Gave the grow a water flush today, as the Afghani started to dump a few of its lower leaves. Not much, just 4.
There are no mites whatsoever, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Between grows I washed down the tent, and ran diluted NEEM through the soil in the bins, along with a normal dose of nutes. The soil was nearly dry by the time the seedlings were old enough to transplant.... So, I think all this eliminated the bass-terds.
In about 6 weeks, I'll switch the lights to 12/12, unless the plants start showing signs earlier.
I need to share this, 'cause I'm so thrilled!
I have my first veteran-patient, who couldn't sleep at night between the PTSD and had joint pain. I taught him how to dose with 1 or 2 TBs Bicardi-based tincture at night just before bedtime, in his case with a beer chaser (any kind of liquid works) Two nights in a row, he got a full night's sleep, woke refreshed, clear-headed, and ready to go to work. Today he reported his hip pain went away, too!
I also gave him a small container of ground "herbs" to use sparingly in his cooking. This will build up the cannabinoids in his system for maintenance.
Now I have a real reason to keep growing, altho I have enough supply to create a LOT of tincture. He's going to supply the Bicardi, so I can keep a brew going.
I brew old-school, putting the fresh or dried mixed leaves, flowers, pods, and pollen, (NOT decarbed) into a Mason Jar, then covering with Bicardi 141. I cap it tightly and put it in a bottom cabinet for at least a month, and decant any time (months, even a year) after that through a metal kitchen strainer. It's OK if some green matter gets through. We're protecting as many of the healing cannabinoids as possible. Decarb happens naturally, either through drying and storing the ground herbs or aging of the tincture. And IT IS STRONG!!!!!
I end up with about a pint to 3/4 quart of tincture each batch. I keep the tincture refrigerated, even though it probably won't spoil with all the alcohol content.
The leftover mash can be dried and used in tea, mixed with any kind of sweet/berry/herbal tea to taste. Also as an herb in cooking. There is always something left in the mash.
I made sure my patient wasn't an alcoholic before giving him an alcohol-based tincture. If he had been, I would have gone the capsule route and more cooking herbs to use at a higher dose. (I've gotten pretty loopy on my ground "herbs" in a stew!
So, something exciting while waiting for the latest grow to ... grow up!