I'd like to try growing those sweet potatoes. We eat lots of them here.
My tomato plants, 6 of them, grow to 25 feet long and give a hundred or more 1 pound tomatoes every year outside. I use "indeterminate" tomatoes. They grow as a long vine. Bush tomatoes are like Autos, they have a certain life span and start tomatoes at a certain time of their life and then die. They are "determinate" tomatoes. Mine, indeterminant, will be giving tomatoes as soon as I set up the garden and plant the tomato clones. Normally it takes from 55 to 65 days for the first tomato from a seed grown plant. Clones start flowering right away. I hope I get tomatoes inside this year. It will be the first time in 4 winters.
Never thought about tomatoes being like cannabis, but they are related. Determinate tomatoes, bush types, are like Autos, you can't clone them. Just grow from seed. And Indeterminate tomatoes are like Photoperiod plants. You can clone them or grow from seed.
I never got many tomatoes when I grew in the ground either. Soon as I made this system on my back deck, I was giving them away.
I was thinking about advertising locally to set up systems. Got a couple months to decide I guess.