I have removed the nutes from the kitchen window sill and put them in storage and dumped the extra soil into the yards. The Ostrich ferns and few potted flowers along the ramp should appreciate it.
This is going to be my last grow for a while, since the family prefers the pretty buds from the shops, even tho mine are free. Sure, they aren't as pretty, and don't have that knock-you-on-your-ass diesel terpenes. The extra fees double my actual usage!
But, it's time to put it all away and use the grow unit for its original purpose: extra clothes storage. Plus, I want to see how low I can get my electric bill. The rates keep going up, and I've been growing since March 2015.
I have explored as many methods of growing, cloning, breeding, and training that my limited space would allow. I had luck with a few, but mostly small yields, and some really ugly mite infestations that took out a lot of buds.
In the end, however, I discovered how to eliminate mites before they get started: pretreat the soil with diluted Neem and your nutes, then let it cook for 3 to 6 months. And DON'T let ANYONE else touch your ladies or accept any gift clones!!
I also tried to show that one could grow one's own meds on the cheap, in a corner of a bedroom, with CFL's and a couple of MARS 300 panels, using metal wire shelving, desk (clippies) and floor fans, and some tarp for walls. Did I save $? No, cause I never sold any to recoup my costs. It was free to family.
I have enough seed, buds, and ground herbs to last the rest of my life and someone's else's. I don't want my seeds to get too old, so, unless I get the urge to do one good grow of Harlies this Winter or next Spring, there won't be any more grows.
So that's where it stands. I've had many hobbies over my life, forever moving on to new ones. I'll need to wait for my creative side to come out of hiding and lead me into my next venture.
I still have some journaling to do as this Autoberry grow heads for harvest, and then we'll see.