought a new fan but I forgot the sharpie. I tell yall ive been sober like 3 weeks now and ive been doing some dumb arse stuff!

Brother, I wish I had an excuse lately. :D Kick ass on the 3 weeks! One day at a time.

Congratulations BR. 3 weeks is awesome. You should be so proud of yourself.
3 years plus for me. I am still doing stupid arse stuff. Lol
Sobriety is a damn great place to be. I am in your corner cheering you on.

Kick ass on the 3 years! One day at a time. We're all cheering you both on!

Lets cheer together. :cheer::cheer:

Cheer! (not cheers lol)

Al, been a bit tied up, but ya girls look great!
Pot weight is the key, and your getting it sussed.....
Just wanted to let you know I think your doin a great job.

Tied up...Is that what the kids are calling it now? :D

Thank you! Hope you are feeling better and get to return to some normality soon...well, your normality. :D I'm really glad you stopped by. Feel free to hang out and use some of that extra time you have now.
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